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Shivangi Singh

SSAA is an amalgamation of highly experienced faculty and world class academic rapport. On one hand it gives you comprehensive and perspicacious insight into architecture related nuances and on the other , thrilling college life. The premises of SSAA assures one safe and secure ambience as well as makes one stand out in this highly competitive world.

Shivangi Singh

2nd Year Student, SSAA

Ananya Khanna

Sushant School of Art and Architecture caters to young creative minds which inspire to make their mark on the world. The intense course load may intimidate the first years when they first arrive, but the learning experience is un-comparable. The teachers push us to our limits and while we hate it during that period, we cherish it in the long run. The conversations with the teachers and the seniors encompass an interactive learning environment. We learn by making mistakes, it’s a part of life and we shall accept it with grace.

 Ananya Khanna

2nd Year Student, SSAA

Ishan Agarwal

Sushant school of art and architecture has always believed in helping and guiding its students towards a better future. The college is a premier institution that provides us with state of the art facilities and on site experiences. The syllabus is moulded to provide maximise hands on experience in a fun and intuitive way. Architecture is not an easy course yet the professors are able to reduce the burden by becoming our friends and guiding us through it. The campus life makes up for the difficulties faced while experiencing these five years. By the end, the college moulds the students into hard working and dedicated individuals, with a holistic approach to their projects. 

Ishan Agarwal

2nd Year Student, SSAA


“Sushant School of Art and Architecture is a home of expression.

Expression of nervous new students and their evolution to confident professionals. It is a process, in which slow evolution occurs with hard work. It is about expression of exhaustion and about expression of friendship, laughter and joy. Thus, the experience is a montage of expression”.

Vidhusi Sharma

Siddharth Bagga

“I have been part of this institute since 2017, have enjoyed, and cherished all my experiences. Our mentors are friendly and yet very professional. SSAA has helped me channel my passion for Architecture in the right direction and taught me how to value human experiences in the spaces I create and will create in future”.

 Siddharth Bagga

Third year student, SSAA


Prakriti Joshi

“I have been at SSAA for 3years, these years have been great, and I have learned as well as gained lot of knowledge. Apart from all the fun and canteen visits the learning aspect has been more challenging, but teachers have made is easier. It has been a great experience here and I look forward to spend my remaining academic years learning and developing skills that will make me valuable member in the society. I have got and made some great friends here as well”.

Prakriti Joshi

Third year student, SSAA

Anahat Chandra

“I feel that SSAA has provided me with a well-rounded college experience and I had always imagined (despite of the tremendous workload J ). I have enjoyed an extremely comprehensive design education with opportunities to take part in extracurricular activities. The faculty has been supportive and have encouraged us to pursue our ideas and creativity to its fuller potential”.

Anahat Chandra

Third year student, SSAA


“SSAA for me is a place that has given me a completely different identity, taught me to deal with problems while having a positive outlook. I have unleashed new talents and revived the older ones. I have realized my strengths and weaknesses and have learned how to harness it for my own good. In all I has been a completely different experience and has helped me to become my independent self thus it is an honour to be able to serve this institution and the students by being elected as the general secretary”.


Third year student, SSAA

Ishani Sangal

“My experience in SSAA is really great. I am happy to be student of this college. They have many hands on practical workshops such as carpentry/masonry/glass/steel etc. We get good amount of field exposure through regular site visits, which is an integral part of our curriculum. The subject that I found the most interesting one is ‘Fine Arts’. A class full of fun, creativeness and excitement. Hostel life in SSAA is memorable. The food in canteen is amazing.”

Ishani Sangal

Third year student, SSAA


Riya Garg

I chose B.ARCH as I wanted to pursue a course that was an amalgamation of a creative field and a technical field.

I came to study in Sushant School of Art and Architecture four years back, it is one of the best colleges in the country to pursue the degree. The best thing about the college is the friendliness and nature of the professors, they are ready to help the students in every way possible to ensure a comfortable working atmosphere. The challenging environment of the college allows us to broaden our field of vision and come across new challenges each day. The college is well equipped with all latest technologies and advancements happening in the field. Numerous workshops with renowned architects, firms help us in knowing and in being a part of the field right from the start.

Riya Garg

4th Year Student, SSAA


Srujan Anand Gajjala

Architecture study is a complete different field of thought from what I have studied in my schooling. It is an experience or perception of built environment that is learnt through observations and discussions. For this kind of learning the teaching pattern and faculty inputs play the most important role. The first year course in our college dealt with exercises which helped us explore our minds and think out of the box. This was the stepping stone which drove our minds into architecture and think about the endless possibilities of design. Ever since then the Architectural design studio has been the most interesting subject, wherein we given variety of design problems where we had to solve with our interventions. The experience shared by the faculty has immensely helped us learn the depth of architecture and were always in support of our innovations in building designs.

Srujan Anand Gajjala

4th Year Student, SSAA

