

Dear Student / Parent

Please apply for the following services at https://www.tcsion.com/SelfServices/ .In case of non receiving of desired document(s), please contact

the First Grivances / Redressal Authority and /or Second Grievances /Redressal Authority as applicable


Notified Service NameGiven Time Limit ( In Days /hoursDesignated OfficerFirst Grievances Redressal AuthoritySecond Grievances Redressal Authority
Migration Certificate 07 Assistant Registrar Registrar , registrar@sushantuniversity.edu.in Vice Chancellor, vc@sushantuniversity.edu.in
Issuance of Provisional Degree 05 Controller of Examination Registrar , registrar@sushantuniversity.edu.in Vice Chancellor, vc@sushantuniversity.edu.in
Issuance of DMC if not received by student within 30 days from the declaration of result 10 Controller of Examination Registrar , registrar@sushantuniversity.edu.in Vice Chancellor, vc@sushantuniversity.edu.in
Issuance of Original Degree if not received by student within 180 days from the declaration of result 10 Controller of Examination Registrar , registrar@sushantuniversity.edu.in Vice Chancellor, vc@sushantuniversity.edu.in
