Criteria to decide the Academic Topper
- There would be two medals at the Programme level – Programme Topper (Gold medallist) and Programme Runner up (Silver Medallist)
- At the University level there would be two medals at the University level (Separate for the UG & PG level) – University Topper (Gold medallist) and University Runner up (Silver Medallist)
- Where the batch size is less than ten for a batch, only one medal (gold) shall be given for the first rank.
- To decide the topper upto three decimal level of CGPA would be considered (except for B.Pharm where upto two decimal level would be taken).
- A minimum CGPA of 7.500 (75%) is required as eligibility for the topper. In case no student has been able to achieve 7.500 CGPA then no medal in that programme to be given.
- In case of a tie, the medal would be shared between the two.
- In case of a tie for the first rank, the gold medal would be shared between the two and there would be no silver medal.
- The student should have passed all subjects in the first attempt. Any attempt at reappear/improvement would make the student ineligible for the medal.
- The following programmes are to be considered as one programme though there could be multiple specialisms within these programmes and one single joint list for the toppers is to be considered – M.Arch, M.Plan, LLM, B.Des, M.Des, MBA, B.Com, BBA. For B.Tech there would be separate award for CSE, CE, EEE, ECE etc but not at further specialism level for example within CSE like Cyber Security, AIML, Block Chain, Full Stack etc.
- Lateral entry cases shall not be considered for the toppers list.
- The grading scheme for B.Pharm is completely different, as mandated by the PCI, from other programmes with grade points starting from six instead of five. Therefore, in order to normalise a factor of 0.95 is to be applied for the B.Pharm programme for looking at the overall University topper list.
Controller of Examinations