
Select School

As a centre of excellence in hospitality education and research, we serve our industry and academic communities through the advancement of education and dissemination of knowledge".

With the school vision of “Becoming Country’s leading Hospitality Management school imparting dynamic hospitality education at par with international standards through active integration” the Faculty of Vatel Hotel and Tourism Business School strives to offer high-quality undergraduate programme and Postgraduate Programme in the field of hospitality management. While we are committed to achieving global excellence in hospitality education, we continue to forge strong synergies between the industry, students and academic staff – partnerships that are at the heart of our success.

All of our academic staff possess hospitality managerial experience, an important quality in an educational programme that provides practical and specialised business education. Our experienced faculty are experts in their field. By engaging and challenging students to integrate knowledge gained in the classroom with many "hands-on" opportunities provided, faculty help students develop the technical and leadership skills essential to success in the world of business and hospitality.

Our students learn to balance their academic life with activities outside the classroom, get to broaden their horizons, enrich their life experiences, and make lifelong friends, and in the end will find their time here well spent, college life colourful and campus experiences rewarding. We provide highest standards of learning to the students which is student centric with best pedagogic practice, world class technology & infrastructure, trans-disciplinary learning and co-curricular activities.

We have a teaching restaurant, The Epicure, operated by our students. Furthermore, the three comprehensively equipped culinary labs, Front Office lab and a housekeeping lab provide our students the best possible learning and practicing environment by simulating their future work environment. The training labs offer both hands-on experience and in-depth knowledge of culinary arts and hotel and restaurant management.

We also believe that an international perspective with understanding of different cultures will strongly contribute to students’ development and future career potential. Vatel’s Marco Polo program gives the platform to strengthen this aspect. Upon graduation, students will be not only competent professionals but also effective communicators, good team players and critical thinkers. We at VHTBS strive to give each one of you an opportunity to excel at what you do. We shall go on inspiring a new generation of passionate, pioneering professionals to take their positions as leaders in the hospitality and tourism industry

We maintain an active relationship with the industry leaders and educators, who advise us on curriculum and development matters. This guidance helps ensure that our curriculum mirror the realities and fulfil the needs of our industry, both for today and the future.

It remains my personal responsibility to ensure that each one of you truly engage with all aspects of hospitality through your academic journey at VHTBS. Our aim is to provide you with the relevant skills, an adaptive and positive mindset with a daring spirit to make you industry ready and great hospitality leaders of tomorrow.


