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A Faculty Development Programme on ‘MOOC – Design, Develop and Deliver’ was conducted on 25th February 2020 by Dr. Anjali Sehrawat, Assistant Professor of Law Ansal University. The participants included Faculties and Research Scholars of School of Law, Ansal University. Dr. Sehrawat discussed the importance of Massive Open Online Courses and explained about the digital initiatives in Higher education in India and abroad including SWAYAM, Swayam Prabha, National Academic Depository (NAD) and National Digital Library (NDL), edX, Coursera and Udacity etc. She also discussed the concept of flipped learning, setting up of smart classrooms, types of MOOC courses and credit transfer thought MOOC courses. To provide further information, Prof. Anjali said that these online courses have been developed by a team of senior academicians and are expected to enhance the gross enrolment ratio in higher education without compromising on the quality. The faculties were also explained how they can create their own courses on a digital platform and share their knowledge with a large no. of students. The Session ended with the interaction on the implementation issues related to the introduction of online learning courses in the Curriculum

A one day Faculty Development Programme on Microsoft Word and Excel formatting was successfully conducted in the School of Law, Ansal University, on 24th January 2020, by Prof. (Dr.) Kanu Priya, Associate Dean, School of Law. This FDP was aimed for Professors and for students pursing Ph.D and Masters in Law. Prof.(Dr.) Kanu Priya, delivered a talk on how ICT based tools especially Ms Word and Excel have become an indispensable part of higher education in present days. She stated that document formatting is a significant component in readability and makes a lasting impression on end users. Prof. (Dr.) Kanu Priya showed how to use various features displayed in the tool bar and gave useful keyword shortcuts to apply certain formatting to the contents of the document. Participants also had enriching experience of knowing all technical details and shortcuts of Ms Word and Excel.






A two-day National Conference on “Latest Trends in Corporate Law & Governance Regime” has been organized by the Centre for Corporate Law, Research and Training (CCLRT), School of Law, Ansal University, Gurugram on 6-7 February 2020. The Conference was inaugurated by Hon’ble Chief Guest Mr. P.K. Malthotra, Former Secretary, Ministry of Law and Justice, Chairman and Independent Director, ICSI Institute of Insolvency Professionals, Dr. D.N.S. Kumar, Vice Chancellor, Ansal University and Ms. Sunaina Dutta, Joint Director, Competition Commission of India.

A book titled “Contours of Real Estate Laws” was also released during the inauguration ceremony. The book has been edited by Prof. (Dr.) Kanu Priya, Acting Dean School of Law and Dr. Komal, Assistant Professor, School of Law.

The Conference was a forum to bring together students, researchers, academicians, legal professionals to discuss innovative ideas and diverse aspects of Corporate law. With 100 plus attendees, paper presenters, keynote and tutorial participants, students benefited in many ways from the conference. More than 70 papers were presented by authors from different corners of the Country. The Conference focused on the principles of corporate governance i.e. fairness, transparency, responsibility and accountability.






“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”- Martin Luther King, Jr. School of Law, Ansal University is proud to announce that Ansal University Legal Aid Clinic (AULAC) is this year’s recipient of National Legal Aid Award for its contribution to the field of Legal Aid and Justice. On behalf of SOL, the award was received by Dr. Komal Sandhu, Faculty Convenor AULAC, during the 4th National Conference on Human Rights & Gender Justice and Legal Aid Awards on January 19, 2020. This award is given annually to facilitate the efforts of legal aid committees established and working towards spreading legal awareness among the masses. It is a prestigious honor that serves to recognize the best of the best in this field.



Sushant University, Gurugram hosted a 23-member delegation from Dhaka International University, Bangladesh. The delegation comprised of Chairman (BOT) of DIU, Directors & faculty members from the departments of Law, Pharmacy and Engineering. In the era of globalization, cross boundary learning has become highly imperative for both the students and the faculty. In order to achieve this objective, Sushant University entered into an academic collaboration with Dhaka International University and signed an MoU with an objective to establish and develop a close partnership to promote academic and cultural exchanges between the two Institutions through mutual assistance, exchange of students and faculty, collaboration relating to joint research ventures, seminars, distinguished visitors, as well as educational initiatives towards the goal of innovating and reinvigorating standards of education. The Chairman of DIU, Barrister Shameem Haider Patwary addressed the students of Sushant University in the auditorium and he was felicitated by the Pro Vice Chancellor, Dr. Sanjeev Sharma. The delegation visited various departments of the University to understand their functioning and kind of innovation brought into the curriculum in respective domains. They were briefed in details by the respective Deans of various departments. It is sincerely hoped that this collaboration will benefit both the institutions in terms of growth and innovation in higher education.







School of Law, Sushant University organized a Guest Lecture on 7th September, 2022 for the faculty members and students for awareness on the increasing cases of Cyber Crime in today’s time. A team of officials from the Cyber Police Station visited the campus for the Guest Lecture. The initial lecture was given by an official who explained the students the different types of Cyber Crimes which are occurring frequently in the district. Further, a senior Police official explained in detail about how Cyber Crimes are committed and the modes of it safeguards. The session ended with the question-answer round, where the faculty members and students asked their queries from the officials. It was an interactive and a learning session and created an awareness for the attendees.





School of Law, Sushant University rejoiced by celebrating le jour du professeur on 5th September, 2022 in the auditorium. On account of Teacher's Day, the SOL Cultural Committee, Darpan organized a grand celebration led by 3rd year BA/BBALLB students. The event started with lamp lighting followed by special addresses by the esteemed guests, Pro Vice Chancellor of Sushant University, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma and Prof. (Dr.) Anil Dawra, Professor, School of Law. Further, students enthralled all the teachers with their remarkable performances. Deepak, Shikha (2nd year students) and Himanshi (3rd year student) presented a wonderful dance. Aastha Shrivastav (2nd year student) and Arsh Nair (5th year student) soothed everyone's ears with their melodious voices respectively. Finally, the girls of third year mesmerized everyone with their bollywood tadka dance performance, wherein the performers were Dakshita Sharma Katare, Himanshi Raghav, Mousam Gupta, Ridhi Sharma and Vrinda Gupta.

Fun activities were also arranged for the teachers including the games of burst the baloon, musical chairs, bollywood bonanza and fold the paper and show the move (newspaper dance). A fashion show was also organised for them and Prof. Dr. Sulakshana Banerjee Mukherjee and Ms. Jagjeet gave outstanding singing performances along with Prof. Amit Kumar Singh entertaining the audience with poetries. After all the performances, the students distributed mementos to all the Professors as a kind gesture of thanking them for guiding them in all walks of their lives. Additionally, Prof. Dr. Sulakshana Banerjee Mukherjee and Prof. Vipul Gaur were awarded the best dressed female teacher and male teacher award respectively. The event ended with cake cutting and a delightful vote of thanks by Prof. Dr. Kanu Priya, which was followed by lunch for Professors at Vatel Epicure.

The entire event was well coordinated by student coordinators Khushi Vashistha, Nitansha Bhatia, Dakshita Sharma Katare, Ridhi Sharma, Vrinda Gupta, Mousam Gupta, Himanshi Raghav and Rishi Deb with support and guidance of Prof.(Dr.) Jagbir Singh Dahiya Dean ,School of Law and Cultural Committee Coordinator- Prof. Dr. Anjali Sehrawat.

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Students of School of Law on 9th September, 2022 paid a visit to Parliament to experience and study the Parliamentary functioning and legislative drafting of Parliament. It was an incredibly intense experience for the law students to visit the supreme legislative body of India. The faculty Coordinator Dr. Anjali Sehrawat along with co-coordinator Prof. Anushka Chaudhary started the trip by taking students to Bengali Market where students enjoyed the sumptuous food.

The students reached Parliament House in full strength and the first event was an informative session by Mr. Partha Goswami, Additional Director, Lok Sabha, Parliament of India. He explained the entire functioning of Parliament, the procedure of passing Bills in both the Houses, the working of various Parliamentary Committees and other various functions of the Parliament. The students were mesmerized by the beauty of Lok Sabha (the House of the People) and Rajya Sabha (the House of the States). Here, they were explained the entire procedure of voting in the both the Houses and the protocols followed in them. The students were also shown the historical Central Hall of the Parliament, where currently the Joint Parliamentary Session, presided over by the President of India takes place. They explained that this was the hall where the Constitutional Assembly Debates took place. Also, it was the same historical hall where Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru addressed his historical speech, "A Tryst with the Destiny". It was a fun-filled and edifying trip.



School of Law organized a visit to the Cyber Police Station, Gurugram on 1st September, 2022 for the students of First and Second semester of BA LL.B, BBA LL.B and LL.B. The students were briefed by an official who explained the working of the Police in relation to the Cyber Crimes. The Second briefing was done by the ACP Cyber Crimes, who explained the students in detail about various types of cybercrimes in the District and the ways of protection from it. After this, the students were made familiar with the Cyber Police station undertakings and an interactive session was conducted by an official who gave insights into the investigating procedure for the cyber law offences. It was overall an insightful learning experience for the students who use digital platforms nowadays.



The Centre for Criminal Justice and Policy, School of Law, Sushant University headed by Prof. (Dr.) Anil Dawra organised a Guest Lecture on "Civil Services as a Career Option and the Role of Law in Police" on 29th August, 2022 in the Moot Court Hall.

The Chief Guest Dr. Hanif Qureshi IPS Commissioner of Police, Panchkula, Addl. Director General of Police was warmly welcomed by the Dean, Prof. (Dr.) Jagbir Singh Dahiya. Dr. Hanif Qureshi gave a very riveting, captivating and engaging talk to keep the students spellbound.

The areas touched by the Chief Guest are the various ways to concoct for competitive examination and the different methodology to be opted while studying. The session was incredibly well structured and completely focused on how to transform the challenges into opportunities as a civil services aspirant. Dr. Qureshi addressed each and every question of the students with utmost delight and patience and made the session highly attention-grabbing and insightful one.






The School of Law, Sushant University organized a visit to the Police Station as part of their practical activity on 31st August, 2022. The students visited the grounds of the District Jail, situated at Bhondsi village, Gurugram. The Students were informed before visiting the Jail regarding the protocols being followed by the jail authorities to involve the inmates in different activities. The jail officials told the students about the rules and regulations of the premises. Moreover, students were provided opportunity to acquaint with the lifestyle and daily deeds of the inmates. The lush green campus with amenities such as hospital, recreational centre, training centre, creche, radio station etc. are set up to strengthen the process of reformation. The visit gave a first-hand experience to the students and they valued how the prisons in India are transitioning into reformatory centres in its true sense. Overall, it was a great and insightful learning experience for the students. The students were accompanied by Dr.Sulakshana and Ms.Anushka Chaudhury.





Topic:- Sushant Legal Aid Clinic

Sushant Legal Aid Clinic successfully conducted Legal Awareness camp in Silhani Village, Sohna on 15.02.2022. DLSA advocate Mr Jainul Basser and faculty coordinators Dr.Deepak Miglani and Prof.Ayesha Mukherjee addressed the people of the village who were present there and made them aware of certain things. Villagers highlighted their local problems related to health, hygiene, domestic violence and property related disputes.They were appraised about availability of free legal aid services in Sushant Legal Aid Services. Our student volunteers for the event were Ridhi, Himanshi, Chetan Singh, Soumen Roy, Rohit Bhati.Legal aid strives to ensure that constitutional pledge is fulfilled n h letter and equal justice is served to the poor,downtrodden and weaker section of the society. Sushant legal aid clinic provides free legal opinion and consultation which supports to empower people of their legal rights and to face legal situations. The committee has also been working to assess the legal awareness and implementation of social welfare legislations as well as to ensure women's rights in order to make gender justice a reality






Arbitration and Mediation Skills Centre (AMSC), School of Law, Sushant University organised an interactive webinar on “Challenges and Opportunities on Arbitration and Mediation on 18 February 2022 at 4.00 PM with our Guest Speaker Advocate Tariq Khan, Registrar, International Arbitration and Mediation Centre. He is a former Partner of a leading arbitration law firm in India. He has been practising as an advocate primarily in the Delhi High Court and Supreme Court of India. He has significant experience in domestic and international arbitrations, commercial disputes, writs, MSME disputes, Insolvency & Bankruptcy cases and arbitration-related litigation. He has been listed in the Forbes Legal Powerlist, 2020-2021 as one of the top individual lawyers below ten years of practice and was the youngest lawyer listed in BW (Business World) Legal 40 under 40, 2020.

The attendees had lot of questions ranging from how arbitration and mediation has proved to be effective in dispute resolution to exploring internship opportunities and making a career out of arbitration and mediation in India and abroad.


Dakshita Sharma Katare

Priyanshu Gupta

Aastha Srivastava

Prateek Khatana

Shantam Arora

Col. Chanjeet Singh Gauba

Amit Sacheva

Tania Puri

Tanya Mahandiratta

Sachin Kumar

Manish Kumar Patni

Sweksha Singh

Anjali Rawat

Rashita Jain

Sheetal Gupta

Shashi Juneja

Satyamurti Ramasundar

Achal Setia

Lakshmiraj Rathore

Ridhi Sharma

Vrinda Gupta


Chirag Verma


Vijay Ahuja


Aniket Bhadana


Ajay Joon

Parthiv Ghosh


Zeenat Sultan

Shivani Bhargava


Asha Yadav

Priya Tanwar

Gaurav Dikshit


Dr. Astha Mehta

Assistant Professor


Topic:- Webinar on “The Role of Personal Liberty in the Expanding ambit of Article 21 of the Indian Constitution”

Article 21 of the Constitution of India, 1950 provides that “No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law.”

On 5th February 2022, School of Law, Sushant University successfully organized a webinar on “The Role of Personal Liberty in the Expanding ambit of Article 21 of the Indian Constitution”. Prof. Dr Jay Praksh Yadav, Director, Amity Law School, Lucknow Campus, was the special Guest Speaker, for the webinar. The Speaker highlighted upon the various aspects of personal liberty in an individual’s life. He explained the term ‘Personal Liberty’ in its wide senses as defined by the Supreme Court of India in Kharak Singh case. The Speaker also discussed various landmark judgements of the Apex Court starting from A.K.Gopalan’s case (where the court interpreted the term in a limited sense) to Arnab Manoranjan Goswani,s Case (where the arrest memo, on the basis on which the appellant was arrested was required to be quashed).




Students Attendance

Tania Puri

Achal Setia

Col. Chanjeet Singh Gauba

Rajinder Prasad Sharma

Manish Thakran

Lakshmiraj Rathore

Nandita Kashyap

Abhishek Ahuja

Pradeep Singh

Dakshita Sharma Katare

Amit Sachdeva


Vishakha Gupta

Inderpreet Singh

Prashant Yadav

Vrinda Gupta

Anchal Mehta


Prateek Singh

Devesh Kumar


Sachin Kumar

Sonam Shrivastav


Faculty Coordinator

Mr. Amit Kumar Singh


Topic:- INTERACTIVE WEBINAR ON Gender Mainstreaming in Higher Educational Institutions

School of Law Sushant University, Gurugram organized an interactive webinar on the topic “Gender Mainstreaming in Higher Educational Institutions” on 22nd January, 2022.Dr.Sulakshana, Assistant Professor of Law host and executed the entire event very diligently. The session was enlightened by the benign presence of the Honourable Guest Prof.(Dr.)Vageshwari Deswal, Delhi University. She is an academician, author, feminist and routinely writes for the blog “Legally speaking” for the Times of India. In this webinar various issues of Gender inequality and the solution to it were discussed. Prof.(Dr.) Jagbir Singh Dahiya Dean, School of Law welcomed the Honourable Speaker and explained the Constitutional perspective of “Gender Mainstraming” .

Dr. Deswal explained about the inception of “Gender Inequality” and the challenges faced in it. Though our Indian Social Reformers like Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi fought and work a lot for Gender equality in India but unfortunately till date this issue is not properly resolved as “Gender Equality is a Human fight not a Female fight.”

The entire session was highly insightful and enlightening one. The session ended with thought-provoking question and answers round and it was coordinated by Ridhi Sharma student of BA LL.B 3rd semester. Prof.(Dr.) Kanu Priya, Associate Dean, SOL conveyed vote of thanks and highly appreciated Dr.Sulakshana, Assistant Professor of Law for conducting such illuminating session.







Vrinda Gupta

Ridhi Sharma

Sohal Gehlot

Charul Garg

Nilanshu Sharma

Priyanshu Dagar

Inderpreet Singh

Vishakha Gupta

Garvita Palwal

Mousam Gupta

Pranav Kapoor

Rajinder Kumar


Achal Setia

Shivani Bharghav

Devesh Kumar


Bilha Jiji

Akshat Gupta

Animesh Shekhawat

Anchal Mehta

Aryan Dahiya


Richa Sharma

Seema Saini

Peehu Gupta

Nitansha Bhatia


Priyanshu Gupta

Simrat Sohi

Sonia Balhara

Bhavya Bansal

Dakshita Sharma Katare

Kushagrah Chaudhry

Pooja Saini




School of Law, Sushant University, organized a workshop on - The Strategies to Qualify UPSC Examination. The workshop was graced by Chief Guest SDM Vikram Singh (IAS), ER. Ram Sir, Director- RAM IAS, Sector14 Gurugram. Mr. Vikram Singh has shared his experience and the road map to qualify for the prestigious Civil Service exam. He briefed about the choice of study material and shared his valuable tips on how to select the correct optional subject. ER. Ram has briefed the students about the relevance of guidance to crack the UPSC examination and to avoid the chances of failure in the same. The workshop was addressed by the Dean, School of Law, Prof (Dr.) JS Dahiya (Retired Additional District and Sessions Judge) who had shared the importance and utility of knowledge of the law in the Civil services examination. He also had briefed about the courses offered by the School of Law, Sushant University, and Gurugram. Associate Dean, Prof (Dr.) Knaupriya had shared the alignment of the course curriculum in the School of Law with the Curriculum of Civil Services. The workshop was concluded with Vote of Thanks, by Dr. Rajender Yadav, to all the honorable guests and the students for making the workshop successful.






Topic:- Role of the WTO in International Trade and the Covid-19 outbreak: tackling the resurgence of protectionism in the Global Supply of Public Health Goods.

Speaker:- Dr. Anna Ruiz

Lecturer in Law (GBS Madrid/UOC), Legal Counsel

Date:-14th of May 2021

Timings:- 14:30 to 15:30 (India Time) [ 11 A.M. to 12 P.M. (Spain Time)]

Google Meet Link:-


School of Law, Sushant University has organized a webinar “Role of the WTO in International Trade and the Covid-19 Outbreak: Tackling the Resurgence of Protectionism in the Global Supply of Public Health Goods.” The COVID-19 pandemic represents an unprecedented disruption to the global economy and world trade, as production and consumption, are scaled back across the globe. There is an urgent need for collective action to improve key aspects of our global health that can be realized only by addressing the global systemic and structural health inequities that impose significant social, economic, and inter-generational costs.

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a major global public health crisis and underlines the need for global cooperation. It becomes imperative to understand the role played by WTO in these uncertain times.

The lecture focused on the Role of WTO in Covid 19. She discussed how WTO can manage the situation better better. Students put forth their questions which were answered by the speaker. It was an interactive and a very informative session.








To instill amongst masses specifically our students, the culture of discussions and provide an appropriate forum for voicing out dissent.


The webinar was successfully conducted by Dr. Kanupriya, Associate dean, School of Law. The webinar saw an enormous turnout of curious students ready to put across their opinions on variety of issues faced during the pandemic.

The event witnessed participations outside the University as well. A lot of thought provoking questions were answered, some answered some unanswered. The unanswered questions have led us to make it a regular practice wherein, such sessions will be organized more frequently.

VENUE: Google Meet

DATE: 29th June, 2021

TIME: 12:30 PM – 1: 30 PM


• Huge turnout within and outside the University.

• Thought provoking discussions with some answered as well as unanswered questions.

• Decision to make this a regular exercise based on inputs from the participants.

Prof. Amit Kumar Singh and Prof. Anushka Choudhary were the conveners of the same.



Capacity Building Programme

"Millennials and Cyber Security" on 26th Feb, 2021, Time: 12pm to 1pm

Cyber Security laws cover many areas and activities that occur online. Owing to the pandemic we are using digital platforms to a very great extent for teaching and learning processes. Hence, it becomes all the more important to be aware of several cyber safety means to protect our privacy and data online. These laws are made to protect the people from malicious activities online. Issues such as online insults, character degradation, online harassment and stalking can have a tremendous negative impact on the victims.

Cyber Law team of Sushant Legal Aid Clinic successfully conducted a legal awareness session, exclusively for the students of Manaskriti school of Faridabad via online mode on "Millennials and Cyber Security" on 26th Feb, 2021, Time: 12pm to 1pm. Our speakers of the event were: Prof Vidushi, Cyber Security Laws- Assistant Professor, School of Law, Sushant University Dhaarna Sehgal, Convenor and Student Coordinator (SLAC)

The objective of the webinar was to educate young students regarding various safety measures that should be taken for online activities like installing anti-virus and not to accept any files from unknown persons. Prof Vidushi addressed the students queries regarding cyber crimes in India. It was a highly interactive and engaging session. The school students were very eager to learn and participated with full enthusiasm. More than eighty senior school students participated in the event.

Youngsters were encouraged to communicate to their parents or teachers regarding any issue related to online harassment or stalking that might make them feel uncomfortable.






Capacity Building Programme

School of Law, Sushant University invited Mr. Vikas Kohli head of the legal department of Cytonova Labs LLP on 22 January 2021 to enlighten the students about the registration process of the trademark. Mr. Kohli discussed relevant case laws to explain the process. Students asked their doubts and enjoyed the interactive session.



Event Name A webinar on Drug Abuse for Wellbeing and Happiness of Everyone

Type of event Online Webinar

Date of Event 26 June 2021

Venue Google Meet

Areas of Avenues Refer here: Link

Areas of Focus Refer here: Link

Collaboration District Legal Services Authority, Gurugram


This event was held on 26 June 2021 in collaboration with the District Legal Services Authority of Gurugram. For this event, the expert Psychologist Dr. Amita Puri was invited to conduct a session for the participants. The event was a huge success seeing active participation of more than 55 people.

The expert taught about the effects of Drug abuse and substance abuse. She also mentioned the health problems affected by the above.


Impact Report

The Webinar had the impact of improving the participants’ knowledge about drugs and substance abuse.

In this webinar we learnt that there are many side effects of Substance abuse. Now we are actively avoiding such situations as well as spreading awareness about the same. This was an impactful webinar as most of us did not know the consequences of it.




Event Coverage



On the occasion of International Women's Day- 8 March 2021, School of Law, Sushant University is organized a webinar titled ‘Employee to an Entrepreneur’. The panelist Ms. Priyasha Bhardwaj is an Indian actor, choreographer, and voice-over artist. Ms. Priyasha appeared in the famous Disney+Hotstar web series 'Arya' as Soundrarya. She discussed her journey from an employee to an entrepreneur with the audience. She spoke about staying positive in life and women empowerment. The session observed participation from students of different streams from the University.






School of Law and Library Resource Centre, Sushant University jointly organised an online training session for its students to enable them to learn SCC's (Supreme Court Cases) new features. SCC online is India's premier online legal research solutions provider. The session explained students how to use SCC online information database more efficiently. SCC is one of the finest technological innovations, pioneering law information databases making law easily accessible through electronic medium. The session was held on 24 May 2021. At the end of the session, the students asked the resource person various questions clarifying their doubts.





Topic:- Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights


Assistant Professor of Public International Law at Utrecht University, Utrecht University School of Law

Dr Jyoti Ahluwalia, (Photo Attached)

Associate Professor of Data Analytics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence at Sushant University, School of Business

Date:- THURSDAY, 15th April 2021

Timings:- 2:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M.

Registration Link:


We all know that Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is a fast evolving field and as the power and intelligence of the man made machines is increasing, these are leading to violations of human rights. Hence to discuss this, The School of Law Sushant University hosted a Panel Discussion on the Topic "Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights" on 15th April 2021 at 2:00pm to 3:00 pm.

The Speakers of the Panel Discussion were Dr Machiko Kanetake Dr Machiko is an Assistant Professor of Public International Law at Utrecht University, Netherlands. Dr Machiko has received her Ph.D. from Kyoto University, LLM at the London School of Economics (LSE) and MA in Law from the University of Sheffield.

The Host Speaker was Dr Jyoti Ahluwalia, Associate Professor of Data Analytics, Machine Learning and AI at Sushant School of Business, Sushant University.

It was an inspiring discussion attended by about 51 participants. The Speakers talked about how the advances in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence need to be monitored for possible Human Rights violations and suggested various alternatives and solutions. There was active participation and several questions were raised about the issue such as about the legality and the liability caused by the damage of a self driven car. The discussions continued for more than an hour.






School of Law, Sushant University, Gurugram organised a four day online Seminar on “Changing dimensions of Law & Justice in the epoch of Globalisation” from 10-13 may 2021. Mr. Narender Singh, Additional District and Sessions Judge, Haryana was the Chief Guest, who graced the Inaugural Session of the Online Seminar and reflected on the evolution and transformation of law with time and technology and threw light on prevailing issues such as the current COVID-19 lockdown and the need of effective laws so as to deal with the situation with the correct approach. He also elaborated on the need of new laws in the coming century with changing circumstances and growing needs of the society. Mr. Narender Singh addressed the students with much fervour and made them aware about the need for active participation of students in policy making and development.

Mr. Ankit Kwatra, Forbes 30 under 30 and Founder & Director, Zomato Feeding India graced the occasion as the Guest of Honour. Started in 2014, Feeding India is a not-for-profit working to solve hunger and food waste. By channelizing nutritious surplus food from events, restaurants, corporate offices and households to people in need, Feeding India prevents food from going to the bin, reduces carbon footprint and helps mitigate hunger. The organization operated in 85+ cities with 21,500+ volunteers and merged with food-tech startup Zomato in Dec 2018. They have been providing hospitals and individuals with oxygen and related supplies and have helped save thousand lives in this pandemic.

Dr. DNS Kumar, Vice-Chancellor, Sushant University, Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, Registrar, Sushant University and Dr. Kanu Priya, Associate Dean, School of Law addressed the students and shared their thoughts on the current Covid-19 situation affecting globally. The Inaugural Session was followed by the paper presentations by the students of School of Law for three days from 11-13 may 2021. There were over 200 papers presented in three parallel sessions online moderated by the Professors, PhD Scholars and Postgraduate Students at School of Law. The papers presented covered wide arena of issues ranging from climate change to palliative care to under trial prisoners.







SOL Capacity Building Programme

21st January, 2 pm to 4 pm

Importance of community service Programmes /Joy of Giving/ Discussions on book Ikigai

The importance of Community Service Programmes

This session was conducted 3rd Semester students Taniya Bagoria and Sonia Balhara. They reflected on the several community service programmes undertaken by Sushant Legal Aid Clinic. The community service programmes are an integral part of the mandate of Sushant Legal Aid Clinc. The presentation commenced with Sonia Balhara discussing about the impact of community Service Programmes in general, followed by Taniya discussing about a few impactful community service programmes conducted by Sushant Legal Aid Clinic.

Joy of Giving

This session was conducted by V. Bhavya, 3rd Semester BA.BBA.LLB. She reflected on the importance of the Joy of giving. The concept focused on the level of positivity achieved by sharing and caring about each other. The concept of philanthropy being almost negligible in India, its all the more necessary to train the youth regarding the same.

IKIGAI- Japanese secret to long and happy Life- Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles

This is one of the bestseller which is also available free of cost online. 25 people for every one lakh are over the age of 100 in Okinawa province of Japan– far more than the global average. The province of OGIMI has the highest life expectancy. Reason? Healthy diet, simple life outdoors, green tea and sub- tropical climate along with IKIGAI. IKIGAI in simple words mean to have a mission and purpose in life.



A faculty development program was conducted on 09.07.2021 at room no. 5, School of Law by Prof Ashutosh Raj Anand, Assistant Professor, School of Law, Sushant University. The event had the presence of faculties from all over the University. Disaster is a unique feature of the Anthropocene. This phenomenon in its wake is creating severe impairment to societies. The phenomenal rise in the episodes of disaster is a constant worry for the nations. Under the aegis of the United Nations, various efforts have been kickstarted to countervail the threat of disaster. The purpose of this FDP was to ruminate on the various dimensions of disaster and to have a deeper understanding of the challenges that lie ahead. It was an extremely insightful session.

The event was followed by tea and snacks







Date: 13th March 2021

Prof Amit, School of Law conducted a highly engaging and informative Faculty Development Programme on the above-stated topic.

. In the session Prof Amit reflected on the relationship between law and morality. Morals and abstract in nature and its not possible to quantify it. Morality and law are not opposing to each other rather its complementary. Several faculty members and research scholars discussed about various aspects of law and morality.

Prof Amit further explained that the Hindu system is based on hierarchy. The gradual institutionalization of Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Sudhras was also explained. The caste system became extremely rigid over a period of time. The Hindu Legal and religious system has to be understood in a wider context called holism. The typical challenge for religious and legal systems is to move from a system of hierarchy to universal equality.

The FDP was concluded by exchange of thoughts among faculty members and Phd Scholars.




A Faculty Development Programme on ‘Medical Negligence and Law’ was conducted on 15th February 2020 by Mr. Vipul Guar, Assistant Professor of Law, Sushant University. The participants included Faculties, Research Scholars and students from various schools of Sushant University. With rapid developments in the field of medical sciences, cure of various diseases is now possible. It is now possible to revive a patient from crisis situations and treat ailments which were earlier considered to be life threatening. With these advancements in the medical profession, the cases of medical negligence have also increased. Described as the noblest profession in the world, medical professionals at many times are able to infuse a new lease of life into a patient but at times doubts also appear on the horizon and friends and relatives level charges of negligence on the doctors and surgeons. With the increasing awareness among the people about their rights, there is a rise in the number of civil suits and criminal complaints against the doctors who show negligence in their work. After the judgment of Supreme Court in Indian Medical Association v. V.P. Santhara, cases are also filed under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 seeking compensation for the negligent act allegedly committed by the doctor."

The FDP seeks to understand the cases of medical negligence and the law prevailing on this.







School of law has organized a ‘Capacity Building Program’ for School of Law students to help them to develop their understanding, responsiveness, and abilities keeping pace with moving times. Under this heading a Debate competition was organized on 19th January, 2021 by Dr.Sulakshana, Assistant Professor of Law, Sushant University on the topic –“Digital Learning –A Boon or Bane?” The debate competition aims to provide the students with an opportunity to come forward and experience the art of debating and take away experience, expertise, and excellence. It strives to provide a safe platform for students to grow and experiment with their communication skills and critical thinking.

The debate competition started with the valuable and inspiring words of Dean, School of Law Prof. (Dr.) Kanu Priya. She appreciated the students for their enthusiastic and whole-hearted participation. 7 students from School of Law participated in the Debate competition. Among them, Soumen from BBALL.B 1st Semester bagged the first prize, Ridhi and Inderpreet from BALL.B 1st semester achieved 2nd and 3rd position. The debate competition was judged by Dr.Kirti, Assistant Professor of Law, Sushant University. The debate competition was inventively moderated by Gnanapria and Tarun Kumar students of BALLB Xth Semester.

The debate competition was very insightful and the deliberations from the students was highly applaudable.



Date: 9th April, 2021

Venue: Online Google meet platform

Timings: 10.30 am to 5.40 pm

Number of Participants: 50

Sushant University, School of Law organised an Online Multidisciplinary International Conference on 9th April. The inaugural session was addressed by our distinguished Chief guests Prof (Dr) Naresh Kumar Vats, Registrar, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab and Dr Miguel Segarra; Lawyer and Economist, Spain. Vice Chancellor, Dr DNS Kumar, Registrar- Dr Sanjeev Sharma and Dr Kanupriya; Dean School of Law also addressed the session.

All the participants were divided into three rooms- Pink, Blue and Green. co-ordinated by Dr.Anjali, Dr.Sulakshana, Prof.Ayesha, Prof.Amit and Prof.Arushi Assistant Professor of Law, Sushant University. Three parallel sessions were being conducted in each room with approximately 6 participants and two chairpersons. Each session being followed by a Q and A round.

Three sessions in the first slot was chaired by eminent personalities namely; Dr Vageshwari Deswal, (Associate Professor Faculty of Law, Delhi University), Dr Kavita Arora (Associate Professor, Delhi University), Dr Pramod Jaiswal ( Research Director, Nepal Institute for International Cooperation and engagement), Dr Gaurav Varshney (Assistant Professor, Aligarh Muslim University) and Dr Anant Vijay Marya ( Advocate, Supreme Court). Participants presented papers related to diverse topics such as Gender Equality, International Relations, Environment Law, Medical Ethics, Sustainability, disaster management and Corporate Law Three sessions in the second slot was chaired by eminent personalities namely; Dr Isha Jaswal (Associate Professor, Delhi Metropolitan Education GGSIP), Dr Kavita Arora, Dr Jay Prakash Yadav (Director, Amity Law School Lucknow), Dr Santosh Kumar Upadhayay (Assistant Professor, Delhi University)

The Q N A session was enriched with highly sparkling ideas and insightful thoughts. Each participant presented a very well researched paper and participated in the discussion with full vigour and enthusiasm.

The Conference was concluded by a valedictory session addressed by the Guest of Honour Dr Naveen Bali (Consultant, Ministry of Finance).





On 28 January 2021, Rotaract Club of Sushant University organized an event “NEEV”. Under this event two projects were inaugurated, viz., ‘Project Shiksha’ and ‘Project Srishti’. Considering the manifold benefits which trees provide, the club organised a plantation drive under ‘Project Srishti’. The ‘Project Shiksha’ aims at educating underprivileged children so that they can have access to quality education.

Event began with the lamp lighting ceremony followed by the Chief Guest’s address Mr. Ravi Kalra, Founder Earth Saviours Foundation. The event was also graced by Prof. Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, Registrar, Sushant University and Prof. Dr. Kanurpriya (Officiating Dean, School of Law, Sushant University). All the speakers encouraged the members of Rotaract Club for their future endeavours and spoke about the importance of community service. The Rotaract Club is a student led club guided by Faculty coordinator Prof. Amit Singh. The President Shareen Vandal and Secretary Prateek Singh have pledged to take this mission forward, they have also started weekly classes for underprivileged children on campus.






A one-day Faculty Development Programme on Microsoft Word and Excel formatting was successfully conducted in the School of Law, Ansal University, on 24th January 2020, by Prof. (Dr.) Kanu Priya, Associate Dean, School of Law. This FDP was aimed for Professors and for students pursing Ph.D and Masters in Law. Prof.(Dr.) Kanu Priya, delivered a talk on how ICT based tools especially Ms Word and Excel have become an indispensable part of higher education in present days. She stated that document formatting is a significant component in readability and makes a lasting impression on end users. Prof. (Dr.) Kanu Priya showed how to use various features displayed in the tool bar and gave useful keyword shortcuts to apply certain formatting to the contents of the document. Participants also had enriching experience of knowing all technical details and shortcuts of Ms Word and Excel.





Ms. Vidushi Puri

Faculty In-charge

National Conference on “Latest Trends in Corporate Law & Governance Regime” has been organized by the Centre for Corporate Law, Research and Training (CCLRT), School of Law, Ansal University, Gurugram on 6th-7th February 2020. The Conference was a forum to bring together students, researchers, academicians, legal professionals to discuss innovative ideas and diverse aspects of corporate law. The Conference focused on the principles of corporate governance i.e. fairness, transparency, responsibility and accountability.

The link: https://sushantuniversity.edu.in//school-of-law/about-school/research-centre




Dr. Komal Sandhu

Faculty Coordinator

Dr. Anjali Sehrawat

A Faculty Development Programme on ‘MOOC – Design, Develop and Deliver’ was conducted on 25th February 2020 by Dr. Anjali Sehrawat, Assistant Professor of Law Ansal University. The participants included Faculties and Research Scholars of School of Law, Ansal University. Dr. Sehrawat discussed the importance of Massive Open Online Courses and explained about the digital initiatives in Higher education in India and abroad including SWAYAM, Swayam Prabha, National Academic Depository (NAD) and National Digital Library (NDL), edX, Coursera and Udacity etc. She also discussed the concept of flipped learning, setting up of smart classrooms, types of MOOC courses and credit transfer thought MOOC courses. To provide further information, Prof. Anjali said that these online courses have been developed by a team of senior academicians and are expected to enhance the gross enrolment ratio in higher education without compromising on the quality. The faculties were also explained how they can create their own courses on a digital platform and share their knowledge with a large no. of students. The Session ended with the interaction on the implementation issues related to the introduction of online learning courses in the Curriculum.




Ms. Vidushi Puri

Faculty In-charge

On 24 February 2020, the Indian Youth Committee, with the objective of spreading legal awareness and enhancing legal education, successful organized “MENS CUREA-The Legal Awareness Quiz” in collaboration with LAWIT and Viraasat Knowledge in which more than 150 students from the University participated. The quiz was conducted as an attempt to motivate the student community to pursue an in-depth study in legal topics. The winners [teams coming in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places] were awarded with cash prizes of Rs.5000/-, Rs.3,000/- and Rs.2000/- respectively. The team securing 1st position will be representing Ansal University in Delhi NCR round for the semi-finals in coming days.




Vidushi Puri

A faculty development programme was conducted by Ms. Vidushi Puri (Assistant Professor, SOL) on ‘General Overview of Income Tax’ in School of Law, Ansal University on 11th February, 2020. The participants included other faculty members and research scholars of the School. Ms. Puri started by explaining the definition of Income and elaborated various heads which are covered under the word Income. She then went ahead and expounded the income tax slabs which existed previously and the new slabs which were introduced in this year’s budget by the Government of India. Ms. Puri explained in detail the changes introduced by the new slabs specially with respect to the deductions which can and cannot be claimed while filing the tax return. In the end, she also clarified doubts of the faculty members with respect to their income tax returns. The session was very informative and an interactive one.




Ms. Vidushi Puri

Faculty In-charge

“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose”-Zora Neale Hurston

On March 2, 2020, the School of Law, Ansal University organized a workshop on “The Art of Writing A Research Paper” which focused on to learning how to do legal research. Mr. Abraham Joseph was the guest speaker for the event. Mr. Joseph is currently working as a legal officer at Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO). The workshop was opened to all the students of School of law and almost 45 were in attendance. During the workshop, the attendees shared their opinions, thoughts and problems regarding the legal writing.

The workshop was divided in three aspects of legal writing and each part was thoroughly explained by Mr. Joseph. First Part was all about misconceptions about legal writing. Why do people don’t write so often and what the golden rules of writing. In the Second part, the Five Stages of writing was explained. It covered the whole writing process of a research paper and how much time does each stage should be given. Lastly, we discussed what the meaning of legal research is, what the types of legal research are and how the objectives should and methodology should be written down. The last point of discussion was Bluebook citation and how often it’s not used correctly.

During the workshop, the attendees shared the kind of problems they face during writing about any kind of legal topics. It was great to hear about the common pitfalls every researcher face and know that students are not only the one to face these kinds of problems. The workshop helped every student to feel much more confident in avoiding errors in any future project and made us a better legal researcher.




Faculty Coordinator

Dr. Anjali Sehrawat

A Research Based Webinar was organized on 25th April, 2020 by School of Law Sushant University. Prof. (Dr.) Kanu Priya, Associate Dean, Sushant University gave a meticulous presentation on the same. The Webinar was planned in order to help the participants to develop deeper insights and to focus on research based learning. This webinar series was organized for any researchers, professors, academicians, students, industry persons in the field of law. This webinar focused on how to write a research paper and review paper, how to write a journal abstract and the tips for getting accepted in reputed journals, tips for writing the journal articles to get published in SCOPUS and other reputed journals, the process of publishing in an academic journal and research methodology and the selection of publishing their research work, structure of a Journal papers, plagiarism and the process of calculating impact factor. Also, this webinar highlighted the different citation styles which are frequently used in law. Almost 60 students attended and participated the same along with Faculty members of law. The webinar was successful and fruitful as students shared feedback that they gained lots of knowledge to explore in research work from the same.

Dr. Komal Sandhu

Faculty Coordinator


School of Law, Ansal University, Gurugram organised a three day online Seminar on “Law in 21st Century & Beyond” from 27-29 April 2020. Hon’ble Justice Swatanter Kumar, formed Judge of the Supreme Court of India and former Chairperson, the National Green Tribunal was the Chief Guest, who graced the Inaugural Session of the Online Seminar and reflected on the evolution and transformation of law with time and technology. He threw light on prevailing issues such as the current COVID-19 lockdown and the need of effective laws so as to deal with the situation with the correct approach. He also elaborated on the need of new laws in the coming century with changing circumstances and growing needs of the society. Hon’ble Justice Swantanter Kumar addressed the students with much fervour and made them aware about the need for active participation of students in policy making and development.

Dr. DNS Kumar, Vice-Chancellor, Ansal University, Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, Registrar, Ansal University and Dr. Kanu Priya, Dean, School of Law addressed the students and shared their thoughts on the current Covid-19 situation affecting globally. The Inaugural Session was followed by the paper presentations for three days by the students of School of Law. There were over 200 papers presented in three parallel sessions online moderated by the Professors at School of Law. The paper presented covered wide arena of issues ranging from climate change to palliative care to under trial prisoners.






Speaker Profile

Ms. Pallavi Pratap Advocate on Record

Pallavi Pratap is Managing Partner with Pratap & Co. She is Advocate-on-Record in Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and practices in Supreme Court, various High Court, Tribunals- NCLT, NCLAT, NCDRC, NGT, CAT etc.

School of Law had organised a Webinar Series titled COVID-19 AND THE DOCTRINE OF FRUSTRATION on 24th April, 2020. The guest speaker for this webinar was Ms. Pallavi Pratap Advocate of Record, Supreme Court of India. This lecture was specially organised for the students. The aim of this webinar was to discuss the Covid-19 and Doctrine of Frustration. The guest explained the whole concept in detail to our students. She also pointed at the increasing use of the Force Majeure Clause. The guest also evaluated the impact of law of contract during the current time of Covid -19 and the difficulty it is facing in resolving the disputes. The students enthusiastically participated in the discussion with sir and raised important questions to him.The session was extremely knowledgeable for the students and they enjoyed interacting with the guest.

During the workshop, the attendees shared the kind of problems they face during writing about any kind of legal topics. It was great to hear about the common pitfalls every researcher face and know that students are not only the one to face these kinds of problems. The workshop helped every student to feel much more confident in avoiding errors in any future project and made us a better legal researcher.

(Dr. Deepak Miglani)

[Webinar Convener]






Speakers Profile

Justice S N Dhingra

Born on March 2, 1949 at Delhi. Did Higher Secondary from Delhi, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Pusa Polytechnic, New Delhi and B.Sc. from Delhi University. Did LL.B. from Delhi University, Law Centre-II, LL.M. from Delhi University Law Centre-I and Company Secretary from Institute of Company Secretaries. Joined as an Advocate in February, 1976. Practiced in lower Courts and Delhi High Court in Company Matters, Criminal Matters, Labour And Civil Matters. Edited Matrimonial Law Reporter from 1977 to 1987. Became Advocate on record in 1984. Worked as part time Lecturer in Law Centre II, Delhi University from 1985 to 1987. Joined as Additional District & Sessions Judge on January 6, 1988. Worked in Matrimonial Court, Designated TADA Court, Special 1984 Riots Court, Appellate Court of MCD, Rent Control Tribunal and Special Court under POTA. Worked as District & Sessions Judge, Delhi from February 24, 2005 to February 27, 2006. Elevated to the Bench of Delhi High Court on 28th February, 2006.

Webinar on “Surge in Domestic Violence Cases during the Lock Down”

School of Law had organised a Webinar Series titled Dispute Resolution Procedure at WTO on 29th April, 2020. The guest speaker for this webinar was Justice S.N. Dhingra. This lecture was specially organised for the students. The aim of this webinar was to discuss the domestic violence cases during the lock down. The guest explained law relating to domestic violence in detail to our students highlighting the importance of domestic violence law. He also pointed at the increasing domestic violence against women. The session was extremely knowledgeable for the students and they enjoyed interacting with the guest.

(Dr. Deepak Miglani)

[Webinar Convener]




School of Law, Ansal University, organised a Webinar on ‘Role of Journalism during Covid-19’ by Prof. Rashmi Singh, Head of the Department, Mass Communication, Government College, Karnal. She is NET qualified in Mass Communication and has also pursued LLB, LLM, MA English, MA Human Rights and she has various other certifications. Prof. Rashmi Singh spoke on lot of fake news doing rounds during Covid and also touched upon the situation in J&K as potrayed by the media and the actual situation. It was an interactive session where students had lot of questions.

Speaker Profile


Prof. Rashmi Singh, Head of the Department, Mass Communication, Government College, Karnal. She is NET qualified in Mass Communication and has also pursued LLB, LLM, MA English, MA Human Rights and she has various other certifications.

Astha Mehta

The 2nd Online Article Writing Competition organized by the Centre for Corporate Legal Research and Training (CCLRT), Sushant University (erstwhile Ansal University) on 27th May 2020, was a grand success. Held online, owing to the current pandemic situation, the competition was organized with the objective of proliferating awareness about the recent trends in India in relation to Corporate & Business Laws. Over 70 participants from several universities across the nation. Karina Goel from the Army Institute of Law, Mohali won the first prize for her brilliant article on "Investigation to the Corporate Legal Fraud". and Akshay Bajpai from Babu Banarasi Das University won the runner's position for his article "Emerging Trends of Institutional Investment". It is astounding to see the level student engagement in such a difficult time. CCLRT, Sushant University looks forward to organizing many more events and competitions for the benefit the student community.





Rhea Jain

The Northcap University


Roshan Nazareth



Anvay Srivastava

City academy law college tiwariganj lucknow

Ll.b hons.

Shahbas M

V R Krishna Ezhuthachan Law College, Palakkad,Kerala


Nandini Tripathy

Symbiosis Law School


Kush Goel

Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla

B.A. LL.B. (Hons.)

Ananya Pandey

Sardar Patel Subharti Instutute Of Law


Neha Tiwari

Akbari bagum law college lucknow

Llb (3 year)

Prabhjot Singh

Fairfield Institute of Management and Technology


Priyam Kumar Sinha

Christ University


Sachin Yadav

Dr. BR Ambedkar National Law University , Sonipat


Pritika Nagpal

Jemtec school of law


Shivi Dhyani



Chander Dev Sudhir

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Law University Sonipat Haryana






Saveetha school of law



Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar National Law University Rai Sonepat

BA LLB (Hons.)




Tejas Shivalkar

Dr D Y Patil College of Law


Nishtha Kheria

Amity Law School, Noida




Amity Law School, Amity University



Jahan Ara Kulsum

University of Calcutta

B. A. LL. B

Prachi Dhanuka

Jogesh Chandra Chaudhuri Law College,

Calcutta University

B.A. LL.B (5 years)

Dimpy Sankhla



Girish Kalra

Tagore Law College



National University of study and

Research in Law, Ranchi.






Tanya Singh

Banasthali University


Parul Chaudhary

Law Centre-1, Faculty of Law,

University of Delhi


Monika Yadav

Harlal school of law, Greater Noida


Gaurav Lall

United World School of Law

BBA LL.B.(Hons.)

Shruti kumara

JEMTEC School of Law, Greater Noida



Galgotias University

LL. B (Hons.)





Anand Dwivedi

Amity University Kolkata


Rashi Pandey

Jagran Lakecity University


Pranjali Aggarwal

University institute of legal studies ,

Panjab University

BA Llb




Shrishti Sharma

Delhi Metropolitan Education affiliated



Shivam Saini

Galgotias University


Jasmine Suri

Amity University.

BA.LLB (Hons)

Sharyu Rumde

School of Law, University of Mumbai.

BBALLB (Hons.)

Shivam Raj

Symbiosis Law School Nagpur



G.H.G Institute of Law for Women,

Sidhwan Khurd, Ludhiana

L.LB (3 year course)

Shivam Gupta



B.A LL.B ( HONS. )

Akshika Agarwal



B.A. LL.B. (HONS.)


Hamdard Institute of Legal Studies and


BALLB - 5 years

Suchika Nagpal

Amity Law School, Delhi (GGSIPU)





Ramendra pratap singh

ICFAI university


Smriti Singh


BALLB (Hons)

Kousi Das

Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad


Vrinda Mishra

New Law College, Pune


Akansh Sharma

Amity Law School, Amity University


BBA-LLB(3rd Year)


Babu Banarasi Das University


Shivangi Gupta




Prajakta Devadhan


K. L. E.s Law College Chikodi






Vels University

BA.LLB (Hons)





Bahra University

B.A., L.L.B

Twinkle Chouhan



Alankrita Anand

Lloyd Law College


Vidya Bharath Puthran

Vaikuntha Baliga College of Law, Udupi


Jeevan Lancy Pereira

Vaikuntha Baliga College of Law Udupi






Prateeksha Singh

Lloyd Law College


sri yajushya.


gitam deemed to be university



The National University of Advanced

Legal Studies, Kochi

Ba, LLb. (Hons.)

Winnie Mathew

Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad


Anuhya Venkat Padma


Gitam(deemed to be University)


Aditya Sunil Naik

Symbiosis Law School, Pune

B.B.A. LL.B. (H.)

Vidit Parmar

Amity Law School, Delhi

B.A. LL.B. (H)

Palak Nangru

Symbiosis Law School, Pune

BA LLB (Hons.)

Karina Goel

Army Institute Of Law, Mohali, Punjab






B.A. LL.B. (H)





B.A. LL.B.(H)

Sneha Singh

Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law


B. A. LL.B (Hons.)

Vinamrata Yadava

University Of Delhi


Dr. Komal Sandhu


On 5th May, 2020, as a part of the university outreach program, School of Law, Sushant University (Erstwhile Ansal University) conducted a guest lecture at Dhaka International University, Bangladesh. The Guest lecture was given by Mr. Vipul Gaur, Assistant Professor, School of Law. It was an interactive session with more than 40 attendees, wherein the lecture started with the discussions on Concept of criminology, schools of criminology, how the crime evolved and tracing it to the modern day crimes like cyber-crimes and so on. The lecture also discussed how the ease if access to internet has with providing more facilities, also increased the crime rate.





School of Law organised a webinar on “Nehruvian Approach to Nation Building and Gandhian Vision of India” on the 7th of May, 2020. The resource person Assistant Professor, School of Social Sciences, IGNOU elaborated on the Nehruvian’s modern approach to National Building in the post-independence era and Gandhi’s vision of the ideal society is that of a non-violent and democratic social order in which there is a just balance between individual freedom and social responsibility. He also discussed that Jawaharlal Nehru was an economic modernist. He believed that rapid industrialisation was the most effective way to win the battle against mass poverty. This was in stark contrast with the medieval Gandhian economic vision centred on household production.

Faculty Coordinator-

Dr. Anjali Sehrawat



School of Law had organised a Webinar Series titled Dispute Resolution Procedure at WTO on 8th May, 2020. The guest speaker for this webinar was Dr. Sandeepa Bhatt. This lecture was specially organised for the students pursuing Corporate Law honours. The aim of this webinar was to discuss the dispute settlement procedure at WTO. The guest explained the whole procedure in detail to our students highlighting the importance of settling disputes swiftly at the international trade level. He also pointed at the increasing importance and use of the Alternate Dispute Resolution mechanisms for resolving disputes.

The guest also evaluated the situation at WTO during the current time of Covid -19 and the difficulty it is facing in resolving the disputes. The students enthusiastically participated in the discussion with sir and raised important questions to him. He also encouraged the students studying international trade law to focus on research in this subject focusing on different aspects of dispute resolution procedure. The session was extremely knowledgeable for the students and they enjoyed interacting with the guest.

Speakers Profile:

Dr. Sandeepa Bhatt:

Prof. (Dr.) Sandeepa Bhat is working as a Professor of Law at National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS), Kolkata. He has more than sixteen years of teaching and research experience at National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bangalore. He has done his specialization in International Law and Business and Trade Law (LL.M.) with First Rank and double gold medal at University of Mysore. He had also secured Third Rank at Mangalore University during his LL.B. and top scored his college to receive the gold medal. His Ph.D. is in the field of Space Law.

Dr. Bhat has the experience of researching on four Major Research Projects sponsored by World Bank, ISRO, the WB Judicial Academy and Ministry of Justice. He is currently researching on Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change’s Major Research Project. He has the distinction of being the member of International Institute of Space Law (IISL), Paris, France. Dr. Bhat is the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Asian Journal of Air and Space Law and is also associated with various other publications in different capacities. He has published three books on Space Law and three books on Medical Law. In addition, he has published more than forty-five articles in the journals of international and national repute.

(Ms. Arushi Malik Mehta)

(Faculty Coordinator)




Speaker Profile

Bhumesh is the Managing Partner of Corp Comm Legal, an independent Indian law firm headquartered in New Delhi.

Having started his career at Ajay Bahl & Co. (now part of AZB & Partners), Bhumesh went on to work with some of the best law firms in India. He received the coveted Chevening Scholarship by the UK Government in 2000 whereunder he studied in College of Law, York and was a visiting lawyer with Ashursts’ London office. Later in his career, he became partner at some of the leading Indian law firms including Khaitan & Co., Paras Kuhad & Associates and Link Legal.

His primary expertise areas are advising domestic and foreign clients on inbound and outbound Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) transactions, Private Equity, Venture Capital, Foreign Investments, Joint Ventures, Technology Transfers, External Commercial Borrowings, Corporate Structuring, Strategic Advice, Entry Strategy for foreign investors, Regulatory Approvals, Corporate Advisory, Due Diligence, Negotiation, Documentation for transactions (from MOU/LOI to Definitive Agreements and post-closing) and related legal fields. He shares excellent personal connections with partners of many big, mid-size and small law firms and other advisory firms worldwide and is constantly engaged in inbound and outbound M&A transactions.

Despite his hectic schedule, Bhumesh is passionate about sharing his knowledge and experience with the fraternity. An avid reader, much sought-after speaker and prolific writer, he started with contributing to in-house journals of many international law firms on Indian laws.

Bhumesh has more than 400 published articles to his credit including those on LinkedIn, IBLJ, Business World, scconline.com and many more legal and business websites. These articles are very keenly followed and appreciated by professionals, students and academia alike. Bhumesh is regularly invited as a guest faculty by several law and management institutes in and outside of India, online legal education portals and for judging moot courts. He also conducts workshops and training sessions (on invite) for students and professionals on contracts drafting, negotiation and corporate laws skills.

Bhumesh has authored 2 books on Commercial Contracts Drafting and edited one on Mergers & Acquisitions (published by Bloomsbury) so far and aspires to write a book every year on a different corporate law subject.

Bhumesh is known and appreciated for his business acumen and solution centric approach by clients and even opposing counsel.


School of Law had organised a Webinar Series titled HOW TO EXCEL IN CORPORATE LAW FIRM on 13th May, 2020. The guest speaker for this webinar was Mr. Bhumesh Verma Advocate. This lecture was specially organised for the students. The aim of this webinar was to discuss the how to excel in corporate law firm. The guest explained the whole concept in detail to our students. He also gave stress on the study of corporate law. The students enthusiastically participated in the discussion with sir and raised important questions to him. The session was extremely knowledgeable for the students and they enjoyed interacting with the guest.

(Dr. Deepak Miglani)

[Webinar Convener]



Income tax continues to be one of the most confused and bleakly understood areas of law even though it pertains to each and every one of us in different ways. Though a lot has been said and done with respect to this area, a lot still remains unsaid and explorable. We know that we are living in the tough and deplorable times of COVID-19. With the advent of the same, there has been a slump in the economy and even the government is facing a tough time in making the ends meet. There have been a lot of reliefs planned by the government for the taxpayers of the country but still, there are some pertinent questions that need deliberations and discussions. Few of them are:

  • 1. Delay in the date of filing the returns and what it means for the government?
  • 2. Reliefs to taxpayers who set up, operate and maintain quarantine centres and the taxpayers who are desirous of contributing their CSR funds to help the society at large.
  • 3. The new income tax regime and the old income tax regime- which would be more beneficial for the working class of the country looking at the present scenario.
  • 4. What are the plans of the government to provide reliefs to those who have lost their jobs owing to the pandemic? The idea behind organising this panel discussion is to provide all the stakeholders involved in this i.e. academics, tax professionals, students and other working individuals an insight into the tax regime in India and to provide a platform to discuss and deliberate on the issues with respect to the same and express their concerns with respect to the future ahead.

Link to the YouTube video of the same:


Speaker’s Profile

Dr Manoj Kumar Singh is an Associate Professor at National Law University, Jodhpur.Sir has a teaching experience of 14 Years at NLU Jodhpur in the field of Taxation. He is a postgraduate in law from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi and has professional experience as lawyer of two years. He has attended workshops and conferences at various levels in relation to IPR and Taxation. His areas of interest are Taxation and commercial Laws. He is also serving as the Executive Director, Centre for Tax Laws. He has published papers on various issues relating to taxation in the journals of National and International repute. Sir has done his doctorate from National Law University Jodhpur on the topic “Double Taxation: Problem & Prospects (A study with special reference to Permanent Establishment).

Ms. Vibhooti Malhotra is a qualified Advocate on Record before the Supreme Court of India and is also the Senior Standing Counsel for the Central Board of Direct Taxes for representation of the Income Tax Department before the Hon’ble Delhi High Court. She has also represented the State of Punjab before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and other judicial fora in Delhi as the Assistant-Advocate General. She is a commercial lawyer with license to practice law in India and State of New York (USA) with a focus on litigation. Other than taxation, she also represents clients in: • Commercial arbitrations and associated legal proceedings; • White collar defence under the money laundering law and foreign exchange laws; and • Transactional advisory from a corporate and tax perspective. She has completed her B.B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) from National Law University, Jodhpur in 2011 and was awarded the Gold Medal. Thereafter, she received her masters degree from UC Berkeley School of Law.

Mr. Ankit Namdeo is currently working as the Senior Associate in the Direct Tax Practice of Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas, Mumbai. He is a member of the Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa and has graduated from Dr RML National Law University, Lucknow. Sir, has an experience of over 6 years in advising clients on international taxation. He has advised clients on various issues in relation to inbound and outbound transactions, restructurings, business transfers, franchise agreements, EPC contracts etc. He has been actively involved in presentations at national and international conferences. He has also co- conducted a discussion on Advance Pricing Agreements at National Judicial Academy, Bhopal and a certificate course on MLI organized by the Chamber of Tax Consultants, Mumbai. He has published various articles on international taxation with Taxsutra, CCH Wolters Kluwer, Bloomberg BNA.

Ms Vidushi Puri

Faculty Coordinator



School of Law, Ansal University is fully committed to ensuring excellence in legal education even during this pandemic situation. With the objective of engaging students during lockdown more than just academics the school organised a month long event from 5th July 2020 to 31st July 2020 having series of competition- ‘Online AUSOL Tremendo Series’. The event included 2 seasons of quiz competition on the themes ‘Covid-19’ and ‘Environment’. The event also included AUSOL Tremendo Video making competition on the theme ‘Socialising with Social Distancing’ and poster making competition on the theme ‘Reuse, Reduce and Recycle’. The competition received entries from all across the country and the winners received gift vouchers worth 10,000 INR.

Online AUSOL Tremendo Series Season 2 (Poster Making Competition)- 14 July 2020

School of Law, Ansal University is fully committed to ensuring excellence in legal education even during this pandemic situation. With the objective of engaging students during lockdown more than just academics the school organised a month long event from 5th July 2020 to 31st July 2020 having series of competition- ‘Online AUSOL Tremendo Series’. The event included 2 seasons of quiz competition on the themes ‘Covid-19’ and ‘Environment’. The event also included AUSOL Tremendo Video making competition on the theme ‘Socialising with Social Distancing’ and poster making competition on the theme ‘Reuse, Reduce and Recycle’. The competition received entries from all across the country and the winners received gift vouchers worth 10,000 INR.

Participants List for Quiz

Email Address


Student Name


School Name, City


22 / 25



Meerut public school for girls


18 / 25

Bharti Mishra


St Mark’s Girls Senior Secondary School, Meera Bagh


22 / 25

Harnoorpreet Singh


Bbsbafpa, Fatehgarh Sahib


15 / 25





19 / 25

Garima Garg


Shree krishna pranami public school,siwani


22 / 25

Harnoorpreet Singh


BBSB AFPA Fatehgarh sahib

Participant List for Poster Making


Participants Name

Contact Number

Email id

Score out of 10

Nisha Kumari




Ragini Sharma

Not Available



Faculty Coordinator

Dr. Anjali Sehrawat

CBSE has recently been informed by the Supreme Court to cancel the pending examinations and declare the results based on the internal assessments. It has led to a state of confusion and mayhem for both students and parents. There is result stress, admission tension and various personal concerns during this pandemic Covid-19 heightening anxiety for all Class X and XII students. Worrying can get the better of almost anybody. Thus, to address significant issues pertaining to this ‘delay in academic calendar’ School of Law, Ansal University organised a webinar "Delay in Academic Calendar and the Road Ahead" on 03 July 2020.

The esteemed panel at this webinar addressed queries and concerns with respect to board exam results evaluation, competing with students from other states and other examination boards whose results will be evaluated on regular exams not facing any issue due to postponement of exams, delayed admissions for under-grad programs, appearing for entrance exams, stress management etc. Stakeholders from all domains were invited to help children and their parents to make an informed choice. The panelists included - Mr. Satish Kumar Kaushik (Counselling Psychologist), Ms. Aditi Misra (Principal, DPS Sector-45, Gurugram), Ms. Anuradha Handa Principal, G.D Goenka, Sector-48, Gurugram, Prof. (Dr.) Kanupriya, Associate Dean, School of Law, Ansal University.










Faculty Coordinator-

Dr. Anjali Sehrawat

Prof. Arushi Mehta


Speaker Profile

The webinar was conducted in the presence of the following guest speakers and dignitaries:

    • 1 Dr. Indu Boken , Chief Education Officer, Gurugram.
    • 2 Mr. Pradeep Chaudhary, Chief Judicial Magistrate - cum secretary, DLSA
    • 3 Dr.Kanu Priya, Professor and Associate Dean, School of Law, Ansal University.

Webinar report- Percolating Education for The Girl Child in Rural India (7th July 2020)

The legal Aid Clinic was set up on 26th November 2014 for providing free legal aid to the deprived, helpless, poor, downtrodden and weaker sections of the society. AULAC has been associated with District Legal Aid Services Authority, Gurgaon and has been conducting several awareness campaigns in numerous schools and remote areas. To further the objective of creating general awareness in society a webinar was organized by Ansal University Legal Aid Clinic (AULAC) on the theme “Percolating Education for The Girl Child in Rural India"

It was also attended by several members of the District Legal Services Authority. The total number of attendees were approximately 150 in number. Several advocates, scholars and academicians comprised the audience. The eminent speakers had given insightful information regarding the education of the girl child in the rural areas and explained ways and means by which we can ensure that it is not hampered due to the pandemic. They mentioned about various schemes which are being implemented for the education of girl child in rural areas especially. Interestingly; we were also made aware that in a few rural areas teachers are teaching through television and laptop.

It was very rightly said that how important it is to change and uplift the mindset of the society so that girls get a level playing field and they are able to attend schools. Some students in the rural areas are very keen on attending schools.


Key Points of Discussion:

      • Historical background which led to the development of education of the girl
      • The evolution of education from DPSP to a Fundamental
      • Training of teachers for the rural education
      • A brief discussion of statistics of literate rural women e.56.8%
      • The future of girl education in rural India
      • DLSA: at assistance for rural education
      • New possibilities and opportunities of education
      • Protection of women at work place: Janani Suraksha Yojna
      • Maternity leave provision for working
      • Beti Bachao Beti Padhao mission saw improvement of sex
      • 4 Eduset channels for rural education
      • CSR policies, which leads to
      • Bullying policies for girl
      • Conselling and soft skill programs
      • Saksham Abhyan for assessment
      • Menstural Hygiene was also widely
      • Digitalisation of education

The valuable views of the guest speakers were highly appreciated by everyone. They also discussed on how students can help through counselling. Various other topics such as teaching methods, importance of hygiene and sanitation and protection against bullying was discussed. In the end questions were invited from the audience. Numerous questions were asked relating various governmental schemes and programs. These questions were answered by the highly esteemed speakers with utmost clarity and precision.

The questionnaires for the guest were very aptly framed and delivered by the moderators Dhaarna Sehgal and Harshvardhan Agarwal.

Faculty Coordinator

Breaking the monotony of the one-way classroom, Indian Youth Committee organized “A day to lean more- an Intra-Guest lecture” on August 16, 2020, wherein the subject experts conducted a lecture on their area of expertise. Some significant areas under subjects like History, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Contract, Family Law and so on were covered, during the lecture. Such type of events gives an insight to the students to the subjects and topics which they are yet to start studying in their respective curriculum.




Dr. Kirti Dahiya

Faculty Coordinator

A Session on ‘My Mind: A Software to Success’ was organised by School of Law, Ansal University on 3rd August 2020 for its students before the beginning of new academic year. The session was taken by Ms. Tanika Verma is a London-based professional reiki healer and tarot card reader. She has been healing people for several years now with her spiritual knowledge, healing aura, and uplifting attitude. The session was an interactive one and students freely discussed their problems and sought advise on how to live a stress free and happy life.



Faculty Coordinator-

Dr. Anjali Sehrawat


On August 14th, 2020, Indian Youth Committee, School of Law, Sushant University, organized a National Level group discussion to mark the celebration of 74th Independence Day, on the theme-“To cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national struggle for freedom”. With approximately 60 attendees, the discussion was open to the faculties and students to share their thoughts on the national leaders who inspired our struggle for independence. The event, was smoothly executed on Google meet platform, narrated the journey of Indian independence from the British Raj. The speakers at the event included Raajshree Vardhan, who moderated the session, Shareen, who introduced the session and other members including Shikha Yadav, Prateek Singh, Vaishnavi Mishra, Aditya Gupta and Sahana Arya who spoke about various freedom fighters of India. IYC’s Faculty Coordinators Prof. Vipul Gaur and Dr. Kirti Dahiya played a significant role in organizing and making the event a success. The event was concluded on a musical note, with the students and faculties singing along the National Song Vande Matarum. We made sure that every Indian feels proud of the fact that he is born in a country that has a rich and powerful history.








Dr. Kirti DahiyaFaculty Coordinator


School of Law, Sushant University successfully conducted an Orientation Programme for the academic session 2020-21 from 3-5 August 2020. The Program started with a welcome address by Prof. (Dr.) Kanu Priya, Dean, School of Law, Sushant University and an address by the Program Coordinators for the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses in Law offered by School of Law. This was followed by a Session on ‘My Mind: A Software to Success’ by Ms. Tanika Verma. Second day of the Orientation Program also projected the plan of the various Committees such as Cultural Committee, Moot Court Committee, Ansal University Legal Aid Clinic, Sports Committee, Internship & Recruitment Committee, Indian Youth Committee at the School of Law for 2020 followed by the Mentor-Mentee interaction in the second half. The last day of the Orientation Program included an informative Session by Ms. Deepika Bajaj on ‘The Art of Online Presentation’, which has gained momentum because everything has gone virtual since the outbreak of Covid-19. This was followed by some fun interaction between the students and a short film.

Dr. Astha Mehta

Covid-19 has brought a new normal in all the sectors, the Education sector is not an exception to this. The offline mode of learning has not switched to the online mode of learning. This new mode of teaching has brought with it some positives and some negatives. On 4th August 2020, Indian Youth Committee, the Debating Committee of School of Law, Sushant University, Gurugram took a lead in organizing a one of its events to discuss this new normal in the field of education. The distinguishing feature of this event was that the panelist included both the faculty members and the students making way for a healthy discussion involving members from both the stakeholders. The discussion ended with each panelist and some members of the attendees expressing their views on how the change has effected them and also the society as a whole.

Dr. Kirti Dahiya

Faculty Coordinator

Darpan, the Cultural Committee of School of Law, Sushant University organised an open mic on 18th September, 2020; to commemorate ‘Hindi Diwas-14 September’, where poets, shayars and writers from across the globe including USA and Canada graced the event and recited beautiful poems. The event had diverse participants including Professors, RJ’s, Teachers, Rappers etc who participated with full enthusiasm and celebrated Hindi Diwas with full vigor.






Faculty Coordinator-

Dr. Anjali Sehrawat

Sushant University successfully conducted the Orientation Program on 10-11 September 2020 to welcoming the Batch of 2020. The journey of education has various milestones that have to be achieved, which finally leads to the desired destination. Despite the exceptional circumstances around the world, students were eagerly waiting for the university to open and have been really enthusiastic about their future studies. The University keeping in mind the guidelines by the Government amidst this pandemic conducted the ‘Virtual Orientation’ for the new batch. The University level orientation was followed by the school level orientation introducing students to their respective schools.



Dr. Astha Mehta


A Special Lecture on the topic “Takeaways from Legal Education” was held as part of the 3-day Orientation Programme for the batch of 2020 between 305 August, 2020. The guest speakers for this special lecture were Ms. Debosmita Nandy and Ms. Namita Chadha. This lecture was attended by the new students as well as our existing students. The aim of this lecture was to give an idea to the students as to what they can expect from their 5-year long journey in a law school. The students were very enthusiastic to know that what all they should be doing during the 5-year course.

The guests gave very important tips to the students that to gain maximum knowledge they should attend all the classes, do research work, read a lot of books and also explore every aspect of law. They also encouraged students to do a variety of internships during their course for them to understand each and every field of law. Both the guests encouraged students to enjoy this phase of their life to the fullest. The session was extremely knowledgeable for their students and they enjoyed interacting with the guests.

Speakers Profile:

Ms. Debosmita Nandy:

Currently, she is an in-house legal counsel at ITC Limited. She has an experience of 11.5 years in diverse commercial, civil, and criminal disputes, resolution of diverse operational issues in multiple sectors like FMCG, Hospitality and branded Apparel. She is a Gold medallist from the National University of Juridical Sciences and have co-authored books on Environment, Forest and Wildlife Laws. She also manages a practical legal blog called “The Five things Checklist” where in she writes on various practical aspects of law and being a lawyer.

Ms. Namita Chadha:

Founder and Managing Partner, Chadha & Co.

She is a lawyer with more than 22 years of experience in corporate and commercial laws. She advises Fortune 500 companies, foreign SMEs and family-owned business in their India entry and on diverse range of legal, regulatory and compliance issues relating to their Indian business. She had founded the firm Chadha & Co. in 2002. The firm has expertise in the areas of inbound investments, joint ventures, technology transfer and licensing, legal due diligence. Previously, she has also served as the General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer and Ombudsperson for a wholly owned subsidiary of GE Industrial Systems in India for 5 years.

Ms. Arushi Malik Mehta

Faculty Coordinator


A good teacher can inspire hope , ignite imagination and instill love for learning’. The School of law, Ansal University celebrated the Teachers day with great amusement and enthusiasm on 5th September, 2020. The commemoration was done on a virtual platform which began with songs and recitation of poetry by the avid students of SOL. It was followed by some fun games for the teachers, relieving them from their everyday tensity. The ceremony was gratifying and made memorable for all the teachers by members of the cultural committee of school of law and other students.


Date: 30th September 2020 Time: 1:30 PM

Participants: 50 (approx.)

Speakers: Adv Keshav Jha and Adv Manish Manocha

Media is regarded as one of the pillars of democracy. It has wide ranging roles in the society. It plays a vital role in molding the opinion of the society and it is capable of changing the whole viewpoint through which people perceive various events. It can be commended for starting a trend where the media plays an active role in bringing the accused to hook. In India, trial by media has assumed significant proportions.Our esteemed guests Adv. Keshav Jha Assistant Professor Amity University, Jaipur and Adv Manish Manocha, Legal Advisor and Industry Expert in IT Laws ;who advises and represents clients in commercial disputes or litigation, shared their valuable insights on the role of media – trial or public opinion.Mr Keshav Jha presented the culture, ethics and practices of media in a jurisprudential analysis. He also spoke about the basic regulations of the Media. He reflected not only on the concept of ‘media trial’ but also the course of action to be adopted by the media houses to keep themselves away from controversies. He suggested various models that can be adopted for news reporting. Some regulations governing the media were also highlighted.Mr. Manish Manocha mentioned the plethora of regulations governing the media. He explained the ways and means adopted by the media to gain TRPs He also pointed out media trial can be a form contempt of court and should be punishable. Contempt of Court Act defines Contempt as both civil and criminal. He explained all the nuances and the socio-legal implications of media trial.In the end, the participants asked several questions and the floor was open for further discussions and debates. It was concluded by both the speakers that media should further the national interest and act as a watchdog. Instead media has sensationalized every news which has given way to fake news and false propaganda.





“For good ideas and true innovation, you need human interaction, conflict, argument and debate”-Margaret Heffernan

To raise the awareness of students in professional arena an online Debate Competition was organized on the topic “Social media has improved human communication” on 14th October, 2020 amongst the students of 1st Semester, School of Law by Dr.Sulakshana, Assistant Professor of Law, Sushant University. The debate competition aims to provide the students with an opportunity to come forward and experience the art of debating and take away experience, expertise, and excellence. It strives to provide a safe platform for students to grow and experiment with their communication skills and critical thinking. The debate competition started with an insightful and inspiring speech delivered by Prof. (Dr.) Kanu Priya, Dean, School of Law. The competition was judged by a panel of eminent jury members Mr. Manik Sethi, a leading practitioner at Superme Court of India and Ms.Ravina Sharma, Advocate, Delhi High Court. Students of 1st Semester with full vigor and enthusiasm participated in the competition. They dressed up in a professional attire and tried to present their content within stipulated time. All total twenty six students participated in the debate competition. Ridhi Sharma student of BA LL.B (H) bagged the first position. Vrinda Gupta student of BA LL.B (H) acquired the second position and students of BBA LL.B (H) Soumen and Kushagr both achieved the 3rd position. Mr.Manik awarded token money to all the winners for their mesmerizing presentation. To motivate the students all of them were provided with certificates. Hope that through this platform, students get another activity to exercise their brains and maintain the spirit of education despite being locked inside their homes.


Faculty coordinator







The Sports Committee, School of Law, Sushant University, Gurugram, in furtherance of its commitment to promote best practices has organised Sports festival for faculty and staff ‘SPORTEA’ on 22nd October 2020. The theme of SPORTEA was to inculcate spirit of fraternity, bonhomie, camaraderie among Faculty and staff. The event included plethora of sports activities ranging from indoor activities like chess, table tennis, to outdoor activities like cricket, football, badminton, volleyball, basketball, kho-kho, tug of war and athletics. Event witnessed huge participation from all the departments of the University. The entire ambience was filled with enthusiasm, energy, and sports spirit. The event was graced by Honourable Vice Chancellor, Registrar and other portfolio holders of the University.


Motivation is Key to Success, Speeches can turn the results.

Mr. Amit Kumar Singh

Faculty Coordinator

School of Law, Sushant University has been regularly holding moot court competitions to hone the mooting skills of the law students. After the grand success of 3rd International Moot Court Competition-2019, we hosted the 4th National Moot Court Competition-2020, from 15-17 October, 2020 inviting students from Law Schools in India and beyond to participate and provide them an extensive experience of practical aspects of International laws, testing their oratory, research, reasoning and analytical skills. During these changed circumstances, School of Law has moved their pedagogy to the virtual mode and enabled the students to test their adaptability with the demanding legal and analytical skills in this era of technology.

School of Law, Ansal University declared its moot court competition open on October 15, 2020 in an exuberant inaugural ceremony by Justice RS Sodhi, Former Judge, Delhi High Court along with Vice-chancellor Dr. DNS Kumar, Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, Registrar and Dean SOL, Prof. (Dr.) Kanu Priya. The three-day Lawyering siesta would test the mettle of the participants from various International Law Schools and the top Law Schools of the country. The competition would witness cutting edge legal arguments, law and policy analysis in Criminal Law and Constitutional Law and promises to be the ultimate battle of nerves for the brilliant young participants. The Valedictory was held on October 17, 2020 which was graced by the presence of Justice Satish Chandra, Former Judge of Allahabad High Court; Mr. Kuldeep Kohli, Partner Kohli & Kohli Co. and Mr. Swarnendu Chatterjee, Managing Partner Luthra & Luthra Associates.





(Ms. Arushi Malik Mehta)

(Faculty Coordinator)

(Ms. Vidushi Puri

(Faculty Coordinator)






School of Law, Sushant University celebrated 71st Constitution Day on 26 November 2020 virtually. The programme began with the presentation by the students showcasing their knowledge on the evolution of law covering common law system, ancient legal system, and development in Muslim law to the contemporary phase. After the presentation, the students and faculties of Sushant University took an oath along with the President of India to uphold the dignity of the Constitution of India in all times and adhere to the values enshrined in the Preamble of the Constitution of India.

This was followed by the Investiture Ceremony where the students took oath and pledged to work for their respective committees such as Moot Court Committee, Cultural Committee, Indian Youth Committee, Internship and Recruitment Committee, Sports Committee and Sushant Legal Aid Clinic and represent our school in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities not only at the university level but outside the university as well.

Indian Youth Committee organised a Research Colloquium on “A tribute to Justice P.N. Bhagwati – A Judge as a Philosopher’ followed by the debate on ‘Media behind Bars – Is it violation of Freedom of Press?’, where the participants enthusiastically spoke both in favour of and against the motion.

The programme was concluded with the Guest Lecture on ‘Significance on Constitutional Law in Supreme Court Practice’ by Swanendu Chatterjee. Advocate on Record, Supreme Court of India, Managing Associate, L & L Partners. This was an informative and insightful lecture for the students of law.

School of Law received lot of creative entries for the poster making competition on the theme ‘We the People of India’ where _________________ and ___________________ won the first and the second prize respectively, announced by Prof. (Dr.) Kanu Priya, Dean, School of Law Sushant University. She encouraged the students to participate more in such co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.




Dr. Astha Mehta

School of Law marked the beginning of a new journey with a memorable Freshers bash ‘Esperanza 2019’ held on 6th November 2020. The event was filled with fun and wonderful virtual performances including, singing, dancing, games and a musical evening. The seniors and the freshers graced the occasion with full exuberance and gusto. Event also included various competitions for different titles and freshers participated in full spirit and showed their talent to win the titles. The students were dressed in Bollywood Tadka theme which was a fusion of traditional and western attires.

The winners for various competitions were-

Ms. Fresher 2019 –Ms Vrinda Gupta Mr. Fresher 2019- Mr. Sanskar Garg

Ms. Well Dressed 2019-Ms. Khushi Vashisht Mr. Well Dressed 2019- Mr. Anuj Dutt

Most talented- Mr. Soumen Roy and Mr. Rishi Deb



Faculty Coordinator- Dr. Anjali Sehrawat

Sahana Arya is a 3rd Year student of SOL. She on the 10th of November 2020 conducted a lecture on the Psychology of the criminal justice. It was very enriching and students of all batches attended it. We had a bunch full of international audience as well. The aim of the lecture was to help the students understand how to identify a criminal and the procedure to pronounce the verdict. The speaker explained the whole concept of the psychology involved and the different modes to identify the criminal. The students were also questioned on the jury trial, whether it was right to abolish it. In the session there were many doubts and questions raised which was answered by the speaker very patiently and was very precise.






A photography competition was organized by Sushant Legal Aid Clinic, School of Law, Sushant University. The purpose of this competition was to inculcate a sense of joy and beauty for our rich cultural heritage. The purpose to launch the competition at this time of the year was also to break the monotony caused by the pandemic. The theme of the competition was festivals. The competition was not restricted to student participation but was open for all. The poster for the same was circulated on social media and entries were sought. Certificates were distributed among the winners and their work was published on social media.

Faculty Coordinator

Dr Komal

Research Colloquium on “A tribute to Justice P.N. Bhagwati – A Judge as a Philosopher’ On 26 November 2020 celebrated 71st Constitution Day, Debating Committee (Indian Youth Committee), School of Law, Sushant University, organised a Research Colloquium on “A tribute to Justice P.N. Bhagwati – A Judge as a Philosopher” wherein the students discussed the landmark judgements and the significant principles formulated by the Honorable Justice.



Dr. Kirti Dahiya

Faculty Coordinator


School of Law, Sushant University, Gurugram organised an Online Seminar on “Changing Contours of Law” on 3 December 2020. The Seminar started with an inaugural session where Prof. (Dr.) Kanu Kanu Priya, Dean, School of Law addressed the students and motivated them to write research papers and present them in other Universities.

The Inaugural Session was followed by the paper presentations by the students of School of Law. There were over 250 papers presented in ten parallel sessions online moderated by the Professors of Law and Liberal Arts and PhD Scholars at School of Law.


Dr. Astha Mehta

Dr.Kanupriya- Dr.Kanupriya, Professor and Associate Dean, School of Law, Sushant University was awarded “Women Empowerment Award,2019”on the auspicious occasion of International Women’s Day Celebration,2019 at NDMC Convention Centre, New Delhi for her remarkable contributions in the field of law and in encouraging women empowerment. The award was given by Delhi State Legal Services Authority in collaboration with Bhagidari Jan Sahyog Samiti (Regd.) and Human Foundation (Regd.).


Dr. Sulakshana- Dr. Sulakshana, Assistant Professor of Law, Sushant University was awarded “Women Empowerment Award,2019”on the auspicious occasion of International Women’s Day Celebration,2019 at NDMC Convention Centre, New Delhi for her remarkable contributions in the field of law and in encouraging women empowerment. The award was given by Delhi State Legal Services Authority in collaboration with Bhagidari Jan Sahyog Samiti (Regd.) and Human Foundation (Regd.).

Dr.Sulakshana, Assistant Professor of Law, Sushant University participated and delivered speech on the topic “Protection of Child Rights in Digital Age” on 15th September, 2018 at NDMC Convention Centre, New Delhi. An Awareness Campaign on Rights of Child and Prevention of Drug and Substance Abuse organized by Delhi State Legal Services Authority, New Delhi Municipal Council, Delhi State Awareness Rally and Bhagidari Jan Sahyog Samiti (Regd.) and Human Foundation (Regd.). She received award for “Outstanding Contribution” in the field of law by the same for her significant services in making the Campaign successful.



“For good ideas and true innovation, you need human interaction, conflict, argument and debate”-Margaret Heffernan

To raise the awareness of students in professional arena an online Debate Competition was organized on the topic “Social media has improved human communication” on 14th October, 2020 amongst the students of 1st Semester, School of Law by Dr.Sulakshana, Assistant Professor of Law, Sushant University. The debate competition aims to provide the students with an opportunity to come forward and experience the art of debating and take away experience, expertise, and excellence. It strives to provide a safe platform for students to grow and experiment with their communication skills and critical thinking. The debate competition started with an insightful and inspiring speech delivered by Prof. (Dr.) Kanu Priya, Dean, School of Law. The competition was judged by a panel of eminent jury members Mr. Manik Sethi, a leading practitioner at Superme Court of India and Ms.Ravina Sharma, Advocate, Delhi High Court. Students of 1st Semester with full vigor and enthusiasm participated in the competition. They dressed up in a professional attire and tried to present their content within stipulated time. All total twenty five students participated in the debate competition. Ridhi Sharma student of BA LL.B (H) bagged the first position. Vrinda Gupta student of BA LL.B (H) acquired the second position and students of BBA LL.B (H) Soumen and Kushagr both achieved the 3rd position. Mr.Manik awarded token money to all the winners for their mesmerizing presentation. To motivate the students all of them were provided with certificates. Hope that through this platform, students get another activity to exercise their brains and maintain the spirit of education despite being locked inside their homes.

School of Law in alignment with its motto to thrive as a world class academic institution is catering to provide quality education and inculcation of research acumen in its faculty and students. Dean, School of Law is continuously working to provide a conducive environment for academics embedded with research.

As modern world is inclining towards multi-disciplinary approach, SOL is well-tuned with the recent trends promoting its students to develop their research Skills. An international interdisciplinary webinar ‘Historical studies , Visual Arts, Education , Literature and Developmental Studies’ was organised on 26 June 2020, by Department of History , Shikshan Maharishi Dadasaheb Limaye ,Arts , Commerce and Science college (Affiliated to University of Mumbai ), Maharashtra & IQAC ( Affiliated to Gauhati University), Assam.

The webinar had resource persons from the reputed Universities of India like University of Mumbai, Savitribai Phule University, Pune, Anna University, Chennai and Assam University and abroad including Canada, Sri Lanka, Thailand. There were above hundred research scholars who presented papers in 10 Technical Sessions. School of Law is immensely proud to share the that its students excelled in all sessions and got appreciation in various categories-

  • 1. Assistant Professor Amit Kumar Singh presented his research paper titled ‘Colonial Intervention and Possibilities of Capitalism in India in 18 C.E’. The paper was adjudged as best paper in technical session 6.
  • 2. Divyansh Mahajan , Fourth Year B.A,LL.B student has presented his research paper titled ‘Chaining an Eagle pinion’ was adjudged as best paper in technical session 5.
  • 3. Devesh Kumar , student of Second Year has presented his research paper Titled ‘Reflection of Gandhi’s Personality on Indian Freedom movement and Indian Constitution’ adjudged as the 3rd Best paper in technical session 10 jointly.




"The greatest part of a writer's time is spent in reading, to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book".

Center for Corporate, Legal Research , and Training (CCLRT), School of Law, Ansal University is organizing '2nd Online Article Writing Competition'. The competition is organized with the objective of proliferating awareness about the recent trends in India in relation to Corporate & Business Laws.

We cordially invite articles from students from across India. Submit your articles by 27 May 2020.



In these extraordinary times, it seems that the world around us has stopped, except at Ansal University, which continues to deliver on its promise to impart quality education. COVID-19 has changed how students are educated around the globe and in the same light, Ansal University has taken up the necessary steps to overcome the situation and to continue providing quality education through online teaching.

An online guest lecture was conducted for the VI Semester students of School of Law, Ansal University, by Dr. Reeta Garg who has been into the profession of teaching and practice of Tax for over a period 7 years and is currently teaching at Law Centre-1, Delhi University. Her Teaching areas include Income Tax, Business law, Competition laws, Negotiable instruments Act, Contract Law and many more.

Dr. Reeta Garg conducted an online session for the students of School of Law, Ansal University on the Income Tax Act, 1961 in which she educated the students on the scope of the Income Tax Act, along with various provisions of the Act in light of the recent changes brought by the Finance Act 2020. The interactive session was well received and appreciated by the students.



AULAC (Ansal University Legal Aid Clinic) members organised a visit to Nathupur Village which is a small undeveloped village on the outskirts of Gurgaon,on 5th of February. The agenda of the session was to spread basic awareness among the people about their rights and to do groundwork regarding the problems and issues faced by them.

The committee members spoke to the children and adults of the village to know about the issues in their locality. It was observed that they lacked the most basic amenities specifically related to housing. Along with this, other issues were insalubrious lifestyle and unemployment. Basic rights relating to education, labour and safety were also discussed. The committee members delivered awareness sessions sensitising the villagers about their rights and duties.



A faculty development programme was conducted by Ms. Vidushi Puri (Assistant Professor, SOL) on ‘General Overview of Income Tax’ in School of Law, Ansal University on 11th February, 2020. The participants included other faculty members and research scholars of the School. Ms. Puri started by explaining the definition of Income and elaborated various heads which are covered under the word Income. She then went ahead and expounded the income tax slabs which existed previously and the new slabs which were introduced in this year’s budget by the Government of India.

Ms. Puri explained in detail the changes introduced by the new slabs specially with respect to the deductions which can and cannot be claimed while filing the tax return. In the end, she also clarified doubts of the faculty members with respect to their income tax returns. The session was very informative and an interactive one.





“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose”-Zora Neale Hurston School of Law, Ansal University organized a workshop on ‘The Art of Writing a Research Paper with Special Focus on Law’ on 2 March 2020. The workshop was organized with the objective of enhancing students research and writing aptitude and to make them more confident in their academic and professional space. The resource person for the workshop Mr. Abraham Joseph is a Legal Officer at the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO). Mr. Joseph has published extensively in leading resources like The Wire, The Conversation and Modern Diplomacy among others. The workshop was divided in three segments; in the first session Mr. Joseph comprehensively explicated importance of research and the golden rules of legal writing. In the second segment, Mr. Abraham elaborated five stages of writing and ideal time taken in writing a qualitative research paper. Lastly, a session was conducted on the meaning of legal research, types of legal research, importance of objectives, methodology and citation style in writing a research paper. The session ended with discussion on the common pitfalls every researcher face and how students can ace their research papers by implementing the tips learned. The workshop ended with a vote of thanks by convener of the workshop Dr. Anjali Sehrawat (Assistant Professor). Students received certificates of participation by Prof. (Dr.) Kanu Priya (Associate Dean, SOL) and Mr. Abraham Joseph.







AULAC (Ansal University Legal Aid Clinic) members organized a 5-day continuous legal awareness programme from 24th to 28th February. Students of Ansal University assisted the Advocates of District Legal Services Authority at the helpdesk. It was targeted towards the general public and litigants. The agenda was to make them aware of the free legal services provided by the District Legal Services Authority. Several litigants came to the helpdesk managed by AULAC student volunteers, they highlighted their problems about dowry, divorce and other family matters. The students made them aware of their basic rights and obligations relating to such issues. A Nukkad Natak was also presented by the students highlighting right to education, fundamental rights, fundamental duties and other laws relating to child rights.



Ansal University Legal Aid Clinic (AULAC) under the umbrella of School of Law, Ansal University along with District Legal Services Authority (DLSA), Gurugram organised an educational trip and legal awareness camp on one of the most significant and contemporary legal issue in the present society i.e. “Say no to Plastic” on February 15, 2019. Members of AULAC performed an influential skit in 33rd Internatioal Crafts Mela, Surajkund, Faridabad to spread awareness on the issue of Plastic Consumption & Usage. The event was started with the address about the issue and causes related to it followed by the street play. The main motive of the street play was to spread awareness about the gravity of the issue in simple and persuasive tone. The event was well accepted by the public and the audience have taken pledge to further spread the message to the corners of their reach.


To foster academic discussion on competition law regime and further to elucidate upon the emerging legal scenarios, School of Law, Ansal University has established "The Centre for Corporate Legal Research and Training (CCLRT)" on February 14, 2019, under the auspicious presence of Ms. Payal Malik, Advisor (Economics), Competition Commission of India. CCLRT aims to undertake cutting edge interdisciplinary research on areas overlapping (corporate and business laws, environmental laws, IPR) with competition law in India. Also, CCLRT will dwell into academia through numerous workshops, conferences, and training sessions for professionals, and scholars in and outside India. Influenced from European Union based Competition Law Centre we wish to deliver quality research outputs through journals and newsletters. Ms Payal Malik in the inaugural session gave an enlightening talk on the essence of interdisciplinary learning in corporate law and motivated the students on the role and conceptual model base of the centre. The centre presently constitutes the following members – Dr Komal Sandhu (Centre Head), Mr Tarun Kumar (Student Convener), Mr Jagdish Mulwani (Board Member) and Ms Tripti Kapoor (Board Member) under the aid and advice of Dr Kanu Priya (Associate Dean, School of Law, Ansal University).




School of Law, Ansal University organized 2nd Edition of the Ansal University International Moot Court Competition (AUIMCC) on 23-25 February, 2018. The Competition was inaugurated by Dr. E.M.S. Natiachappan, Former Union Minister and President, Indian Society of International Law (ISIL), Justice S.N. Dhingra, former Judge, Delhi High Court and Dr. K.N. Chaturvedi, former Law Secretary, Government of India on 23 February 2018. The Competition witnessed participation from numerous teams across the country including a team from Indonesia. The finals which were held on 25 February was judged by Hon’ble Justice Karpaga Vinayagam, former Chief Justice, Jharkhand High Court, Dr. Aman Hingorani, Senior Partner at Hingorani & Associates, Mr. Matthew Slone, Director, Global Litigation Services, United Lex, Dr. Sunod Jacob, Associate Professor and International Law expert and Mr. Pranaya Goel, Advocate on Record and Partner, Wadia Ghandy.

Symbiosis Law School, Pune won the competition with a cash prize of Rs. 50,000 and Government Law College Mumbai were the runners up winning a cash prize of Rs. 30,000. Vaibhav Tiwari of Symbiosis, Pune was adjudged as the Best Speaker-1 and Varsha Singh of School of Law, Christ University was adjudged the Best Speaker-2. The award of the Best Memorial was bagged by Symbiosis Law School, Pune and Arnav Bishnoi of RGNUL, Punjab was declared as the Best Researcher.


 School of Law, Ansal University hosted ‘Legal Desire Summit & Awards, 2018’ and invited Lawyers, Law firms professionals, law faculty, students, deans, administrators, and scholars across the country. The event served as an opportunity to connect and collaborate with colleagues, discussed critical and emerging legal issues, and focused on fresh perspectives on law and legal education.

The programme started with an Inaugural Session with legal dignitaries namely, Hon’ble Justice M.K. Sharma, Mr. Lalit Bhasin, Mr. Santosh Paul, and Mr. Aristotle Joseph, followed by sessions in the Auditorium and technical sessions simultaneously in other rooms on new laws and challenges, human rights and constitutionalism, arbitration and role of in-house counsels and law and technology, where the students, research scholars and legal professionals across the country presented papers. The main attraction was the presence of Mr. Ram Jethmalani for the Awards Ceremony to felicitate the legal fraternity for their incredible contribution and achievements. School of Law, Ansal University received an award for ‘The Best Emerging Law School’ from the Legal Desire which was given by Mr. Ram Jethmalani and Dr. P. Lakshmi, Dean, School of Law, Ansal  University bagged the award for ‘Academic Excellence’. Some of our students, Manmita Chopra, Divyansh Mahajan, Raghumanyu Taneja, Sahil Handa and Vineeth P.R. presented research papers.


School of Law keeping spirits of camaraderie, bonhomie alive hosted its 2nd Annual Sports Meet titled 'Blaze 2018’ on 15-16 February, 2018 which was inaugurated by renowned sports luminaries, esteemed bureaucrats and Academicians such as Mr. Anil Kumar, SP (Prisons), Haryana, Mr. Govind Bali, Renowned Equestrian, Mr. Digvijay Singh, Eminent Golfer in the august presence of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Ansal University, Dr. Kamlesh Misra and Dean, School of Law, Dr. P. Lakshmi. The fantastic turnout of the students and the pleasant weather were the perfect boost for the sports day of the School of Law. Once the races began on the first day, the air was filled with cheering and tons of encouragement for the young athletes. A wide spectrum of sports, ranging from Football, Athletics, Cricket, Kho-Kho, Basketball to Fun Games like Sack and Lemon race filled the entire ambiance with enormous energy and enthusiasm. Mr. Manoj Dhankar, renowned International Wrestler and Mr. Sajan Singh, renowned Horse rider along with Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, Dr. Kamlesh Misra and Hon'ble Pro Vice Chancellor, Dr. M.K Vajpayee graced the Valedictory Ceremony and distributed Trophies and Medals to the winners amidst euphoric applause by the students of Ansal University. The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. (Dr.) Kamlesh Misra congratulated the winners and is of the view that Gold medals aren't really made of gold but they are made of sweat, determination, and a hard-to-find alloy called guts.


An awareness program on “Sexual Harassment at the Workplace” was organised by School of Law, Ansal University on April 4, 2018. Ms. Avani Bansal, Supreme Court Advocate, founder of the popular YouTube channel “Hamara Kanoon” and an alumnus of HNLU Raipur and Oxford University, addressed the students, faculty and staff of the university on the topic of sexual harassment. She discussed the modern contours of sexual harassment and how it has become an all-pervasive nuisance fostered by an environment of silence and acceptance. Ms. Bansal demonstrated how most victims and survivors of sexual harassment resort to silence and our lives begin to end the day we stop speaking for things that matter and it is one such thing and threw some light on the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. As a society, we have certain responsibility towards the victim to be able to let the person come out and speak about it openly as it can happen to anyone even within the four corners of the house by one’s very own family member. She talked about the importance of communal support for victims of sexual harassment at the workplace or elsewhere and the thin line between the compliment and harassment. She also reflected on how this law is being misused by women yet it is important to have a law favouring women for many reasons. This awareness programme was extremely beneficial for the students and these simple awareness programmes make a tangible difference given the fact that being law teachers and law students, we have the responsibility to bring in the change.

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School of Law, Ansal University organized an intellectually stimulating Panel Discussion on ‘Brexit and its Challenges to the European Union’ on 3 November 2017. The eminent Polish Public Intellectuals, Prof. Krystian Complak and Dr. Uszula graced the occasion. Prof. Complak delivered a scholarly talk on the impact of Brexit on the European Union and United Kingdom's historical relations with Brussels. The Discussion saw an in-depth and rigorous analysis of Euroscepticism, Globalization, and Civilizational clash of values. English Diplomatic relations with Europe, trade versus human rights in Europe, treaty withdrawal and International Law also featured prominently in the discussion. Dr. P. Lakshmi emphasized on the significance of Panel Discussions for Law Students and the importance of students contemplating and discussing global issues from a critical and analytical perspective. Blending classroom training with scholarly analysis has been the motto of Panel Discussions in School of Law and the Brexit Panel Discussion was a remarkable and memorable addition to this glorious legacy.

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Internship and Recruitment Committee (IRC), School of Law organized a Workshop on 'Image Management and Soft Skills' by Ms. Kavita Dhillon. This Workshop was conducted for Ansal University Students by Ms Kavita Dhillon, Chief Image Consultant and Soft Skills Trainer, Extra Edge Image Management and Consulting, a Gurgaon based firm, specialized in image consulting and soft skill training for individuals, institutions, and corporates. Extra Edge trained students on Introduction to the Program - Image and its Importance in today’s life, getting job ready, effective body Language in a job interview, personal grooming and dressing right to impress for an interview session, job interview etiquette that makes you stand out and how to communicate effectively in a job interview.


Lohri, the winter bonfire festival, was celebrated on Friday, 12 January 2018 at School of Law, Ansal University with lots of exuberance and great enthusiasm. The Dean, School of law, along with all the faculty members, staff and students joined the celebrations of this harvest festival which began with the lighting up of the traditional bonfire, encircled by students, and faculty members who danced on the rock n roll beats of dhol and music. The celebration futher led to Lohri Poojan by everyone. Lohri marks the end of winter season and it provides an opportunity to have fun and spend joyous time with friends and family excusing our busy work schedules. This evening was marked by fun and gaiety. The mood on the campus was upbeat and students and faculty were totally absorbed in the festive spirit of Lohri. The Cultural committee (School of Law) ‘Darpan’ organised the event to keep the tradition and culture alive in our festivities.

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Gone are the days when after graduating from a law school, one only practiced in courts and law was only compartmentalized into civil and criminal law. There is a plethora of opportunities for a law graduate like practicing in the Courts, Judicial Services, UPSC, Armed Forces, Academics, NGOs, Legal Editor, Legal Journalist, Legal Advisor for MNCs, legal officers for Banks and Insurance Companies, Consultancies including big fours, Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO), Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO), Armed Forces (Judge Advocate General), an Income Tax Consultant, Crime Intelligence Analyst, Environmental Consultant etc. and the opportunities have only been increasing with the technological advancement.

Judicial Service Examination which is organized by every state exclusively for law graduates is one good career option. School of Law, Ansal University organized a Strategic session on Judicial Services Examination on 19 January 2018 to equip our students with the nuances of Competitive Exam. Mr Danish Hasnain was the key speaker for the event, he discussed at length the tactics one should opt for preparing for these exams.



Ushering in the festival of lights, SOL organized a grand cultural fiesta ‘Illuminate 2017’ on Thursday, 12th October. Students across AU immersed themselves in the joy of celebrations by enthusiastically participating in numerous activities including Rangoli Making Competition, Diya Making Competition, Henna/Tattoo Making Competition, Face Painting Competition and Funk with Junk. Vice Chancellor, Dr. Kamlesh Misra presided over the prize distribution ceremony and congratulated the winners. SOL students in ethnic wear represented the cultural diversity of our country adding to the vibrancy of the colourful event.
‘Illuminate 2017’ was followed by the inauguration of DARPAN- the social responsibility wing of the Cultural Committee of SOL. Conceptualized as a social outreach endeavour, DARPAN seeks to internalize the values of sharing, caring and giving among the students of SOL. Bringing a smile on the faces of the underprivileged, building bridges between the haves and the have-nots and imbibing compassion for the needy is the hallmark of DARPAN. The first initiative of DARPAN saw students and faculty of SOL visit 3 orphanages were Diwali gifts were distributed to the children and important social messages were communicated to the young kids. The smile on their faces was proof of DARPAN’s incredible success on debut.




School of Law organized its Investiture Ceremony in September 2017. The ceremony witnessed the creation of six activity oriented Core Committees in School of Law, namely Moot Court, Debating, Internship, Sports, Cultural and Legal Aid. Chief Guest, Dr. M.S. Verma, swore in each Committee headed by a Student Convener and Co-Convener and 10 members each. The students undertook to shoulder the Committee responsibilities with diligence and commitment under the supervision and guidance of their respective faculty coordinators.

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Hon’ble Mr. Justice Dharnidhar Jha, former Judge, Allahabad High Court and Patna High Court, was invited for a special lecture on the importance on Constitution Day and contemporary challenges to the Indian Constitution to celebrate the Constitution Day.


Law Commission of India celebrated National Law Day in November 2017 where faculty and students from SOL attended the celebrations where the broad theme was the interface between three wings of the State i.e. Executive, Legislature, & Judiciary towards developing our nation, based on the theme of inclusiveness, development and justice to all.

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Mr. Gaurav Jain, lawyer, an alumnus of University of Oxford and Mr. Rohitashva Kamal and an alumnus of Brandeis University, Bostan and Core committee members of a civil society organization called Volunteer for Justice addressed SOL students on the topic "A talk on volunteering for Justice". They are in the process of establishing legal aid clinics in NCR region and have agreed to train our students for legal aid clinic activities.

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SOL as a part of its awareness programme organized a Poster making Competition to create awareness and sensitivity on a critical and sensitive issue of female foeticide. Students from different schools of Ansal University actively participated and enjoyed the occasion to artistically express themselves.

Sharon, B.Sc. in Cardiovascular Technology, Arsi and Melaniek pursuing B. Design bagged second and third position respectively. Vanshika Bhati, B.A.L.L.B (H) was the first runner up and Nannya from B. Arch was the second runner up.


Ansal University successfully organised Inter-University Sports Fest Blaze IV from 4 to 6th December, 2019. The event was graced by Mr. Sanjay Singh, Member of Legislative Assembly (Sohna- Tauru), Mr. Gaurav Antil, Joint Commissioner, Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon and Mr. Ashok Kumar Yadav, Registrar, Asnal University. The Guests shared their experiences and elucidated upon the importance of team spirit and role of sports in personality development. The inaugural ceremony began with lighting of the torch symbolizing the spirit of harmony and sportsmanship. The Blaze IV saw participation from various Universities across Delhi-NCR. The three-day gala event included range of Indoor and outdoor sports like Chess, Table tennis, Athletics, Cricket, Shot Put etc. Mr. Laurent Guiraud, Director ‘Campus Life’ and Vatel graced the Valedictory ceremony and distributed trophies and medals to the winners amidst euphoric applause by the students of Ansal University. The sports event motivated students to go for a balanced development leading to physical, social and cognitive benefits.


The dynamics of Corporate world in India are ever increasing. India is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world despite the low growth rates in recent times. The industrial growth is the key for any economy so we need to have balanced growth. Pressure of internationalization, competition, technology advancements, disruptive technology interventions in markets, developments in financial and securities markets, changes in consumer demands all have necessitated regular review and amendments in existing legal framework. Reforms are being made or proposed in every area relating to the corporate world.

The Anti-competitive practices have to be controlled and we need to have healthy competition in the market, this helps in protecting the consumers’ interest, apart from the above issue, various financial scams that are taking place in the recent times, are alarming situations where the law needs to be changed along with the changes.

This is the ripe time for academicians and professionals working in different fields of corporate laws to come together and share their research work on important issues for the benefit of all.

The Centre for Corporate Law, Research and Training (CCLRT) is proposing to hold Two Day National Conference on Corporate Laws on February 6-7, 2020 and invite papers for presentations during the conference.

Submission Guidelines: –

  1. No Plagiarism shall be allowed.
  2. Participants have discretion to choose their title however, it must not deviate from the subthemes provided.
  3. Abstract Guidelines:
    1. The acceptable word range for the abstract is up to 300 words. The abstracts which do not meet this word limit will be sent back to the author(s) to be revised.
    2. Your submission must be in English.
    3. We encourage you to send an informative abstract (complete abstract) which is a summary of a paper’s substance including its background, purpose, methodology, results, and conclusion.
    4. Please send in a brief biography together with the Abstract.
  4. Formatting:
    1. Font Type: Garamond
    2. Font Size (Headings): 14 Bold
    3. Font Size (Sub-headings): 12 Bold
    4. Footnotes: 10
    5. Line Spacing: 1.5
    6. Footnoting Style: JILI (Journal of Indian Law Institute) Citation Format
  5. The paper must have a cover page which must consist:
    1. Title of the Paper
    2. Name of the Author
    3. Affiliated Institution
  6. Word Limit of the Paper must be 6000 to 8000 words.


  1. Resolving Cross Border Insolvency
  2. Corporate Social Responsibility
  3. Emerging Trends in Cross Border Mergers
  4. Role of Corporate Governance in Addressing the issue of growing Non-performing Assets (NPA)
  5. Defining boundaries of Corporate Governance
  6. Significance of Foreign Direct Investment, Foreign Portfolio Investments & Overseas Direct Investment
  7. Shareholders Activism
  8. Aspects of Insider Trading vis a vis SEBI Regulations
  9. SEBI vs Union: Autonomy of SEBI Crippled?
  10. Impact of Recession on Corporate Existence

For further guidelines: https://www.lawctopus.com/conference-on-corporate-laws-at-ansal-university-gurugram/

For any query contact: +91 9958 987622, Tarun Kumar, Student Convener, CCLRT


School of Law, Ansal University celebrated the spirit of Indian Democracy by celebrating the 70th ‘Constitution Day’ on 26 November 2019. Every year, School of Law has celebrated ‘Constitution Day’ in an exhilarating manner upholding the values handed to us in legacy by the makers of our Constitution. In furtherance of the same, SOL organised a ‘Quiz Competition’ for students of Grade XI and XII and a ‘Monologue Competition’ for the students of Ansal University. The inaugural ceremony was graced by Hon’ble Justice Dr. M.K Sharma, Former Judge, Supreme Court of India. The event was a huge success and more than 40 teams registered from various prestigious schools across Delhi-NCR. Shiv Nadar school bagged first prize in the quiz competition and were given a cheque of INR 5100. Amity International Sector-46 and DPS Maruti kunj grabbed the second and third positions respectively. The prize money was sponsored by PSL Advocates & Solicitors.


School of Law organised a special training workshop on soft skills for its students on 7-8 November 2019. The workshop was conducted a part of Project Skill++ an initiative by Billion Broadcaster Media and Think Culture Foundation with an objective of empowering the youth.

On Day 1- Ms. Cloris Lee, the founder of Billion Broadcaster Media gave an opening note and discussed the importance of Soft Skills in life. The other dignitaries included Mr. Jason Shuai, Sales Support Director, Billion Broadcaster Media, and Mr. Michael Song, the Chairman of Topline International Group. The trainers on Day-1 were CA Gautam Gambhir, a founder at MasCom, Ex-President TMSL (Toastmasters Int.) and Ms. Kashish Chawala, a Senior Analyst at Barclays, President at Toastmasters and a Trainer at MasCom. They discussed the problems students face in communication and provided them with the most effective and practical ways to tackle it. Impromptu situations, articulation and non verbal communication were the major topics taken up by the trainers in an interactive session.

The trainer on Day-2 was Ms. Aiditi Malhota an ACC-ICF, Life Coach, NLP Founder – Skills Infinitum. She conducted a session about professional etiquettes and interview skills. It was followed by a round of questions and answers. The event was organised by Dr. Anjali Sehrawat, Faculty School of Law with the objective of helping students build their career and position them better to seek placements after graduation.


School of Law marked the beginning of a new journey with a memorable Freshers bash ‘Esperanza 2019’ held on 11th October 2019. The event was filled with fun and wonderful performances including band performance, singing, dancing, games and a DJ evening. The seniors and the freshers graced the occasion with full exuberance and gusto. Event also included various competitions for different titles and freshers participated in full spirit and showed their talent to win the titles.

The winners are –

Ms. Fresher 2019 –Ms Rinkie Rana
Mr. Fresher 2019- Mr. Yogesh Ambawat
Ms. Well Dressed 2019-Ms. Nishtha Ahlawat
Mr. Well Dressed 2019- Mr. Naveen Sharma


School of Law provides worlds class opportunities to its students in terms of academic excellence and overall development. The institution has always tried to built the students into wholesome individuals by focussing on practical training and as a part of this endeavour the Moot Court Committee organized the 4th Intra Moot Court Competition on 27th September, 2019. This moot court competition was conducted to familiarise the freshers with the art and skills of mooting and advocacy. There was an enigma of brotherhood and the seniors participated with zealth with the juniors and made the event a learning experience for all.

The competition saw a participation of 30 teams wherein the students displayed tremendous efforts and a zealous spirit and fought the given case in three different rounds. The final round was judged by the moot court committee faculty in charge Ms. Arushi M. Mehta and Professors Astha Mehta and Vidushi Puri. Overall, it was a successful activity which involved the maximum strength of the school with the efforts of the committee.


MOU with Juris Law Offices

School of Law, Ansal University is proud to announce that we signed an MOU with Juris Law Offices on 19 September 2019 and it is going to be extremely beneficial for the students pursuing law. Advocate Vikas Nagwan, Founder and Chairman, Juris Law Offices and Advocate Manvi Rajvanshy, Co-Founder and COO, Juris Law Offices addressed the law students on the importance of practical learning and the rewarding side of this profession.

Juris Law Offices would be providing training in the form of Summer and Winter Internships, which would help them seek pre-placement offers. Juris Law Offices would develop practical training module as per their Substantive and Procedural subjects, and train students to conduct arbitration proceedings. Student would have an Advocate from Juris Law Offices as an Industrial Mentor, who would provide practical exposure to their mentees in the form of Work from Home assignments.

Women Entrepreneurship Cell in collaboration with Women Entrepreneurs Foundation

Ansal University is proud to announce that we are establishing a Women Entrepreneurship Cell at Ansal University in collaboration with Women Entrepreneurs Foundation where existing alumni who are women entrepreneurs would be empaneled on the Board along with other women who are game-changers and have shattered the glass ceilings. The main objective of the cell would be to arrange workshops, training and seminars for the students to help them build their brand or start on their own. We have signed an MOU with Women Entrepreneurs Foundation on 19 September 2019.


MOU with Juris Law Offices

‘A good teacher can inspire hope , ignite imagination and instill love for learning’. The School of law, Ansal University celebrated the Teachers day with great amusement and enthusiasm on 5th September, 2019. The commemoration began with songs and recitation of poetry by the avid students of SOL. It was followed by some fun games for the teachers, relieving them from their everyday tensity. The ceremony was gratifying and made memorable for all the teachers by members of the cultural committee of school of law and other students.


The School of Law, Ansal University, gave a warm and engaging welcome to the batch 2019-20 by conducting a weeklong Orientation Program-Deeksharambh starting from 19 August, 2019. On Day one, the Vice-Chancellor Prof (Dr.) Raj Singh, addressed the Parents and Students. He inspired the students to dedicate their young years into hard work and have passion for the field they are in. Apart from the VC, the Registrar, Controller of Examinations, Dean-Students Welfare, Campus Life interacted with the students giving an overview of the working of the University and assuring the students a promising platform. The following days had activities individual to the respective schools. Mr. Bharat Chugh, Partner of one of the best law firms, Luthra and Luthra was invited to deliver a talk by the School of Law, Ansal University. He had an instant connect with the new batch giving them a glimpse of opportunities waiting post law. This was followed by ‘Talent Hunt’, an ice-breaking session held in presence of all faculties and students. It was a fun filled session that witnessed the freshness and zeal of the newbies. In the days to follow, activities like a visit to the cyber police station, Team building activity by Clown Sellers and a workshop on Road Safety were conducted. These met the objective of instilling fraternity amongst the students and also added to their excitement of joining School of Law. The investiture ceremony of all the Committees and Clubs of the School of Law sealed the weeklong orientation program on an inspiring note.


Ansal University Legal Aid Clinic (AULAC) , School of Law, Ansal University, Gurgaon organised a awareness camp on the theme on Save Environment at Raahgiri, Sector 15, Gurgaon as a measure to create awareness among people about water conservation and save environment. Through the campaign, we hopes to instill the value of protecting and taking good care of the environment in young people’s hearts and minds in the hopes that they could adapt this mindset to their daily lives and affect true conservation and change. Participants response was enthusiastic. The AULAC team, School of Law, Ansal University was greatly appreciated by the public for disseminating print material and propagating innovative solutions and also for taking up this important predicament.



School of Law, Ansal University, Gurgaon organised an International Conference on Child Rights: Unheard Voices with the support from Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation, Delhi Commission on Protection of Child Rights, and SCC Online on 27 April 2019. Shri Rakesh Srivastava (Chief Guest), Former Secretary, Ministry of Women and Child; Prof. Nuzhat Parveen Khan (Guest of Honour), Dean, Faculty of Law, Jamia Millia Islamia University; and Mr. Bidhan Chandra Singh (Guest of Honour), Executive Director, Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation graced the inaugural session and reflected on various issues related to child rights. The deliberations centered around child abuse, children in need of care and protection and children in conflict with law, child trafficking etc. keeping the objective of providing children an educated, safe and child friendly world. India has one of the highest population in the world and the onus lies on each one of us to make the youth aware of the existing issues faced at the ground level. The Conference was a synthesis of views from policymakers, academia, and change makers as rightly called by Mr. Bidhan Chandra Singh. Shri Rakesh Ji provided us an insight of how we can contribute to policy making as law professors and students. School of Law, Ansal University recognizing the efforts of all the delegates, also released the publication of conference proceedings.

The Inaugural Session was followed by four Technical Sessions on Child Protection Laws and role of NHRC and Children in Conflict with Law, Child Rights and International Laws Framework, Issues of Child Abuse and Child Trafficking, Role of NGOs in protection of Child Rights, chaired by Ms. Jyoti Duhan Rathee, Member, DCPCR and Dr. Versha Vahini, Dean SOL, Manav Rachna University, Faridabad; Dr. Sachin Rastogi, AIALS, Amity University, Noida and Dr. Anupam, UILS Gurgaon; Dr. Suman Yadav, University of Delhi and Dr. Prem Chand, NLU Delhi; and Prof. KPS Mahalwar, Former Chair Professor, NLU Delhi and Ms. Chandni Bedi, Executive Director, Navjyoti India Foundation.

The conclusion drawn on the basis of technical sessions was that a great deal of thought needs to be put on this issue even though a lot has been done for children but it cannot be ignored that still a lot needs to be done. There’s a need to prioritize safe childhood globally. Children are being brought and sold for prices lesser than that of animals. We need to protect them from all forms of violence, abuse, and exploitation as it is integral for their holistic development. At an age where they should be in school learning and enjoying their childhood, they are married off; engaged in work – in farms, households, restaurants, and in industries; trafficked for labour and sexual exploitation; and exposed to abuse and violence.

The event was concluded by the Valedictory Session, which was graced by the Special Guests for the evening, Prof. KPS Mahalwar, Former Chair Professor, NLU Delhi and Ms. Chandni Bedi, Executive Director, Navjyoti India Foundation, providing us an insight on the laws available for the rescue of children and how NGOs act on the legal framework. Dr. Poonam Dass, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi and Ms. Mansha Gupta and Mr. Ashish Jain, UPES Dehradun won the Best Paper Award.


Ansal University organised ‘Despedida 2019’, to bid adieu to outgoing students, bringing alive a lot of happy memories. Pulsating music rocked the ambience and students gave scintillating performances. Ms Medhavi Gureja, student of School of Law bagged the title of Ms Ansal making her school extremely proud.


(27th April, 2019)
“Let’s put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children.”

The Conference aims to channelize the intellectual, moral and political power of the world’s leaders to focus on the greatest challenge of our times, to protect the childhood of every child. The idea of a united future has never been more urgently needed than today. Let our intellectual and moral right arrive at its rightful conclusion, our children. We must leave behind a legacy of compassion. The dreams of our children can only be fulfilled by our collective will and strong resolve.

#UnheardVoices #ChildFriendlyWorld

School of Law, Ansal University is a beacon for the law community in the field of research and analysis. We always strive for excellence par expectation and remain an unmatched pinnacle of student led endeavors. The School proudly announces an International Case Analysis Competition on the famous “Sabrimala Judgment” cited as Indian Young Lawyers Association & Ors vs. The State of Kerala & Ors. We welcome students, practitioners, academicians and jurists from across the globe to participate and with the spirit of true democracy, critically analyse the judgement given by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.

No registration fees

Submission deadline- 06:00pm on 15.04.2019
Please register at the following link:


Team Vraksha, School of Law, Ansal University, Gurugram received the award from District administration, Gurugram on Women’s Day i.e on 8 March, 2019. The award has been given to encourage the team for their cleanliness and tree plantation drives.

Team Vraksha is a group of college students who decided to shoulder the responsibility of making Delhi NCR greener. Currently, Mission Vriksha have student volunteers within renowned colleges from Delhi-NCR and students of School of Law, Ansal University are part of the same.


School of Law, Ansal University organized Gender Equity Promotion Programme for Women on “Digital Literacy and Online Safety” on March 7, 2019. The event was conducted by Ms. Janice Verghese, trainer at Cyber Peace Foundation. The event was mainly focused on the Understanding Digital Literacy, Safety and Privacy Tools, Responsible Online Behaviour and Protection Measures.

Cyber Peace Foundation has partnered with the National Commission for Women (NCW) and Facebook to empower Indian women and make them digitally literate through the Digital Shakti Programme. It has been found that cybercrimes and menace to women online are rising by the day so much that they are the prime targets of some sensitive crimes like revenge pornography and sextortion. Reasons causing this are not only economical but also social and cultural, that prevent women from using the internet and issues like trolling that pop up when one uses it too often. With the development of a more advanced and digital age, it is of paramount importance to break this gender barrier and create attentiveness among internet users. Ms. Janice enlightened the gathering about many important and unavoidable issues which we all experience on daily basis. The workshop was very interactive the speaker shared real-life incidents and all the participants got to know a lot about the right use of technology through this workshop. In the end, she was presented with a token of appreciation by Prof (Dr) Kanu Priya.


“Sports teaches you character, it teaches you to play by the rules, it teaches you to know what it feels like to win and lose-it teaches you about life. – Billie Jean King”

Ansal University, Sports Club successfully organised a grand ‘Inter-University Sports Meet-Blaze 3.0’ on 7– 8 March, 2019. The opening ceremony was graced by the presence of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Ansal University Prof. (Dr.) Raj Singh, who opened the event with the lighting of torch symbolizing the spirit of harmony and good will. The deans and faculties also shared their personal experiences with sports motivating students to go for a balanced development leading to physical, social and cognitive benefits.

A wide spectrum of sports, ranging from Football, Athletics, Cricket, Chess, Table-Tennis, Kho-Kho, Basketball to fun games like Sack and Lemon race filled the entire ambiance with enormous energy and enthusiasm. The event saw particiaption of students from various universities like MIRTC Alwar (Rajasthan), KIIT, IILM etc. This event was one of its kind motivating students to focus on their all-round development and celebrating the true spirit of sports. It fully captured the essence of team spirit and sportsmanship.

The valedictory ceremony held on the 2nd day of this magnificent sports meet was graced by Mr. Karan Singh Chautala, Vice President, Indian Olympic Federation, Mr. Aman Dahiya, International Basketball Player as chief guests along with Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Mr. Raj Singh, Registrar Col. Rajeev Chauhan, COE Mr. Anil Yadav, Dean Prof. (Dr.) Samiksha Ojha (SSD), Dean Prof. (Dr.) Anamika Paul  (SET), Sports Committee Chairperson, Prof. (Dr.) Ashwini Kher, members of Ansal University sports committee and Faculties. The distribution of  trophies and medals to the winners ensued amidst euphoric applause by the students of Ansal University. Finally, Prof. Amit Singh (SOL) thanked everyone involved for their contibution in making this event a roaring success.


School of Law and Sushant School of Business, Ansal University jointly organised the second edition of the Inter School Sports Fest Blaze. The event was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Joint Commissioner of the Municipal Corporation of Gurugram Mr. Ravinder Yadav with the lighting of the torch symbolizing the spirit of harmony and good will subseuqently, Registrar Col. Rajeev Chauhan elucidated upon the importance of team spirit and role of sports in personality development. The Dean, Sushant School of Business, Prof. (Dr.) Samisksha Ojha and Dean, School of Law, Prof. (Dr.) Kanupriya (SOL) also shared their personal experiences with sports motivating students to go for a balanced development leading to physical, social and cognitive benefits.

A wide spectrum of sports, ranging from Football, Athletics, Cricket, Kho-Kho, Basketball to Fun Games like Sack and Lemon race filled the entire ambiance with enormous energy and enthusiasm seeking particiaption from students and Faculties of all Schools. Mr. Laurent Guiraud, Director ‘Campus Life’ and Vatel graced the Valedictory Ceremony and distributed Trophies and Medals to the winners amidst euphoric applause by the students of Ansal University.


Dr Komal Sandhu has participated in a radio program Udaan in Gurgaon Ki Awaj, Community Radio Station(FM 107.8Mgz).

Udaan a live phone- in program is on Mental Health issues and, at present, it is discussing issues being faced by old age people. At this age, old people have to take care of various legal issues and sometimes. They themselves also become helpless due to non co-operation of family members, and had to look for court’s interventions. These issues affect mental health of the old people adversely.

Dr Komal , had given lot of informations to the listeners on these issues and also satisfied lot of queries of the callers during the program.


In furtherance of Legal Awareness Activities conducted by School of Law, AULAC (Ansal University Legal Aid Clinic) successfully organized a Poster making Competition on the topic of ‘Chase your Dreams, Say no to Drugs’ on Friday, 28nd September 2018 .

This initiative is a part of campaign against drug abuse especially amongst the youth and its adverse effects. Drug Addiction is a serious issue affecting all sections of the society and has claimed many fatalities. It is always advisable and easier to prevent drug addiction so this attempt is to create awareness and sensitivity on a critical societal issue. More than thirty five students from all schools actively participated and enjoyed the occasion to artistically express themselves. NGO Vriksha also join hands with us in this noble cause and give us saplings which are not only awarded to the winning students but also planted in the campus with specific duty being allotted to the respective students to take care and nurture them into plants.

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