B.Tech Course Curriculum 2024
Semester 1
Semester – I
School of Engineering & Technology
Course Outline |
Course Title: Engineering Mathematics- I Course Code- 23BTC-0MA11T |
Semester: I |
Academic Year: 2024 |
Core/Elective: Core |
Credits: 4 |
Course Designed by: Dr. Manimala E-mail: |
Course Instructor: Dr. Manimala E-mail: |
Pre-requisites: Basic concept of Matrix, Calculus, Sequence & Series and Trigonometry |
1. Course Outcomes:
1. Upon successful completion of the course, the students should be able to
CO1: Describe matrix algebra to solving engineering problems. Determine the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix
CO2: Distinguish between the concepts of sequence and series. Determine convergence and divergence of series.
CO3: Represent complex numbers algebraically and geometrically. Understand De Moivre’s theorem and find the roots of complex numbers. Application of complex numbers for solving engineering problems
CO4: Understand application of Leibniz’s theorem & Taylor’s theorem in real life problems.
CO5: Demonstrate Knowledge of maxima and minima of function of two variables, Understand Homogeneous Function. asymptotes and curve tracing.
2. CO and PO mapping
PO1 |
PO2 |
PO3 |
PO4 |
PO5 |
PO6 |
PO7 |
PO8 |
PO9 |
PO10 |
PO11 |
PO12 |
PSO1 |
PSO2 |
PSO3 |
CO1 |
H |
L |
M |
CO2 |
H |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
CO3 |
M |
M |
L |
CO4 |
M |
CO5 |
L |
M |
L |
L |
3. Syllabus: Total Hrs.: 40
UNIT I- Matrices Total: 10 hours
Matrices and its types, Rank of a matrix. Elementary transformations, Echelon-form of a matrix, normal form of a matrix, Inverse of a matrix by elementary transformations (Gauss– Jordan method).
Linear dependence and linear independence of vectors. Solution of system of linear equations. Non-homogeneous linear equations and homogeneous linear equations.
Characteristic equation – Eigen values – Eigen vectors – properties of Eigen values. Cayley- Hamilton theorem (without proof). Inverse of a matrix by using Cayley-Hamilton theorem. Modal matrix.
UNIT II – Infinite Series Total: 8 hours
Definition of Sequence and series. Convergence of series – comparison test – D’Alemberts Ratio test. Cauchy’s Root Test – Integral Test – Raabe’s Test – Logarithmic Test –Gauss Test.
Alternating series – Absolute convergence – Leibnitz’s Rule (without Proof).
UNIT III - Complex Number Total: 8 hours
De Moivre’s theorem and roots of complex numbers. Expansion of sin nq, cos nq and tan nq in powers of sinq, cosq, tanq.Complex exponential function, Complex trigonometry functions.
hyperbolic functions, Inverse hyperbolic functions, Logarithm of complex numbers. Summation of trigonometric series.
UNIT IV- Differential Calculus-I Total: 6 hours
Successive differentiation, Leibnitz theorem and applications. Taylor’s and Maclaurin's series (without Proof). Functions of two or more variables, limit and continuity, partial derivatives.
Total differential and differentiability, derivatives of composite and implicit functions.
UNIT V- Differential Calculus-II Total: 8 hours
Higher order partial derivatives. Homogeneous functions and applications, Euler's Theorem, Jacobians,. Maxima-minima of function of two variables. Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers. Differentiation under integral sign (Leibnitz rule). Curvature, asymptotes, curve tracing.
4. Text Book(s):
5. Reference Book(s):
R1: Erwin, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 9th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
R2: Peter.V.O.Neil, Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Canada: Thomson, 2007.
R3: R.K.Jain and S.R.K.Iyengar, Advanced Engineering Mathematics. 3ed, NarosaPublishers, 2009
R4: H. K Dass, “Advanced engineering mathematics”, 8th Edition, S. Chand, 2008
R5: Jain Iyengar, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 3rd Edition, Narosa Publishers, 2007.
Introduction to Programming
School of Engineering & Technology Course Outline |
Course Title: Introduction to Programming Course Code -23BTC-0IP11C |
Semester : B.Tech -I
Academic Year: 2024
Core/Elective: Core |
Credits: 4 |
Course Designed by: Aman Verma e-mail: |
Course Instructor: Chetan Sharma e-mail:
Pre-requisites: Basic Programming |
CO1: Understand the concepts of classes, objects, data abstraction and encapsulation.
CO2: Develop programs using classes, objects, constructors, inheritance and polymorphism.
CO3: Writing and testing applets for potential inclusion in web pages.
CO4: Implementing Event Handling.
PO1 |
PO2 |
PO3 |
PO4 |
PO5 |
PO6 |
PO7 |
PO8 |
PO9 |
PO10 |
PO11 |
PO12 |
PSO1 |
PSO2 |
PSO3 |
CO1 |
H |
H |
H |
L |
L |
L |
M |
M |
H |
H |
H |
H |
L |
M |
M |
CO2 |
H |
H |
H |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
L |
L |
L |
M |
M |
H |
CO3 |
L |
L |
L |
H |
H |
H |
M |
M |
H |
H |
H |
H |
H |
H |
H |
CO4 |
L |
L |
L |
L |
L |
H |
H |
H |
H |
M |
M |
M |
H |
H |
H |
Unit-I: Lecture Hr.: 6
Introduction to Java & Principles of Object Oriented Programming:
Importance & features of Java, Java’s Magic: The Byte-code, Java Program Structure, Defining class & methods. Array & Strings. Inheritance, Using Final Modifier, Understanding Packages, Understanding CLASSPATH, Standard Packages, Access Protection in Packages, Concept of Interface
. Unit-II: Lecture Hr.: 12
Inheritance and polymorphism: Introduction, a simple example, the object class, method, overriding, polymorphism, additional inheritance examples, other inheritance issues, abstract classes, extending an abstract class, interfaces. Exception handling: the idea behind exception, types of exceptions, dealing with exceptions, defining your own exceptions, checked and unchecked exceptions.
Unit III: Lecture Hr.: 12
Multithreading Programming: Understanding Threads, The Main Thread, Creating a Thread: extending Thread and implementing Runnable, multithreaded programming, Thread Priorities, Synchronization of threads. Input/Output in Java: I/O Basic, Byte and Character Structure, I/O Classes, Reading Console Input, Writing to Console Output, Reading and Writing on Files, Random Access Files.
Unit IV: Lecture Hr.: 10
Java Data Base Connectivity (JDBC): Database Connectivity- Relation Databases, JDBC API, Reusing Database Objects. Working with Windows: AWT Classes, Window Fundamentals, Working with Frame, Creating a Frame Window in an Applet, displaying information within a Window. Event Handling: Two Event Handling Mechanisms, The Delegation Event Model, The Event Handling Process, Event Classes, Sources of Events, event Listener Interfaces, Using the Delegation Event Model, Adapter Classes.
T1: Patrick Naughton and HerbertzSchildt, “Java-2 The Complete Reference”, 1999, TMH
T2: Rick Dranell, “HTML 4 unleashed”, Techmedia Publication, 2004.
T3: Shelley Powers, “Dynamic Web Publishing”, 2nd Ed., Techmedia, 1998
R1: E. Balaguruswamy, “Programming with Java: A Primer”, TMH, 1998.
R2: Horstmann, “Computing Concepts with Java 2 Essentials”, John Wiley, 2004.
R3: Decker &Hirshfield, “Programming Java: A introduction to programming using JAVA”, Vikas Publication, 2000.
R4: TmyGaddies, “Starting out with Java”, Wiley Dreamtech, 2005.
R5: Holzner, “HTML Blackbook”, Wiley Dreamtech, 2005.
Physics/ Basics of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
School of Engineering & Technology
Course Outline |
Course Title: Physics 23BTC-0PY11C |
Semester: I |
Academic Year: 2024 |
Core/Elective: Core |
Credits: 5 |
Course Designed by: Dr. Isha Saini E-mail: |
Course Instructor: Dr. Isha Saini E-mail: |
Pre-requisites: Fundamental knowledge of Basic Physics Laws. |
1. Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students should be able to:
CO1: Demonstrate knowledge of the physical principles that describe famous Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum physics.
CO2: Explain working principles of advanced topics like lasers, optical fibers and their application in modern communication system.
CO3: Solve engineering problems on electromagnetism
CO4: Discover the underlying concepts and properties of semiconducting materials and how the world changes at nano scale level.
2. CO and PO mapping
PO1 |
PO2 |
PO3 |
PO4 |
PO5 |
PO6 |
PO7 |
PO8 |
PO9 |
PO10 |
PO11 |
PO12 |
PSO1 |
PSO2 |
PSO3 |
CO1 |
H |
H |
M |
L |
M |
L |
L |
M |
H |
M |
L |
H |
M |
L |
M |
CO2 |
H |
H |
M |
L |
M |
L |
L |
M |
H |
M |
L |
H |
M |
L |
M |
CO3 |
H |
H |
M |
L |
M |
L |
L |
M |
H |
M |
L |
H |
M |
L |
M |
CO4 |
H |
H |
M |
L |
M |
L |
L |
M |
H |
M |
L |
H |
M |
L |
M |
3. Syllabus: Total Hrs.: 42
Unit-1 Lecture Hr.: 10
Special theory of relativity: Inertial & non-inertial frames, Michelson-Morley experiment, Einstein postulates, Lorentz transformations equations, Length contractions & time dilation, Addition of velocities, Variations of mass with velocity, mass energy equivalence.
Modern physics: Dual nature of matter, de-Broglie’s hypothesis, Davisson and Germer experiment, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and its applications, Wave functions and its significance, Schrodinger’s wave equation, particle in 1-d potential box.
Unit-2 Lecture Hr.: 08
Wave Optics:
Interference: Interference of light, Interference in thin films (parallel & wedge shapes), Newton’s rings
Diffraction: Single, double and N- slit diffraction, Diffraction grating, Grating spectra, Dispersive power, Rayleigh’s criterion and resolving power of grating.
Polarization: Double refraction, Nicol prism, Production and analysis of plane, circular and elliptical polarized light, Retardation plate.
Unit-3 Lecture Hr.: 08
Lasers: Spontaneous & stimulated emission, population inversion, concept of 3 and 4 level Laser, construction and working of Ruby Laser and He-Ne Laser and Laser applications.
Fibre optics: Propagation of light through optical fiber, Acceptance angle and cone, Numerical aperture, Single and multimode fibers, Intermodal and material dispersion.
Unit-4 Lecture Hr.: 08
Electromagnetic Theory: Gauss’s Law, Ampere’s Law, Displacement current, Equation of continuity, Maxwell’s equations, Poynting theorem and Poynting vector, EM – wave equation and its propagation characteristic in free space and in conducting media, Skin depth.
Unit-5 Lecture Hr.: 08
Physics of some important materials:
Semiconductor: Band theory of solids, density of states, Fermi Dirac distribution, free carrier density (electrons and holes), conductivity of SC, position of Fermi level
Superconductors: Temperature dependence of resistivity, Effect of magnetic fields (Meissner effect), BCS theory (Qualitative)
Nano-Materials: Basic principles of nanoscience and technology, classification, properties and methods of preparation of nanomaterials. Applications of nanotechnology.
4. Text Book(s):
5. Reference Book(s):
School of Engineering & Technology
Course Outline |
Course Title: Physics Lab |
B.Tech CSE-I Sem |
AcademicYear:2023- |
Core/Elective: Core |
Credits: 2 |
Course Designed by: Dr. Isha Saini E-mail: |
Course Instructor: Dr. Isha Saini |
Pre-requisites: Fundamental knowledge of Basic Physics Laws. |
List of Experiments
Engineering Graphics & Design #/ WORKSHOP
School of Engineering & Technology
Course Outline |
Course Title: Engineering Graphics & Design Course Code: 23BTC-0ED11C |
Semester: I/II |
Academic Year: 2023-24 |
Core/Elective: Core |
Credits: 5 |
Course Designed by: Rajan Bansal E-mail: |
Course Instructor: Rajan Bansal E-mail: |
Pre-requisites: None |
1. Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students should be able to:
CO1 Get the knowledge of various Geometrical Elements used in Engineering Practice.
CO2 He gets the insight into the Concepts of all 2 D elements like Conic Sections and 3 D Objects like various Prisms, Cylinders, Pyramids and Cones.
CO3 He also understands the Projections of various objects and their representation and dimensioning.
CO4 The Concept of Isometric Projections is thoroughly taught which will be useful for the visualization of any object.
2. Program Outcomes:
This section deals with how well this course meets the following twelve overall program outcomes (POs):
PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and engineering. Specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze engineering problems to arrive at substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural, and engineering sciences.
PO3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components, processes to meet the specifications with consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10. Communication: Communicate effectively with the engineering community and with society at large. Be able to comprehend and write effective reports documentation. Make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team. Manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
PSO-1: Professional Skills: To demonstrate basic understanding of engineering fundamentals, professional/social ethics and apply mathematical foundations to solve mechanical problems.
PSO-2: Problem Solving Skills: An ability to apply Mechanical Engineering principle to innovate engineering design and implementation of skills to provide optimal solutions for complex problems and provide the platform for research in emerging areas.
PSO-3: Successful Career and Entrepreneurship: Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences to analyze the local and global impact of mechanical on individual, organization and society with an aim for holistic professional development and optimizing resources as a successful Entrepreneur.
3. CO and PO mapping
PO1 |
PO2 |
PO3 |
PO4 |
PO5 |
PO6 |
PO7 |
PO8 |
PO9 |
PO10 |
PO11 |
PO12 |
PSO1 |
PSO2 |
PSO3 |
CO1 |
M |
L |
L |
M |
CO2 |
H |
M |
M |
L |
M |
M |
L |
CO3 |
H |
H |
L |
M |
M |
L |
M |
CO4 |
H |
M |
M |
L |
M |
M |
M |
L |
M |
4. Syllabus: Total Hrs.: 60
UNIT I 12 Hrs
General: Use of Drawing instruments, Lettering - Single stroke letters, Dimensioning, Representation of various type lines - Geometrical Constructions.
Scales: Construction and use of plain and diagonal scales.
Conic Sections: conic sections - general construction method for ellipse, parabola and hyperbola. Special methods for conic sections.
Curves: Curves used in Engineering practice - Cycloidal curves - Cycloid, Epicycloid and Hypocycloid; Involute of circle.
UNIT II 16 Hrs
Method of Projections: Principles of projection - First angle projection and third angle projection of points and straight lines.
Projection of Planes: Projections of planes of regular geometrical lamina.
Projections of Solids: Projections of simple solids such as Cubes, Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinders and Cones with varying positions.
Sections of Solids: Sections of solids such as Cubes, Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinders and Cones. true shapes of sections. (Limited to the Section Planes perpendicular to one of the Principal Planes).
UNIT IV 12 Hrs
Development of Surfaces: Lateral development of cut sections of Cubes, Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinders and Cones.
Isometric Projections: Isometric Projection and conversion of Orthographic Projections into isometric views. (Treatment is limited to simple objects only). Introduction to Isometric Projections to Orthographic Projections.
5. Text Book(s):
6. Reference Book(s):
7. Evaluation Scheme
Exam Type |
Marks Breakup |
Mid Semester Examination |
15 |
End Semester Examination |
60 |
Lab work |
20 |
Viva |
5 |
Enviormental Studies
School of Engineering & Technology
Course Outline |
Course Title: Environmental Studies Course Code: EVS2111 |
Semester: I |
Academic Year: 2023-24 |
Core/Elective: Core |
Credits: 5 |
Course Designed by: Dr. Monika Khurana E-mail: |
Course Instructor: Dr. Monika Khurana E-mail: |
Pre-requisites: None |
The broad objectives of this course are to
Upon successful completion of the course, the students should be able to:
CO1: Gain knowledge on the importance of environmental education and ecosystem.
CO2: Discuss about environmental pollution- sources, effects and control measures of environmental pollution.
CO3: Understand the treatment of wastewater and solid waste management.
CO4: Find importance with respect to biodiversity, its threats and its conservation and appreciate the concept of interdependence.
CO5: Describe the national and international concern for environment for protecting the environment.
Unit 1: Introduction to environmental studies (2 lectures)
Unit 2: Ecosystems (4 lectures)
Structure and function of ecosystem;
Energy flow in an ecosystem: food chains, food webs and ecological succession.
Case studies of the following ecosystems:
a) Forest ecosystem
b) Grassland ecosystem
c) Desert ecosystem
d) Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries)
Unit 3: Natural Resources: Renewable and Non-renewable Resources (4 lectures)
Unit 4: Biodiversity and Conservation (3 lectures)
Unit 5: Environmental Pollution (5 lectures)
Unit 6: Environmental Policies & Practices (4 lectures)
Unit 7: Human Communities and the Environment (4 lectures)
Unit 8: Field Work (4 lectures)
Text Book:
Reference Books:
1. Jadhav, H & Bhosale, V.M., 1995. Environmental Protection and Laws. Himalaya Pub. House, New Delhi.
2. Gadi R., Rattan, S., 2006. Environmental Studies, KATSON Books, New Delhi.
3. Mckinney, M.L. & School, R.M., 1996. Environmental Science Systems & Solutions, Web enhanced edition.
4. Wanger K.D., 1998. Environmental Management. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, USA
5. Evaluation Components
S.No |
Exam |
Marks |
Duration |
Coverage / Scope of Examination |
1 |
Test -1 (Mid-Term) |
15 |
1 hour |
Syllabus covered up to Mid-Semester |
2 |
Test -2 (End-Term) |
60 |
2 hours |
Entire Syllabus |
Tutorials / Assignments, Quizzes, Attendance/Field Work/Project |
25 |
Entire Semester |
Quiz(s)/presentation(s)/ Field Work- 15 Assignment - 10
Theory |
A student will need to get at least 40 marks out of a maximum of 100 to be considered passed. |
School of Design COURSE OUTLINE |
Course Title : Design Thinking Course Code: 23BTC-0DT11L |
Academic Year: 2023
Core/Elective: Core
Credits: 1
Course Designed by: Dr. Sachin Datt E-mail: |
Course Designed by: Dr. Sachin Datt E-mail: |
Pre-requisites: Class 10 level science |
CO1: Demonstrate Understanding of Design Thinking Principles:
CO2: Apply User-Centered Research Techniques:
CO3: Generate and Evaluate Innovative Solutions.
CO4: Create Prototypes and Iterate Designs
Lecture Plan (Total hours - 45)
Date |
Lectures hour |
Topics to be covered |
UNIT No. |
Planned on |
Taken on |
Methodology used (PPT, White Board, Audio/Video, Practical, Visit, Self Study based) |
Deans Remarks with Date |
Introduction to Design Thinking |
10/8/23 |
22/8/2023 23/8/2023 |
White Board, PPT |
Understanding User Needs and Empathy |
10/8/23 |
29/8/2023 30/8/2023 |
Practical |
2 |
Framing the Problem |
10/8/23 |
5/9/2023 6/9/2023 |
White Board, PPT |
2 |
Ideation and Creative Problem Solving |
10/8/23 |
12/9/2023 13/9/2023 |
White Board, PPT |
2 |
Prototyping and Visualization |
10/8/23 |
19/9/2023 20/9/2023 |
Practical |
2 |
Testing and Feedback |
10/8/23 |
26/9/2023 27/9/2023 |
Practical |
2 |
Mid term |
10/8/23 |
3/10/2023 4/10/2023 |
Exam |
2 |
Refinement and Iteration Collaboration and Team Dynamics |
10/8/23 |
10/10/2023 11/10/2023 |
White Board, PPT |
2 |
10/8/23 |
17/10/2023 18/10/2023 |
White Board, PPT
Designing for User Experience |
2 |
Design Ethics and Social Impact |
10/8/23 |
24/10/2023 25/10/2023 |
Audio/Video, |
2 |
Designing for Innovation |
10/8/23 |
31/10/2023 1/11/2023 |
Audio/Video, |
2 |
Integrating Design Thinking into Organizations |
10/8/23 |
7/11/2023 8/11/2023 |
Practical |
2 |
10/8/23 |
14/11/2023 15/11/2023 |
Practical |
2 |
Project |
10/8/23 |
21/11/2023 22/11/2023 |
Practical |
2 |
Final submission of assignment |
28/11/2023 29/11/2023 |
Practical |
1. "The Design of Everyday Things" by Don Norman
2. "Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation" by Tim Brown
3. "Design a Better Business: New Tools, Skills, and Mindset for Strategy and Innovation" by Patrick Van Der Pijl, Justin Lokitz, and Roland Wijnen
4. "Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days" by Jake Knapp
5. "Design Thinking: Integrating Innovation, Customer Experience, and Brand Value" by Thomas Lockwood and Edgar Papke
Universal Human Values
School of Engineering & Technology
Course Outline |
Course Title: UNIVERSAL HUMAN VALUES Course Code: SE-151 |
Semester: 1 |
Academic Year: 2024 |
Core/Elective: Core |
Credits: 2 |
L T P 0 0 4 |
Course Designed by: Rajan Bansal E-mail: |
Course Instructor: Rajan Bansal E-mail: |
Pre-requisites: None |
1. Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students should be able to:
CO1: Distinguish between values and skills, and understand the need, basic guidelines, content and process of value education.
CO2: Initiate a process of dialog within themselves to know what they really want to be in their life and profession.
CO3: Understand the meaning of happiness and prosperity for a human being.
CO4: Understand harmony at all the levels of human living, and live accordingly.
CO5: Facilitate in applying the understanding of harmony in existence in their profession and lead an ethical life.
3. CO and PO mapping
PO1 |
PO2 |
PO3 |
PO4 |
PO5 |
PO6 |
PO7 |
PO8 |
PO9 |
PO10 |
PO11 |
PO12 |
PSO1 |
PSO2 |
PSO3 |
CO1 |
M |
H |
M |
H |
CO2 |
M |
H |
M |
H |
CO3 |
L |
H |
H |
H |
CO4 |
M |
H |
M |
H |
CO5 |
H |
H |
H |
H |
Unit-I: Introduction to Value Education
1. Value Education, Definition, Concept and Need for Value Education
2. The Content and Process of Value Education
3. Self-Exploration as a means of Value Education
4. Happiness and Prosperity as parts of Value Education
Unit-II: Harmony in the Human Being
1. Human Being is more than just the Body
2. Harmony of the Self („I‟) with the Body
3. Understanding Myself as Co-existence of the Self and the Body
4. Understanding Needs of the Self and the Needs of the Body
Unit-III: Harmony in the Family and Society and Harmony in the Nature
1. Family as a basic unit of Human Interaction and Values in Relationships
2. The Basics for respect and today’s Crisis: Affection, Care, Guidance, Reverence, Glory, Gratitude and Love
3. Comprehensive Human Goal: The Five dimensions of Human Endeavour
Unit-IV: Social Ethics
1. The Basics for Ethical Human conduct
2. Defects in Ethical Human Conduct
3. Holistic Alternative and Universal order
4. Universal Human Order and Ethical Conduct
Unit-V: Professional Ethics
1. Value Based Life and Profession
2. Professional Ethics and Right Understanding
3. Competence in Professional Ethics
4. Issues in Professional Ethics – The Current scenario
5. Vision for Holistic Technologies, Production System and Management Models
5. Text Book(s):
The text book R.R Gaur, R Sangal, G P Bagaria, “A foundation Course in Human Values and
professional Ethics, Excel books, New Delhi, 2010, ISBN 978-8-174-46781-2
6. Reference Book(s):
i. A.N. Tripathy, 2003, Human Values, New Age International PublishersPower plant technology: By E.I. Wakil TMH
ii. R.R Gaur, R Sangal, G P Bagaria, “A foundation Course in Human Values and professional Ethics – Teachers Manual”, Excel books, New Delhi, 2010
iii. P.L. Dhar, RR Gaur, 1990, Science and Humanism, Commonwealth Publishers.
iv. Bertrand Russell Human Society in Ethics & Politics
v. Gaur. R. R., Sangal. R, Bagaria. G.P, A Foundation Course in Value Education, Excel Books, 2009.
Semester 2
Semester II
School of Engineering & Technology
Course Outline |
Course Title: Engineering Mathematics II Course Code 23BTC-0MA12T |
Semester: II |
Academic Year: 2024
Core/Elective: Core |
Credits: 4 |
Course Designed by: Dr. Manimala |
Course Instructor: Dr. Manimala |
Pre-requisites: Basic concept of Calculus, Complex number, Vector analysis |
1. Upon successful completion of the course, the students should be able to
CO1: Describe complex variables and its different functional form. Also understand different mapping like – conformal, standard (linear, square, inverse).
CO2: Understand concept of line integral, residue and singularities and its applications to solve complex mathematical problems.
CO3: Explain differential equations and its application to system of equations in engineering problems.
CO4: Demonstrate multiple integral and application of double/triple integrals.
CO5: Apply concept of vector and scalars to find Line Integral, surface integral and volume integral and relation between them.
2. CO and PO mapping:
PO1 |
PO2 |
PO3 |
PO4 |
PO5 |
PO6 |
PO7 |
PO8 |
PO9 |
PO10 |
PO11 |
PO12 |
PSO1 |
PSO2 |
PSO3 |
CO1 |
H |
L |
M |
CO2 |
H |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
CO3 |
M |
L |
CO4 |
CO5 |
L |
M |
L |
L |
UNIT I- Functions of Complex Variables - I Total: 7 hours
Derivatives of complex functions, Analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations. Harmonic Conjugates, Milne’s Thomson Method, Conformal mapping, Standard mappings linear, square, inverse and bilinear mapping.
UNIT II- Functions of Complex Variables - II Total: 8 hours
Complex line integral, Cauchy’s integral theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula. Zeros and Singularities / Taylor series, Laurents series. Calculation of residues. Residue theorem, Evaluation unit circle and real integrals.
UNIT III- Ordinary Differential Equation Total: 12 hours
Definition of Differential Equation & Their Types, Order and degree of a DE, Formation of DE, Wronskian. Variable Separable, Homogeneous DE, Linear DE. Exact differential equations, equations reducible to exact differential equations. Complete solution, complementary function and particular integral, method of variation of parameters to find particular integral. Cauchy's and Legendre's linear equations. Simultaneous linear equations with constant co-efficient.
UNIT IV- Multiple Integral Total: 6 hours
Double Integral, Change of Variables. Change to Polar Co-ordinates, Change of order of integration. Triple Integration, Application of double and triple integrals (Area and Volume).
Beta and Gamma Function.
UNIT V- Vector Calculus Total: 7 hours
Scalar and Vector point functions, Gradient, Divergence, and Curl with geometrical physical interpretations. Directional derivatives, Properties. Line integrals and application to work done.
Green’s Lemma, Surface integrals and Volume integrals. Stoke’s theorem, Gauss divergence theorem (both without proof) and its application.
4. Text Book(s):6.
5. Reference Book(s):
R1: Kreyszig Erwin, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 9th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
R2: Peter.V.O.Neil, Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Canada: Thomson, 2007.
R3: R.K.Jain and S.R.K.Iyengar, Advanced Engineering Mathematics. 3 ed, Narosa Publishers, 2009
R4: H. K Dass, “Advanced engineering mathematics”, 8th Edition, S. Chand, 2008
R5: Jain Iyengar, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 3rd Edition, Narosa Publishers, 2009
Basic of Electrical and Electronics Engineering*
School of Engineering & Technology
Course Outline |
Course Title: Basics of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Course Code: 23BTC-0EE11C |
Semester: I/II |
Academic Year: 2024 |
Core/Elective: Core |
Credits: 5 |
Course Designed by: Dr. Neha Gupta E-mail: |
Course Designed by: Dr. Neha Gupta E-mail: |
Pre-requisites: Basic Math, Applied Physics |
1. Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students should be able to:
CO1: Classify different types of electronic components.
CO2: Explain working of different types of diodes and rectifier circuits.
CO3: Apply the knowledge to solve dc complex circuits.
CO4: Solve different RLC circuits to obtain relation between voltage, current and Power.
CO5: Understand between single phase and polyphaser circuits.
2CO and PO mapping
COs |
PO1 |
PO2 |
PO3 |
PO4 |
PO5 |
PO6 |
PO7 |
PO8 |
PO9 |
PO10 |
PO11 |
PO12 |
PSO1 |
PSO2 |
PSO3 |
CO1 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
CO2 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
CO3 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
CO4 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
CO5 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
3. Syllabus: Total Hrs.: 40
UNIT I- Introduction Total: 6 hours
Introduction of electronics and electricity, components and its applications. study of semi-conductor physics, semiconductor materials. Structure of atom, metals, insulators and semiconductors (intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor), Energy Band Gap, Introduction to basic logic gates
UNIT II – Semiconductor Diodes and Applications Total: 10 hours
P-N junction, junction theory, Physical operation of p-n junction diodes, Characteristics of p-n junction diodes. Rectifiers: half wave, full wave, center tapped and bridge type rectifier, numerical. Types of diode (signal diodes, power diodes, zener diode, varactor diode, LED’s).
Bipolar Junction Transistor
Simplified structure and physical operation of n-p-n and p-n-p transistors in the active region and working of transistor. Three configurations and their comparisons, BJT as a switch and amplifier.
Basic Terminology of electrical elements including current, resistance, capacitance, inductance, E.M.F, Potential Difference power, energy. Ohm’s law, Series-Parallel connection of resistance. Current and Voltage Division Rules, Kirchhoff's law. Electrical circuit parameters, Ohm’s Law, KCL, KVL Mesh and Nodal Analysis, Numerical problems.
UNIT IV: AC CIRCUITS Total Hours =10
Basic Terminology including alternating current, alternating emfs and waveform, concept of cycle period, frequency, instantaneous, peak, average, r.m.s. values, peak factor, and form factor, phase difference, lagging, leading and in phase quantities Average and RMS values, Real power, reactive power, Apparent power, Power factor.
RL, RC, RLC Combination, impedance and admittance in AC circuit, Resonance in RLC series and parallel circuit. Numerical problems.
Three phase circuits Comparison between single phase and three phase circuits Polyphase Circuits-three star and delta, Voltages of three balanced phase system, delta and star connection, relationship between line and phase quantities, Power in three phase system.
4. Text Book(s):
Boylestad and Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”, Eighth Edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.
Digital circuits & design by S. Salivahanan & S. Arivazhagan, 5th Edition.
B L Theraja ,A Textbook of Electrical Technology - Volume I , third edition S.Chand.
5. Reference Book(s):
Programming for Problem Solving
School of Engineering & Technology Course Outline |
Course Title: Programming for Problem Solving Course Code: 23BCS-PP12C |
Semester: BTECH II |
Academic Year: 2024 |
Core/Elective: Core |
LTP: 3-0-4 Credits: 5 |
Course Designed by: Mr. Veer E-mail: |
Course Instructor: Mr. Ishtiyaq Khan E-mail: |
Pre-requisites: Computer Organization and Architecture, Data Structure |
1. Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students should be able to:
2. CO and PO mapping
PO1 |
PO2 |
PO3 |
PO4 |
PO5 |
PO6 |
PO7 |
PO8 |
PO9 |
PO10 |
PO11 |
PO12 |
PSO1 |
PSO2 |
PSO3 |
CO1 |
H |
H |
L |
L |
L |
L |
M |
H |
H |
L |
CO2 |
H |
H |
L |
M |
M |
L |
L |
M |
H |
L |
CO3 |
H |
H |
L |
H |
M |
L |
L |
L |
H |
L |
CO4 |
H |
H |
L |
H |
M |
L |
L |
H |
H |
L |
CO5 |
H |
H |
L |
H |
M |
L |
L |
H |
H |
L |
3. Syllabus: Total Hrs.: 48
Unit-1 Lecture Hr.: 12
Introduction: Stacks, Revision: ArrayList and LinkedList, Data Structures, Introduction to Stacks, Stacks, Parenthesis Matching Problem, Solving the Parenthesis Problem Using Stacks, Matching Multiple Types of Parentheses, Implementing a Stack, Industry Demonstration: File Versioning System, Introduction- Queues, Queues, Ticket Booking System Using Queues, Implement a Stack Using Two Queues, Implement a Stack Using One Queue, Detect Duplicate Parentheses, Find the kth Largest Element, Double-Ended Queues, Palindrome Problem,Interview Questions: Infix to Postfix, Evaluation of a Postfix Expression, Evaluate a Given Prefix Expression, Reverse a Stack, Generate and Add Binary Numbers, Maximum of Subarrays of Size k, Implement Queue Using Stack, Optimize Stack Operations, Annual Weather Report, Path Between Pixels.
Unit-2 Lecture Hr.: 8
Introduction: Hash Tables, Array Implementation of a Phone Book, Hashing and Hash Functions, Collisions in Hash Tables, How a Hash Function Affects Hashing, PhoneBook Implementation Using Hash Tables in Java,Introduction: HashMap and HashSet, Introduction to HashMap, Find Symmetric Pairs, First Unique Character, Introduction to HashSet, Check Array of Contiguous Integers, Pair With a Given Sum, Find Itinerary From all Tickets, Match Locks and Keys .
Unit-3 Lecture Hr.: 12
The Title Problem, Linear vs. Non-Linear Data Structure, Introduction to Trees, Introduction to Binary Tree, Properties of Binary Tree, Types of Binary Trees, Representation of Binary Tree, Tree Traversal: Depth First Search (DFS), DFS: Pseudocode & Code, Tree Traversal: Breadth First Search (BFS), BFS (Recursive): Pseudocode & Code, BFS (Iterative): Pseudocode & Code, Mirror a Tree, Spiral Level-Order Traversal, Introduction to BSTs, Searching in BST, Inserting Node in BST, Deleting a Node from BST, Lowest Common Ancestor in BST, Balanced BSTs, The Title Problem.
Unit-4 Lecture Hr.: 8
Priority Queues and Heaps, Priority Queue ADT, List Implementation of Priority Queue, Java list Implementation of Priority Queue, Introduction to Heaps, Insertion and Removal of Heap Elements, Implementation of a Complete Binary Tree, Implementation of Heaps, Heap Sort, Industry Demonstration, Merge K Sorted Linked Lists, Median of a Stream of Integers.
Unit-5 Lecture Hr.: 8
Students will be solving a problem based on the concepts of Stacks and Queues.
4. Text Book(s):
[T1] “Introduction to Algorithms” by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein
[T2] “Algorithms Unlocked” by Thomas H. Cormen
5. Reference Book(s):
[R1] “Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy: Data Structures and Algorithmic Puzzles” by Narasimha Karumanchi
[R2] “The Algorithm Design Manual” by Steven S. Skiena
[R3] “Grokking Algorithms: An illustrated guide for programmers and other curious people” by Aditya Bhargava
21ENG11 |
L |
T |
P |
C |
Version 1.0 |
1 |
0 |
2 |
2 |
Pre-requisites/ Exposure |
Co-requisites |
-- |
Course Objectives- The purpose of this course is to:
Course Outcomes- On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
CO1 Strengthen the correct usage of English grammar and their speaking ability in terms of both fluency and comprehensibility
CO2 Develop their vocabulary skills and its contextual function.
CO3 Develop proficiency in the basics of Professional Writing
CO4 Appreciate and understand Literature through reading and analysis of literary and cultural texts in multiple genres.
CO5 Communicate confidently and appropriately by extensive practice of communication skills for any intended audience.
Pedagogy- The course will be taught in an interactive manner. The concepts will be shared through slides, video clips, and further reinforced through individual or group activities such as role-plays, exercises, games, case discussions, presentations, textbook reading and review.
Course content Total Lecture hours - 15
Unit I: Building vocabulary 4 Lecture hours
LAB- 25 Hours
Lab session No. |
Details |
1. |
Listening to short talks lectures, speeches (scientific, commercial and general in nature) |
2. |
Phonetics and Phonology – vowels and consonant, Word Stress, Intonation Patterns, Developing Voice quality, Developing Correct Tone |
3. |
Identifying the difference between British vs American vs Neutral Accent, MTI |
4. |
Role plays, Declamation |
5. |
Theatre, Poetry recitation and reading sessions |
6. |
Group discussions, Debates |
7. |
Movie Review |
8. |
Creative writing- poem, short story, articles for newspaper, fantasy |
9. |
Tell-a-tale, rendezvous, trail blazers |
Text books
University Press, 2015.
Reference books
Communication in English
21ENG11 |
L |
T |
P |
C |
Version 1.0 |
1 |
0 |
2 |
2 |
Pre-requisites/ Exposure |
Co-requisites |
-- |
Course Objectives- The purpose of this course is to:
Course Outcomes- On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
CO1 Strengthen the correct usage of English grammar and their speaking ability in terms of both fluency and comprehensibility
CO2 Develop their vocabulary skills and its contextual function.
CO3 Develop proficiency in the basics of Professional Writing
CO4 Appreciate and understand Literature through reading and analysis of literary and cultural texts in multiple genres.
CO5 Communicate confidently and appropriately by extensive practice of communication skills for any intended audience.
Pedagogy- The course will be taught in an interactive manner. The concepts will be shared through slides, video clips, and further reinforced through individual or group activities such as role-plays, exercises, games, case discussions, presentations, textbook reading and review.
Course content Total Lecture hours - 15
Unit I: Building vocabulary 4 Lecture hours
LAB- 25 Hours
Lab session No. |
Details |
1. |
Listening to short talks lectures, speeches (scientific, commercial and general in nature) |
2. |
Phonetics and Phonology – vowels and consonant, Word Stress, Intonation Patterns, Developing Voice quality, Developing Correct Tone |
3. |
Identifying the difference between British vs American vs Neutral Accent, MTI |
4. |
Role plays, Declamation |
5. |
Theatre, Poetry recitation and reading sessions |
6. |
Group discussions, Debates |
7. |
Movie Review |
8. |
Creative writing- poem, short story, articles for newspaper, fantasy |
9. |
Tell-a-tale, rendezvous, trail blazers |
Text books
Acevedo and Gower M (1999) Reading and Writing Skills. London, Longman
Swan, Michael. (1980). Practical English Usage. Oxford, OUP
Kumar, Sanjay and Pushp Lata. English for Effective Communication, Oxford
University Press, 2015.
Konar, Nira. English Language Laboratories – A Comprehensive Manual, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2011.
Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening-Robert Frost
Wings of Fire, APJ Abdul Kalam
Of Studies- Francis Bacon
Reference books
Jolly, David (1984). Writing Tasks: Students’ Book. Cambridge, CUP
Klippel and Swan (1984). Keep Talking. Oxford, OUP
Walter and Swan (1997). How English Works. Oxford, OUP
Eastwood, John (2008). Oxford Practice Grammar.
High School English Grammar & Composition by Wren & Martin
Modes of Evaluation
MID SEMESTER EVALUATION (40) – Theory (25 Marks) + Lab (15 Marks) |
THEORY (25) |
Mid Semester Examination |
Quiz(s)/ Presentation (s)/Assignment/ |
Attendance |
Total |
10 |
10 |
5 |
25 |
LAB (15) |
Mid Semester Examination |
Lab/ practical performed & Lab report |
Total |
10 |
5 |
15 |
Theory (35) |
Lab (25) |
Workshop Practices #/Engineering Graphics & Design
School of Engineering & Technology
Course Outline |
Course Title: Engineering Graphics & Design Course Code: 23BTC-0ED11C |
Semester: I/II |
Academic Year: 2023-24 |
Core/Elective: Core |
Credits: 5 |
Course Designed by: Rajan Bansal E-mail: |
Course Instructor: Rajan Bansal E-mail: |
Pre-requisites: None |
1. Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students should be able to:
CO1 Get the knowledge of various Geometrical Elements used in Engineering Practice.
CO2 He gets the insight into the Concepts of all 2 D elements like Conic Sections and 3 D Objects like various Prisms, Cylinders, Pyramids and Cones.
CO3 He also understands the Projections of various objects and their representation and dimensioning.
CO4 The Concept of Isometric Projections is thoroughly taught which will be useful for the visualization of any object.
2. Program Outcomes:
This section deals with how well this course meets the following twelve overall program outcomes (POs):
PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and engineering. Specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze engineering problems to arrive at substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural, and engineering sciences.
PO3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components, processes to meet the specifications with consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10. Communication: Communicate effectively with the engineering community and with society at large. Be able to comprehend and write effective reports documentation. Make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team. Manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
PSO-1: Professional Skills: To demonstrate basic understanding of engineering fundamentals, professional/social ethics and apply mathematical foundations to solve mechanical problems.
PSO-2: Problem Solving Skills: An ability to apply Mechanical Engineering principle to innovate engineering design and implementation of skills to provide optimal solutions for complex problems and provide the platform for research in emerging areas.
PSO-3: Successful Career and Entrepreneurship: Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences to analyze the local and global impact of mechanical on individual, organization and society with an aim for holistic professional development and optimizing resources as a successful Entrepreneur.
3. CO and PO mapping
PO1 |
PO2 |
PO3 |
PO4 |
PO5 |
PO6 |
PO7 |
PO8 |
PO9 |
PO10 |
PO11 |
PO12 |
PSO1 |
PSO2 |
PSO3 |
CO1 |
M |
L |
L |
M |
CO2 |
H |
M |
M |
L |
M |
M |
L |
CO3 |
H |
H |
L |
M |
M |
L |
M |
CO4 |
H |
M |
M |
L |
M |
M |
M |
L |
M |
4. Syllabus: Total Hrs.: 60
UNIT I 12 Hrs
General: Use of Drawing instruments, Lettering - Single stroke letters, Dimensioning, Representation of various type lines - Geometrical Constructions.
Scales: Construction and use of plain and diagonal scales.
Conic Sections: conic sections - general construction method for ellipse, parabola and hyperbola. Special methods for conic sections.
Curves: Curves used in Engineering practice - Cycloidal curves - Cycloid, Epicycloid and Hypocycloid; Involute of circle.
UNIT II 16 Hrs
Method of Projections: Principles of projection - First angle projection and third angle projection of points and straight lines.
Projection of Planes: Projections of planes of regular geometrical lamina.
Projections of Solids: Projections of simple solids such as Cubes, Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinders and Cones with varying positions.
Sections of Solids: Sections of solids such as Cubes, Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinders and Cones. true shapes of sections. (Limited to the Section Planes perpendicular to one of the Principal Planes).
UNIT IV 12 Hrs
Development of Surfaces: Lateral development of cut sections of Cubes, Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinders and Cones.
Isometric Projections: Isometric Projection and conversion of Orthographic Projections into isometric views. (Treatment is limited to simple objects only). Introduction to Isometric Projections to Orthographic Projections.
5. Text Book(s):
6. Reference Book(s):
7. Evaluation Scheme
Exam Type |
Marks Breakup |
Mid Semester Examination |
15 |
End Semester Examination |
60 |
Lab work |
20 |
Viva |
5 |
Sports and Yoga or NSS/NCC
Service Learning -1
Semester 3
Data Structures
School of Engineering & Technology Course Outline |
Course Title: Data Structures Course Code: 15BTC-1DS21T |
Semester: BTech CSE IV |
Academic Year: 2021-25 |
Core/Elective: Core |
LTP: 3-0-2 Credits: 4 |
Course Designed by: Latika Singh E-mail: |
Course Instructor: Latika Singh E-mail:, |
Pre-requisites: programming |
1. Upon successful completion of the course, the students should be able to:
CO1: implement and analyze a given problem of Stacks, Queues and linked list and determine the time and computation complexity.
CO2: write an algorithm Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap Sort and compare their performance in term of Space and Time complexity
CO3: implement Graph search and traversal algorithms
2. CO and PO mapping
PO1 |
PO2 |
PO3 |
PO4 |
PO5 |
PO6 |
PO7 |
PO8 |
PO9 |
PO10 |
PO11 |
PO12 |
PSO1 |
PSO2 |
PSO3 |
CO1 |
H |
M |
L |
M |
M |
M |
L |
L |
M |
H |
L |
M |
H |
H |
L |
CO2 |
L |
M |
M |
L |
M |
H |
L |
L |
L |
L |
L |
L |
H |
H |
L |
CO3 |
L |
M |
H |
M |
L |
L |
L |
L |
L |
L |
M |
L |
L |
H |
L |
3. Syllabus: Total Hrs.: 56
Unit-1 Lecture Hr.: 10
Introduction: Basic Terminologies: Elementary Data Organizations, Data Structure Operations: insertion, deletion, traversal etc.; Analysis of an Algorithm, Asymptotic Notations, Time-Space trade off. Searching: Linear Search and Binary Search Techniques and their complexity analysis.
Unit-2 Lecture Hr.: 20
Stacks and Queues: ADT Stack and its operations: Algorithms and their complexity analysis, Applications of Stacks: Expression Conversion and evaluation – corresponding algorithms and complexity analysis. ADT queue, Types of Queue: Simple Queue, Circular Queue, Priority Queue; Operations on each types of Queues: Algorithms and their analysis.
Unit-3 Lecture Hr.: 08
Linked Lists: Singly linked lists: Representation in memory, Algorithms of several operations: Traversing, Searching, Insertion into, Deletion from linked list; Linked representation of Stack and Queue, Header nodes, Doubly linked list: operations on it and algorithmic analysis; Circular Linked Lists: all operations their algorithms and the complexity analysis.
Trees: Basic Tree Terminologies, Different types of Trees: Binary Tree, Threaded Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, AVL Tree; Tree operations on each of the trees and their algorithms with complexity analysis. Applications of Binary Trees. B Tree, B+ Tree: definitions, algorithms and analysis.
Unit-4 Lecture Hr.: 08
Sorting and Hashing: Objective and properties of different sorting algorithms: Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap Sort; Performance and Comparison among all the methods, Hashing.
Unit-5 Lecture Hr.: 10
Graph: Basic Terminologies and Representations, Graph search and traversal algorithms and complexity analysis.
4. Text Book(s): “Fundamentals of Data Structures”, Illustrated Edition by Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni Computer Science Press.
5. Reference Book(s):
Internet of Things
School of Engineering & Technology
Course Outline |
Course Title: DIGITAL ELECTRONICS Course code-15BEC-1DE21T |
Semester: III |
Academic Year: 2021-2025 |
Core/Elective: Core |
Credits: 4 |
Course Designed by: Garima Bakshi |
Course Instructor: Garima Bakshi |
Pre-requisites: Basic concepts of number system & electronic circuit. |
1. Upon successful completion of the course, the students should be able to:
CO1: Explain about digital number systems and logic circuits.
CO2: Demonstrate the simplification of Boolean expressions using Boolean algebra.
CO3: Solve logic function minimization.
CO4: Differentiate between combinational and sequential circuits such as decoders, encoders, multiplexers, demultiplexers, flip-flops, counters, registers.
CO5: Distinguish between the different programmable logic devices.
2. CO and PO mapping
PO1 |
PO2 |
PO3 |
PO4 |
PO5 |
PO6 |
PO7 |
PO8 |
PO9 |
PO10 |
PO11 |
PO12 |
PSO1 |
PSO2 |
PSO3 |
CO1 |
H |
M |
CO2 |
H |
M |
M |
CO3 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
CO4 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
CO5 |
H |
M |
M |
M |
3. Syllabus: 3. Syllabus: Total Hrs.: 40
UNIT I-Introduction Total: 5 hours
Number Systems-Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, Number base conversions, Introduction to logic gates-Basic gates, Universal gates, EXOR, EXNOR gates.
UNIT II – Boolean Algebra Total: 10 hours
Boolean algebra, Boolean postulates and laws –De-Morgan’s Theorem- Principle of Duality, Simplification using Boolean algebra, Arithmetic Operation using 1’s and 2’s compliments. Standard Representation of Logical functions.
UNIT III - Combinational Circuits Total: 10 hours
K-map representation and simplification of logical functions. Don’t care conditions. Combinational circuits: Multiplexers, demultiplexers, decoders & encoders, adders & subtractor, code converters, comparators, decoder/drivers for display device.
UNIT IV- Sequential Circuits Total: 10 hours
Sequential Circuit: Sequential logic design, latch, flip-flop, S-R, JK D, and T flip flop. Master-Slave and Edge triggered flip-flops, race around condition, asynchronous inputs in flip flop. Shift Registers, Asynchronous counters, synchronous counters.
UNIT V- Programmable Logic Devices Total: 5 hours
Programmable logic devices: logic implementation using ROM. Logic implementation using PLA, & PAL. Introduction to RAM, FPGA, CPLD.
4. Text Books:
4. Text Book(s):
5. Reference Books:
5. Reference Book(s):
Discrete Mathematics
School of Engineering & Technology
Course Outline |
Course Title: Discrete Mathematics Course Code- 15BTC-0DM21T |
Semester: IV |
Academic Year: 2021-25 |
Core/Elective: Core |
Credits: 3 |
Course Designed by: Dr. Manimala |
Course Instructor: Dr. Manimala |
Pre-requisites: Basic concept of set theory, relations, functions and permutations and combinations, |
1. Upon successful completion of the course, the students should be able to
CO1: Demonstrate the basic concepts of set theory, relations and Functions and their applications in real world problems.
CO2: Formulate and interpret statements presented in Boolean logic. Create mathematical arguments using logical connectives and quantifiers.
CO3: Interpret how to use and analyze counting techniques and recurrence relation.
CO4: Establish some basic properties of graphs and related discrete structures, and be able to
relate these to practical examples.
CO4: Identify basic properties of tree, graphs and graph coloring & use these concepts to model simple applications
2. CO and PO mapping
PO1 |
PO2 |
PO3 |
PO4 |
PO5 |
PO6 |
PO7 |
PO8 |
PO9 |
PO10 |
PO11 |
PO12 |
PSO1 |
PSO2 |
PSO3 |
CO1 |
H |
M |
M |
CO2 |
H |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
M |
CO3 |
M |
M |
L |
L |
CO4 |
H |
L |
L |
CO5 |
M |
M |
3. Syllabus: Total Hrs.: 40
UNIT I- Set Theory Functions and Relations Total:10 hours
Introduction to set theory, Types of sets, Set operations, Algebra of sets, Duality, Finite and Infinite sets, Classes of sets, Power Sets, Multi sets, Cartesian Product. Set inclusion and Exclusion Principle. Relation and Functions: Definition, Types of Relation. Equivalence Relation, Partial order relation and their examples. Functions, definitions and their types. Composition functions.
UNIT II- Logic and Propositional Calculus Total: 5 hours
Basic operations: AND(^), OR (v), NOT(~), Truth value of a compound statement, propositions, Logical Equivalence. Conditional and Bi-conditional Statement, tautologies, contradictions. Propositional Function, Quantifiers, Normal forms.
UNIT III- Counting Technique and Recursion Total: 10 hours
Introduction, Recursion, Recurrence relation, Solving Recurrence Relation. Linear recurrence relation with constant coefficients, Homogeneous solutions. Basics of Counting, Pigeonhole Principle. Permutations and Combinations. Introduction to Discrete Probability, Probability Theory. Bayes’ Theorem.
UNIT IV- Graph Theory -I Total: 10 hours
Graphs: Introduction, Multigraphs, Subgraph, Isomorphic and Homeomorphic graph, Paths, Euler and Hamilton Paths, Connectivity, The Bridges of Konigsberg, Traversable Multigraphs, Labeled and weighted graphs, Complete, Regular and Bipartite graph.
UNIT V- Graph Theory –II Total: 5 hours
Euler and Hamilton Paths, Tree, Graphs, Planar Graphs, Graph Coloring.
4. Text Book(s):
5. Reference Book(s):
R1: C. Liu, D. Mohapatra[CM]. Elements of Discrete Mathematics. 2008. Tata McGraw-Hill.
R2: T.Koshy [TK].Discrete mathematics with applications.2003. Academic Press.
R3: J. Hein [JH]. Discrete structures, logic and computability.2009. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
R4: Martin Aigner. Discrete mathematics. 2007. AMS.
R5: Norman L. Biggs. . Discrete mathematics. 2003. Oxford University Press
Specialization Course-I
Service Learning -2
Semester 4
Computer Architecture and Organization
School of Engineering & Technology Course Outline |
Course Title: Computer Architecture and Organization Course code-15BCS-0CO21T |
Semester: IV |
Academic Year: 2020 |
Core/Elective: Core |
Credits: 3 |
Course Designed by: Dr. Dinesh Rai E-mail: |
Course Instructor: Dr. Dinesh Rai E-mail: dineshrai |
Pre-requisites: Operating Systems, Digital Electronics |
1. Upon successful completion of the course, the students should be able to:
CO1: design an elementary basic computer.
CO2: determine the impact of various addressing modes.
CO3: organize input – output and memory.
2. CO and PO mapping
PO1 |
PO2 |
PO3 |
PO4 |
PO5 |
PO6 |
PO7 |
PO8 |
PO9 |
PO10 |
PO11 |
PO12 |
PSO1 |
PSO2 |
PSO3 |
CO1 |
H |
H |
M |
M |
M |
L |
L |
L |
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M |
L |
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L |
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M |
CO2 |
H |
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M |
CO3 |
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L |
L |
M |
L |
H |
H |
3. Syllabus: Total Hrs.: 42
UNIT – I: REGISTER TRANSFER AND MICROOPERATIONS: Register Transfer Language, Register Transfer, Bus and Memory Transfers, Arithmetic Micro-operations, Logic Micro-operations, Shift Micro-operations, Arithmetic Logic Shift unit.
Basic Computer Organization and Design: Instruction Codes, Computer Registers, Computer Instructions, Timing and Control, Instruction cycle. Memory Reference Instructions. Input-Output and Interrupt, Complete Computer Description, Design of Basic Computer, Design of Accumulator Logic.
UNIT – II: MICROPROGRAMMED CONTROL: Control Memory, Address Sequencing, Microprogram Example, Design of control unit.
Central Processing Unit: Introduction, General Register Organization, Stack Organization, Instruction Formats, Addressing Modes, Data Transfer and Manipulation Program control, Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC), Overlapped Register Windows.
UNIT – III: INPUT-OUTPUT ORGANIZATION: Peripheral Devices, Input-Output Interface, Asynchronous Data Transfer, Modes of Transfer, Priority Interrupt, Direct Memory Access(DMA), Input-Output Processor(IOP), Serial Communication.
UNIT – IV : Memory Organization: Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory, Auxiliary Memory, Associative Memory, Cache Memory, Virtual Memory, Memory Management Hardware.
COMPUTER ARITHMETIC: Introduction, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication Algorithms, Division Algorithms, Floating-Point Arithmetic Operations, Decimal Arithmetic Unit, Decimal Arithmetic Operations.
UNIT – V Pipeline and Vector Processing: Parallel Processing, Pipelining, Arithmetic Pipeline, Instruction Pipeline, RISC Pipeline, Vector Processing, Array Processors
4. Text Book(s):
5. Reference Book(s):
John P. Hayes, “Computer Architecture and Organization”, 3rd Mc Graw Hill International editions, 1998.
Database Management Systems
School of Engineering & Technology Course Outline |
Course Title: Database Systems Course code- 15BCSIDB21T |
Semester : IV |
Academic Year: 2021-25 |
Core/Elective: Core |
Credits: 4 |
Course Designed by: Sherry Verma e-mail: |
Course Instructor: Sherry Verma e-mail: |
Pre-requisites: Basic programming |
CO1: Explain the development life cycle of database including roles of the users involved in its entire life span, construct ER mode land design database schemas.
CO2: Design relational model from ER model and create and update tables, indexes and views using SQL and relational algebra .Execute queries using SQL on the relational model.
CO3: Develop databases at conceptual and logical levels of design by applying the concepts of normalization that enforce data integrity.
CO4:Evaluate which non serial schedule running concurrently are efficient enough to keep database in a consistent state by applying the concept of conflict as well as view Serializability of transaction, lock based ,timestamp based concurrency protocol and how to recover from various hardware and software failures.
PO1 |
PO2 |
PO3 |
PO4 |
PO5 |
PO6 |
PO7 |
PO8 |
PO9 |
PO10 |
PO11 |
PO12 |
PSO1 |
PSO2 |
PSO3 |
CO1 |
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H |
L |
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CO2 |
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CO3 |
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CO4 |
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L |
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H |
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H |
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M |
H |
H |
H |
Unit-I: Lecture Hr.: 6
Basic Concepts: Database System Applications, Database administrator & Database Users, Worker behind the scene, Characteristics of the Database Approach, Advantages of using the DBMS Approach. Data Models, Schemes & Instances, three schema architecture, view of data & Data Independence, Database Languages & Interfaces, Centralized and Client/Server Architectures for DBMS
.Unit-II: Lecture Hr.: 12
Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship Model – Entities, Attributes and Relationships, Cardinality of Relationships, Strong and Weak Entity Sets, Generalization, Specialization, and Aggregation in EER, Relational Model: Relational Model Concepts, Relational Model Constraints, Relational algebra, Translating your ER Model into Relational Model, SQL – A Relational Database Language, Data Definition in SQL, View and Queries in SQL, Specifying Constraints and Indexes in SQL.
Unit III: Lecture Hr.: 12
Relational Data Base Design: Functional Dependencies, Normalization for Relational Databases, Normal Forms Based on Primary Key (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF), Lossless Join and Dependency Preserving decomposition.
Unit IV: Lecture Hr.: 10
Transaction Management: Introduction to transaction processing, Transaction Concept and State,
Desirable properties of transactions, Serializability, Recoverability, transaction support in SQL. Concurrency Control: Lock-Based Protocols, Timestamp-based Protocols, Deadlock Handling. Recovery System, Failure Classification, Log-based Recovery
T1: Avi Silberschatz , Henry F. Korth , S. Sudarshan : Database System Concepts, 6th Edn, 2015
T2: Elmsari , Navathe: Fundamentals of Database Systems , 7th Edn, 2016
R1: Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke : Database Management Systems, 2007
R2: C.J. Date : An Introduction to Database Systems, 2012
R4: Graeme Simsion and Graham Witt: Data Modeling Essentials, 3rd Edition , 2004
R5: Ramon Mata-Toledo : Schaum's Outline of Fundamentals of Relational Databases, 2000
R6: Bipin C. Desai : Introduction to Database Management Systems, 1997.
R7: Alex Kriegel , Boris M. Trukhnov : SQL Bible , 2008.
R8: Mark L. Gillenson : Fundamentals of Database Management Systems, 2008.
Theory of Computation
Specialization Course-II
Specialization Course-III
Constitution of India Indian Knowledge Tradition
School of Engineering & Technology Course Outline |
Course Title: Constitution of India |
Course Code: 19BTC-1C-122T |
Semester: IV |
Academic Year: 2021-25 |
Core/Elective: Elective |
Credits: 0 |
Course Designed by: Dr. Kanu Priya E-mail: |
Course Instructor: Dr. Kanu Priya E-mail: |
Pre-requisites: Fundamental knowledge of CIM. |
1. Course Outcomes:
1. Upon successful completion of the course, the students should be able to:
CO1: Identify the importance of the Constitution of India.
CO2: Understand the utility and basis of rights and duties of the citizens of India.
CO3: Analyze the functioning of the organs of the government and the powers exercised by various segments of the Indian democracy.
2. CO and PO mapping
PO1 |
PO2 |
PO3 |
PO4 |
PO5 |
PO6 |
PO7 |
PO8 |
PO9 |
PO10 |
PO11 |
PO12 |
PSO1 |
PSO2 |
PSO3 |
CO1 |
L |
M |
M |
CO2 |
H |
M |
H |
H |
H |
CO3 |
M |
M |
M |
H |
H |
H |
M |
3. Syllabus: Total Hrs.: 32
Unit-1 Lecture Hr.: 06
Introduction to the Constitution of India
Preamble and its Importance
Salient Features of the Indian Constitution
Concept of Citizenship
Unit-2 Lecture Hr.: 06
Concept of State
Fundamental Rights and their enforcement
Directive Principles of State Policy
Fundamental Duties
Unit-3 Lecture Hr.:
Separation of Powers between the Legislature, Executive and Judiciary
Distribution of Powers between the Centre and the States
Concept of Federalism
Unit-4 Lecture Hr.: 6
Emergency provisions
Amendment of the Constitution
Doctrine of Basic Structure
Judicial Review
Principles of Natural Justice
4. Text Books:
5. Reference Books:
7. Reference websites:
Constitutional History:
Semester 5
Introduction to Competitive Coding
Design & Analysis of Algorithms
Operating System
Specialization Course-IV
Specialization Course-V
Managerial Economics
Software Engineering
School of Engineering & Technology
Course Outline |
Course Title: Software Engineering 19BCS-0SE31T. Course Code: 15BCS-0SE31T |
Semester: V |
Academic Year: 2021-2025 |
Core/Elective: Core |
LTP: 2-0-2 Credits: 3 |
Course Designed by: Alpana Jijja E-mail: alpanajijja |
Course Instructor: Alpana Jijja E-mail: alpanajijja |
Pre-requisites: NIL |
1. Upon successful completion of the course, the students should be able to:
CO1: Acquire strong fundamental knowledge in software engineering and multidisciplinary engineering.
CO2: Design applicable solution in one or more application domain.
CO3: Apply new software models.
2. CO and PO mapping
PO1 |
PO2 |
PO3 |
PO4 |
PO5 |
PO6 |
PO7 |
PO8 |
PO9 |
PO10 |
PO11 |
PO12 |
PSO1 |
PSO2 |
PSO3 |
CO1 |
H |
H |
L |
H |
M |
M |
L |
L |
M |
H |
H |
M |
H |
H |
L |
CO2 |
H |
H |
M |
M |
M |
H |
L |
L |
L |
L |
H |
L |
H |
H |
L |
CO3 |
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H |
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H |
L |
L |
L |
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L |
L |
M |
L |
L |
H |
L |
3. Syllabus: 3. Syllabus Total Hrs.: 44
Unit-1 Lecture Hr.: 10
Software Crisis, Software Processes, Software life cycle models: Waterfall, Prototype, Evolutionary and Spiral models, Overview of Quality Standards like ISO 9001, SEI-CMM.
Unit-2 Lecture Hr.: 10
Software Project Planning: Cost estimation, static, Single and multivariate models, COCOMO model, Putnam Resource Allocation Model, Risk management. Software Requirement Analysis and Specifications:
Unit-3 Lecture Hr.: 08
Problem Analysis, Data Flow Diagrams, Data Dictionaries, Entity-Relationship diagrams, Software Requirement and Specifications, Behavioural and non-behavioural requirements, Software Prototyping
Unit-4 Lecture Hr.: 08
Software Design: Cohesion & Coupling, Classification of Cohesiveness & Coupling, Function Oriented Design, Object Oriented , Design, User Interface Design.
Unit-5 Lecture Hr.: 08
Software Reliability: Failure and Faults, Reliability Models: Basic Model, Logarithmic Poisson Model, Calendar time Component, Reliability Allocation.
Software Testing: Functional testing: Boundary value analysis, Equivalence class testing, Decision table testing,Cause effect graphing, Structural testing: Path testing, Data flow and mutation testing, unit testing, integration and system testing, Debugging, Testing Tools & Standards.
4. Text Books:
4. Text Book(s): [T1] R. S. Pressman, “Software Engineering – A practitioner‟s approach”, 3rd ed., McGraw Hill Int. Ed.1992.
[T2] K.K. Aggarwal & Yogesh Singh, “Software Engineering”, New Age International, 20016.
5. Reference Book(s):
R1. Fairley, “Software Engineering Concepts”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1997
Internship Seminar-1
Semester 6
Computer Networks
School of Engineering & Technology
Course Outline |
Course Title: Computer Networks 15BCS-1CN31T |
Semester: VI |
Academic Year: 2021 |
Core/Elective: CORE |
Credits: 4 |
Course Designed by: Dr. Alpana Jijja E-mail: |
Course Instructor Dr. Alpana Jijja E-mail: |
Pre-requisites: N/A |
1. Upon successful completion of the course, the students should be able to:
CO1: Explain the functions of the different layer of the OSI Protocol.
CO2: Draw the functional block diagram of wide-area networks (WANs), local area networks(LANs) and Wireless LANs (WLANs) describe the function of each block.
CO3: For a given requirement (small scale) of wide-area networks (WANs), local area networks (LANs) and Wireless LANs (WLANs) design it based on the market available component.
CO4: Configure DNS DDNS, TELNET, EMAIL, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), WWW, HTTP, SNMP, Bluetooth, Firewalls using open source available software and tools.
2. CO and PO mapping
PO1 |
PO2 |
PO3 |
PO4 |
PO5 |
PO6 |
PO7 |
PO8 |
PO9 |
PO10 |
PO11 |
PO12 |
PSO1 |
PSO2 |
PSO3 |
CO1 |
H |
H |
H |
L |
L |
L |
L |
L |
H |
H |
H |
H |
H |
H |
L |
CO2 |
H |
H |
H |
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L |
L |
L |
M |
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H |
H |
H |
M |
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M |
CO3 |
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M |
L |
L |
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CO4 |
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H |
3. Syllabus: Total Hrs.: 46
Unit-1 lecture Hrs: 10
OSI Reference Model and Network Architecture: Introduction to Computer Networks, Example networks ARPANET, Internet, Private Networks, Network Topologies: Bus-, Star-, Ring-, Hybrid -, Tree -, Complete -, Irregular. Types of Networks: Local Area Networks, Metropolitan Area Networks, Wide Area Networks; Layering architecture of networks, OSI model, Functions of each layer, Services and Protocols of each layer
Unit-2 lecture Hrs: 10
TCP/IP: Introduction, History of TCP/IP, Layers of TCP/IP, Protocols, Internet Protocol, Transmission Control Protocol , User Datagram Protocol, IP Addressing, IP address classes, Subnet Addressing, Internet Control Protocols, ARP, RARP, ICMP, Application Layer, Domain Name System, Email – SMTP, POP,IMAP; FTP, NNTP, HTTP, Overview of IP version 6.
Unit-3 lecture Hrs: 10
Local Area Networks: Introduction to LANs, Features of LANs, Components of LANs, Usage of LANs, LAN Standards, IEEE 802 standards, Channel Access Methods, Aloha, CSMA, CSMA/CD, Token Passing, Ethernet, Layer 2 & 3 switching, Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet, Token Ring, LAN interconnecting devices: Hubs, Switches, Bridges, Routers, Gateways.Wide Area Networks: Introduction of WANs, Routing, Congestion Control, WAN Technologies, Distributed Queue Dual Bus (DQDB).
Unit-4 lecture Hrs: 8
Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)/ Synchronous Optical Network (SONET), Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), Frame Relay., Wireless Links.
Unit-5 lecture Hrs: 8
Introduction to Network Management: Remote Monitoring Techniques: Polling, Traps, Performance Management, Class of Service, Quality of Service, Security management, Firewalls, VLANs, Proxy Servers, Introduction to Network Operating Systems: Client-Server infrastructure, Windows NT/2000.
4. Text Book(s):
5. Reference Book(s):
Compiler Design
Specialization Course-VI
Specialization Course-VII
Introduction to Cyber Security
Personal Effectiveness
Semester 7
Specialization Course-VIII
Internship Seminar-II
Semester 8
Industry / Research Lab Internship
Major Project