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Ar. Siddharth Chakrabarty
MDes Interior Design, Batch 2016-18

It was my immense luck and fortune to be a part of Sushant University wherein I could grow and carve out a niche for myself in the design industry. The entire fraternity of faculties and administration leaves no stone unturned to shape one's future. My two years at Sushant have been a wonderful experience of learning with prolific exposure to the field knowledge. Sushant being a multilayered university not only provides you some of the finest educators and facilitators across the globe but also fosters you to evolve as a true professional.

Abhinay Lal
Bachelor of Design (Product Design), Batch 2015-19

Four years of college went by quickly, and for each of those years I learned something new, no matter what. Be it about presenting, or staying up for days to complete a project, it was worth the effort.

All this comes down to how Sushant University helped me complete my work and projects. The university’s wood workshop and laser cutting lab helped me a lot as I could go and make my own prototypes. This allowed me to see how my projects were and what could change in them. As the years went by, we got to use the metal workshop where we had brilliant faculty to help and guide us into learning about the machines and tools which then would help us make our projects. The department faculty were cooperative, open to our project ideas, tested its working and then ensured that we reached our goal of finishing our project in the quality we wanted. Their communication was clear and concise and did not leave any room for misconceptions.

Sushant University has helped add to my experiences like an exchange program with KMUTT (King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi) in Thailand. During the visit of KMUTT students, a workshop on Madhubani art was conducted with craftspeople. A significant learning experience was a two-week summer program in Arts University Bournemouth, where we engaged with a number of activities including a printing press. Sushant University has given me the chance to be not only a better designer but a better person, helping me gather appropriate skill sets for personal and professional development.

Devika Grover
Visual Communication (2014 - 2018 Batch)

You never know where design takes you or where you take your design and that mystery is the beauty of it.This is exactly how I landed at Sushant School or Design. I've always been inclined towards being creative and after exploring various options post my school, this seemed like just the place to be.

Over my course of four years I got a chance to explore myself and my style of work. Visual communication has so much to offer like illustrations, storytelling, photography, branding and packaging and a lot more. This field helps you express yourself and your work in such an impactful way. My mentors have always supported me and alsways encouraged me to try different things and motivate to always do better. So hoping to continue my journey with expecting the unexpected!

Taranjeet kaur
M.des (2016 - 2018 Batch)

'Designing is giving the power to create something with empathy which in turn becomes a beautiful and a functional piece of art.' Sushant school of Design has given me two incredible years of learning, pursued Master in Design with them led me to a level of design thinking which I feel no one can bring it in such a short span of time. Sushant school of Design provided us an amazing exposure with not just facilitating exemplary professors but by also organising various educational trips to different industrial setups.Our Professors also had put us on real time projects like diwali design installation for DLF promenade, khadi design installation and many more.

Sushant School of Design brought me to a level which was matched to the design industry working abililties, always felt at par with the industry knowledge. Being an Interior design student, our subjects were not restricted to just the interior section but also had a curriculum which included subjects like portfolio management, photography and more. Here we were taught the technicalities of our industry, how to bring in our design into existence by understanding the application of it.

At one point we all think about our future that what after the college gets over will be in a right place or not but honestly i never felt the anxiety of not getting into the right place as the kind of knowledge and skills I was imparted with I was confident enough, so, right from starting with my internship at Studio Praxis where i got the opportunity to design various outlets for Haldiram's our own Sushant University D block section, and other commercials spaces I never experienced a moment of helplessness in design, I am currently working with S.S.Designex wherein I am handling in PVT cinemas projects.

Pallavi Sharma
Fashion & Textile ( 2014 - 2018 Batch )

That's what my journey in design is all about.

Born in family of professions, right from the school days, I always was of the strong opinion that 'style' is the only thing you can't buy.It's not in a shopping bag, a label, or a price tag but it's something reflected from our soul to the outside world - an emoting.

Also 'Pallavi' actually means the rhematic line of a song in carnatic music. The life of the song, the word Pallavi consists of a wide range of items that are considered as a single item: 'pa' is derived from 'padam' which means 'phrase'; 'illa' comes from 'layam' which means 'tempo'; 'vi' is from 'vinyasam' which means 'imagination'. Thus I and fashion immediately gelled well and then i got to know about Sushant School of Design. Sushant University, offering this intensive fashion design course in textiles.

It was indeed a life changer as it transformed me from just a person to a qualified professional and exposed me to techniques and materials I couldn't have done anywhere else. In a period of four years I was amongst fully trained designers. Here , I could really convert the meaning of my name into reality. The common anxiety of what after the college gets over amoung majority of students,fortunately never prevailed on me as I always felt that the kind of knowledge and practical skills being imparted to me was enough to make me highly comfortable that I will get my right kind of place.The passion with which our highly qualified faculty induced design-thinking process in our studio projects was unmatched.The best part is the classroom learing followed by outside world exposure where in students or designers from various backgrounds have something to learn and teach every day respectively.

After finishing the course, I got selected by a very reputed firm specializing in Textile Designing for a high end Indian leading brand.I definetely owe a lot to my college, especially my mentor, Dean. Manika Walia, who brought the beset out of me. She along with the college has provided me with the means to peruse my dream career.

Dhruv Mishra
Product Design (2014 - 2018 Batch)

Sushant School of Design was an experience I will never forget. ‘Design can’t be taught’, Mike told me this the day I came to give my entrance exam, and till my very last day at SSD we were never taught explicitly how to design. We were encouraged to make mistakes, learn from them and improve. We were in a state of constant learning.

Each step we took, each studio class we sat for, each break at SSD was a learning curve.

Each day I absorbed a little, unknowingly and it all built me into a better designer and individual. Design is problem—solving and my faculty as Sushant insisted us to solve problems by ourselves still a point where we were giving solutions to problems we never knew existed.

Even as we walked the corridors we would joke about solving mundane things with over—the—top ideas, just to see them on the internet the next day. This made us to push ourselves harder, because our faculty had laid the groundwork to something truly remarkable, self—sufficiency.

Our guest faculty were the industry’s stalwarts who themselves were practicing, hence making our knowledge all the more relevant as they exposed us to real—world problems. Factory visits, design workshops and even on—ground research was all a part of our coursework to provide us with the know— how to face the real world.

Be it Product Design Studio classes with Surabhi Ma’am or impromptu chats with Manika Ma’am and Simrun Ma’am, or even history lessons with Seema Ma’am, there was never a dull moment at SSD. Day after day we grew We transferred ideas in tangible forms in our workshop, which we then vehemently defended in our juries.

Apart from just design knowledge, Sushant gave me the platform to develop myself at a personal level. From honing my leadership qualities, being the President of the Student Council to aiding children with special needs in class, the Sushant family has always been behind me, supporting me. The hands—on approach my faculty urged me to take improved my confidence in my own abilities and nudged me to better myself as a person and not just a designer.

SSD isn’t just about learning the prerequisites to become a design, but a holistic growing experience to form an individual capable of taking the world head—on.

I am currently working as a Junior Designer at Studio Gudgudee in Bengaluru and plan on doing my Masters in Product Design soon.

I made some of the best relationships during the course of this baccalaureate and Sushant will never be just a college for me. We became a family, and I’m as much a part of SSD as, it is a part of me.

