
Select School

Dean's Message

From the Desk of the Director

I am delighted to extend a warm welcome to you on behalf of School of Law, Sushant University. it is my pleasure to share with you some vibrant features we are having at our School of Law which make our law school stand apart from other law schools, at our esteemed institution, we take immense pride in offering a state-of-the-art infrastructure that facilitates a conducive learning environment. Our commitment to providing top-notch facilities reflects our dedication to nurturing the legal minds of tomorrow.

Situated in the heart of Gurugram, with the added advantage of being in close proximity to Delhi, our school enjoys a strategic location. This locale positions our students at the doorstep of numerous esteemed legal entities, including big law firms, the Supreme Court, and High Court and District Courts. This geographical advantage opens up unparalleled opportunities for our students to engage in internships, gaining hands-on experience and exposure to the intricacies of legal practice.

The backbone of any educational institution is its faculty, and at our School of Law we boast a team of Qualified Faculty comprising seasoned legal professionals and scholars along with the top notch legal luminaries in its Board of Advisors. Their dedication to excellence in teaching and research ensures that students receive a comprehensive and enriching education that goes beyond textbooks. The mentorship provided by our faculty is instrumental in shaping the next generation of legal minds.

We firmly believe in the significance of experiential learning, and our curriculum is designed to reflect this philosophy. Regular internships form an integral part of our program, providing students with real-world insights and a chance to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios. Additionally, our students actively participate in national and international events, fostering a dynamic and global perspective in their legal education. This exposure allows our students to interact with legal luminaries, stay updated on the latest developments, and network with peers from around the world.

Our collaborations with leading law firms, corporations, and legal practitioners ensure that our students benefit from real-world insights and have access to internship and placement opportunities.

At the School of Law, Sushant University, our focus extends beyond academic excellence. We are committed to the holistic development of our students, ensuring they graduate not only as proficient legal professionals but also as well-rounded individuals. We invite you to embark on a journey of academic excellence and personal growth at School of Law, Sushant University. Join us in shaping the future of the legal profession.

Looking forward to Welcome you at School of Law, Sushant University.


Dr. Imran

Director, SOL
