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Title of the talk:Leadership Theories and Practices

Under the aegis of Platform Lecture Series, Dr. Gerhard Van Rensburg, renowned Thought Leader and Leadership Coach, enlightened the audience with his scholarly insights on the leadership theories and practices, on Friday, September 23, 2016. He began his power packed discourse with an emphasis on holistic leadership, highlighted the need to amalgamate eastern and western leadership theories. He delineated his famous 32 leadership principles, leading from self and leading others. Dr. Rensburg reflected the thought that true leadership is built on personal growth else it is nothing but position, ego building and tactics of manipulation. A true leader exerts the strong impact and influence by empowering others and making them a part of the journey. An authentic leadership lies in unlocking the potential of others and stepping ahead in to an unknown territory with courage and confidence. The eminent speaker stressed on leadership from inside out and not outside in.

Leading people in a moral and ethical ways paves the path of enriching people and their thought processes, ultimately leading to their growth and holistic development. He enumerated that people need to be empowered to bring their best and unfold their best potential.

The session ended with a vote of thanks and felicitation of the esteemed guests by the Honorable Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Raj S. Dhankar, who in his Welcome Address shared insights into the significance of leadership in academia.
