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Title of the talk:How to be a Super Achiever

Date:04 April 2016

Under the aegis of Platform Lecture Series, the very popular author, Mr. Chetan Bhagat visited Sushant University Gurgaon and interacted with students. He spoke on “How to be a Super Achiever”. His session was not only inspiring but he also kept the audience in good spirits. He spoke of the importance of having long-effort goals and the need to under promise but over-deliver. He advised the young students to have patience to achieve their passion. He shared examples from his own life on how he quit his banking career to devote his entire time to writing, which was his passion since his early college days. He strongly propagated the concept of the setback dealing mechanism which motivated them not to give up and to have faith in themselves. He has carved out a niche for himself as a leading author in the literary circles, all due to his determination to achieve his dream. He ended the session with his popular quote: Be so busy in improving yourself, that you have no time to criticize others.
