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Title of the talk:”UDAAN’, an employment linked skill training program for under-privileged youth

Date:3 February 2016

In continuation of the Platform Lecture series a unique initiative of Sushant University Mr.Navdeep Virk discussed and shared some innovative and out of box ideas and their implementation that revolutionized and brought about some significant changes in the smooth functioning of police system. He reflected his concerns over some of the challenges and goofups such as shortage of man power, poor traffic management and involvement of underprivileged youth in the criminal activities. Consequently he discussed some unique initiatives being taken. One of that initiative was launching of community policing program called ‘Community policing 2.0’ which aims at involving participation of residents and corporate houses in non core police activities such as traffic management and neighborhood watch schemes.

Mr.Virk also enlightened the audience on the measures to reduce the traffic congestion on Gurgaon roads and to educate the civilians regarding the traffic regulations along with some initiatives like joy of giving, and car free day campaign.
Mr.Virk also shared a unique initiative UDAAN’, an employment linked skill training program for under-privileged youth.The speaker also highlighted the complainant feedback campaign which aimed at the dialogue with several stakeholders for the better implementation of law and order.
