
Faculty Profile

Short Biography

Alumni of SPA, IIT, and IIM with three decades of rich experience imparting “Experiential learning” to students by encouraging new avenues of thinking within the teaching disciplines, gaining experience by hands-on activities in lab-based environment, making physical models and structural testing of the model by learning through “make and break “concept.

Utilizing Hepatic exercises to learn with “think architecture and feel structure “concepts and setting PPBL in an assignment, which is solved by developing a project by relying on today’s task and yesterday’s experience. Also enhancing the computational thinking skills of students by using gaming and creation activities using web-based software in preparing form-finding projects.

Teaching the art of adopting international methodologies in construction and structural techniques by adapting them to native conditions. The concept of “Think Global, Act Local and Be Vocal”, making students aware of current global industry trends in the online and face-to-face classrooms mode.

At Sushant University constantly striving to learn more believing in motto “teach to learn and learn to teach”. His thought on education is also expressed on blog "SOARING HEIGHTS" As IQAC. coordinator of SU in assuring and ensuring quality education at all times. His current education related activities can be viewed on Blogging site “PRAKASH STAMBH” and You tube channel.

Awarded trophies, medal and Certificate for Excellence in Architecture for the year 2005, 2006 and 2009 from Engineer-in-Chief and Certificate for Excellence in Built Environment year 2007, Indian Building Congress from Hon Minister S. Jaipal Reddy for Cadet mess project at Chennai.

Published papers and presented at various forums from 2003 till 2010 with topic namely: Use of modern building material in government buildings. Architect’s overview on earthquake resistant structures, Architect’s overview on tsunami structures, Green and Intelligent Buildings. 



 Linkedin.com/in/viren-malik-98ab0759; Skype: Dir Arch

Blogging site "SOARING HEIGHTS"    https://arvirendrakumarmalik.wordpress.com/

Blogging site " PRAKASH STAMBH"  https://prakashstambh.blogspot.com/search/label/About%20Me  

https://scholar.google.com/citations? view_op=list_works&hl=en&user=e784SBUAAAAJ
