
Faculty Profile

Name – Mr. Ashok Jangra         

M.Pharm.| B.Pharm.                                                                               

Designation – Assistant Professor                                  

School of Health Sciences

Email- ashok@sushantuniversity.edu.in     

Ashok, currently serving as an Assistant Professor in “Department of Pharmacy” at Sushant University. He completed his bachelor's and master's from the University Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, GJUS&T, Hisar. He has experience in synthetic and computational chemistry. He actively participated in numerous national and international conferences, also in workshops, and FDPs. Knowing analytical instruments like UV, IR, and their data interpretation. Knowing Chemistry software like ChemDraw, ChemSketch, Biovia Discovery Studio, PyRx, and good presentation skills. He actively participated in university cultural
activities like theatre and other events.                                                                                                                         
