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The changing landscape of India in engineering and technology needs more innovation and innovation starts with design. At the School of Engineering and Technology (SET), we educate the engineers who will be facilitating the passage from design to product and from product to start- up to create a socially and environmentally sustainable ecosystem. B tech colleges in Gurgaon

Welcome to the Ansal University’s School of Engineering and Technology (SET) having a  long and distinguished tradition of excellence in engineering education. SET is one of the largest schools of  Ansal  University.

USP of the School Engineering colleges in Gurgaon, Top engineering colleges in Haryana

“Always deliver more than expected.” —Larry Page, co-founder of Google

  1. Curriculum based on project based learning methodology
  2. Industrially meaningful curricula i.e. specialization driven with hands-on  practice
  3. Faculty  qualifications and post-doc experience from prestigious institutions of  India and abroad.
  4. Faculty  exposed  extensively  to both industry and  reseach
  5. History of excellent placements  in industry and  in pursuing highr education  abroad
  6. Nurturing  fire fighting skills on  leadership, preserverence and  survivng  in cut throat  competition
  7. Strong alumni network  Best engineering college in Haryana



*Conditions for Continuation of Scholarship in Subsequent Years

  • Maintain a minimum CGPA of 7.0.
  • Have 75% attendance in all courses in each semester.
  • Applicants should not have been suspended for any grave act of indiscipline by the university.
  •  No disciplinary action against the applicant is established or pending in case of raging or eve teasing.
  • The applicant should not be receiving any other scholarship from any other source whatsoever, for which a certificate signed by student & parents is to be provided


Sanction may kindly be accorded for the above-mentioned special scholarship for Session 2017 – 2021
