
Faculty Profile

Name: Monika Khanna Gulati

Education: Bachelor of Fine Arts, College of Art, Delhi University, 1990

Email: skybluedesign@yahoo.com

Monika Khanna Gulati is a graphic designer and has been practising for the past 25 years with clients including The World Bank, British Council, Rapid Metro, Unicef, National Gallery of Modern Art, amongst others. She founded SkyBLUE Design in 1998. She has been teaching at the Sushant School of Design for the past 4 years and tries to weave issues of sustainability in her teaching pushing for the use of design as an agent for change. A zero-waste evangelist, she also steers the citizen action and awareness group, NCR Waste Matters - as a platform to create, mobilise and recognise waste champions and to bring best practices, knowledge, vendors and citizens together on a common platform.
