
Faculty Profile

Name: Apurva Gupta

Education: Bachelor of Technology - IT (GGSIPU) 2014, Master of Design (Ansal University) 2020

University Email address: apurvagupta@sushantuniversity.edu.in

Apurva Gupta is a seasoned Interior Designer and who holds a Masters of Design degree in Interior Design from Sushant School of Design, where she was recognized with a merit award for her exceptional performance. With a passion for education, Apurva has served as a Guest Faculty at prestigious institutions including NIFT Delhi, Sushant School of Design, and JD Institute of Fashion Technology, Bengaluru. Her commitment to imparting knowledge is matched by her extensive industry experience, having founded her own practice specializing in Residential Design. With a portfolio encompassing over 50,000 sqft of projects nationwide, Apurva is renowned for her proactive approach, unwavering drive, and dedication to both teaching and design excellence. 


Biomimicry Vs. Sustainability in Interiors
