
Faculty Profile

Name: Sonali Mathia

Profile/Designation: Architect/ Freelancer/ Visiting Faculty

Education: Diploma in Architecture, TVB School of Habitat Studies, 1999, New Delhi.

Email: sonalimathia@gmail.com

Short Biography

Sonali is a freelancer in practice, teaching and at heart. She has a decade of practical experience, followed by a decade of experience with teaching. Apart from which, she loves to watch movies, listen to music, experiment with cooking and dabble in diy crafts.

Sonali is currently teaching with the first batch at Sushant School of Architecture, as a visiting faculty. Working with freshers has taught Sonali to communicate in uncomplicated ways, and she has experimented with ways of learning the fundamentals of architectural design, which have led to memorable outcomes. Sonali believes in nurture in education and has greatly honed her argument in the pursuit of convincing students about lesson plans, class exercises, design processes and crits.

Sonali has worked with some eminent architects in the past, in New Delhi. She has been influenced by values such as quality, thoughtfulness and rigour in work and honesty in terms of design communication, visual and verbal.

Sonali aspires to be a cool teacher who is also able to light the spark for teaching, in her students.

Research Interests

Architectural design pedagogy and formative design education
