
Faculty Profile

Name: Chirantan Khastgir

Profile/Designation: Visiting Faculty, Photography Design

Education: Master of Design, National Institute of Design, Gandhinagar

Email: chirantankhastgir@gmail.com

Links: https://in.linkedin.com/in/chirantankhastgir 

Short Biography

NID MNF Awardee 2022

VIPS Best Writer 2014

I have been exploring visual (Masters in Design, National Institute of Design) and literary media studies since graduation (Bachelor in Journalism and Mass Communication, VIPS IP University). The collective experience was honed over nine years towards the development and execution of societally relevant projects. Previous employers include CMGGA, UNHCR, CARE India, The Hindu, Outlook Traveller, The Science Gallery, and Dreamjar Studios, and I am simultaneously working on a number of personal projects in line with the Anthropocene.
