
Faculty Profile

Name: Ar. Kamal Tahilramani

Profile/Designation: Principle Architect at Tahilramani Architects, Rajouri Garden , New delhi

Education: B.Arch & M.Plan(Urban Planning)

Email: kamal.tahilramani@gmail.com , tahilramaniarchitects@gmail.com


Short Biography

-          I have been working in this field from 2015 and its been 8 years now with the start of my carrer as junior architect with Nirman consultants pvt. Ltd. And then working as freelancer for almost 3 years with other different architects and projects pan india and now as lead at Tahilramani architects from 2019. Me and my wife Ar. Tanya Tahilramani are looking into multidisciplinary projects from residential , commercial, retail and industrial. Recently represented research paper at ICUTG 2023 on Urban Transition & Governance and have been working with Sushant university from 2021 as external jury and then joined as visiting faculty in 2023.

-          As we are dealing with multiple cliental daily and hands on to the practicality of sites , the field acknowledge us to learn daily and opt for best suited approach.

