
Faculty Profile

Name: Amrita Dasgupta

Profile/Designation: Principal, Co-Founder - Studio CoDe


  • Bachelors of Architecture, Sushant School of Art and Architecture, Gurugram, India
  • Masters in Fine Arts (Design+Technology) Parsons School of Design, New School University, New York City, USA

Email: adasgupta@studiocode.in 


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amrita-dasgupta-57471b3/ 

Short Biography

Amrita Dasgupta is a practicing architect and visual designer who believes in the transformative power of good design and its ability to transcend borders.

A founding partner of award-winning multidisciplinary Studio Code in New Delhi, Amrita is a LEED 2.1 Accredited Professional with over 19 years of experience. She has studied and worked in New York, New Delhi and Philadelphia on published projects in architecture, landscape, urban design and communication design. Her Architectural experience spans environmentally responsible large buildings and institutional campuses through Interior architecture for offices, residences and studios. She also heads the Branding projects at CoDe around identity and environmental design.

Amrita currently teaches Housing / Large Scale Buildings in the B.Arch. program at the Sushant School of Art & Architecture (SSAA) in Gurgaon. She has previously taught at the Parsons School of Design (ISDI) Mumbai, the University School of Architecture and Planning, Delhi and the Masters Programs at SSAA and SSD. Amrita has also taught, juried and lectured classes at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Parsons School of Design, NYC, the Indian Institute of Art and Design, Delhi and currently lectures and visits various colleges of odesign and architecture in India.

Her academic film and installation works have been published in the Metropolis Magazine and exhibited at the Rockefeller Center. Amrita is also the co-author and illustrator of a children’s book on architecture “From Pillars to Palaces” published by Pratham in 5 different languages. She is an avid travel buff, a hugger of trees and people, and loves cooking and the written word. 

Research Interests

Amrita is perpetually interested in what emerges from the intersection of space, art, technologies and community collaboration. In her design practice and teaching, she encourages her team and students to do the same.
