
News & Events

SSAA Heritage Watch 2020

Webinar on Decoding the Haveli

SSAA Heritage Watch 2020

Lost Typologies: Havelis and Chaupals

Gurgaon Living Lab

M Arch. BH, Sushant School of Art and Architecture, Sushant University is organising a webinar titled 'Decoding the Haveli' on May 9, 2020, Saturday, 5 pm onwards, as a part of our initiative to focus on lost typologies.

The webinar will focus on different aspects, challenges and questions associated with the traditional introverted courtyard typologies of various regions in India, as discussed by a diverse group of experts as well as faculty and students of M Arch. BH, SSAA.

To register and receive the webinar link, please fill the Google form available on the link below:


