
News & Events

Refining Interview Skills

To prepare students for their professional journey, The Vatel Hotel and Tourism Business School, Sushant University, one of the best private universities in Gurgaon, in collaboration with the Center for Soft Skills and with the special inputs by the Director Human Resources, organised a half-day workshop on REFINING INTERVIEW SKILLS on Wednesday, December 08, 2021. For this one-of-a-kind workshop, all the students across all disciplines of the university were invited. The workshop brought forth the different levels of preparation for interview alongwith resume making.
Mr. Kulmohan Singh, elaborated upon the softer aspects of the interview and illustrated upon the sound, the pitch, the volume and the style with which one should articulate his/her speech and expressions. He spoke in detail about the research one must conduct concerning the background, the market standing and the future endeavors of the organisation and about how to deal with the typical questions asked. Mr. Himanshu Sharma, Director Human Resources, elaborated upon making the format, subtleties, nuances and the style with which one must prepare his/her CV, so as to create an aura, a sensation and an indelible impression was elaborated upon. The smallest error, omission or an overstatement of any of the aspects of the candidate’s personal, scholarly or professional pursuits can mar the opportunity, even for the worthiest, the most qualified and the truly deserving candidates.
This workshop was highly appreciated by the students as it brought about a sense of confidence and ignited within them the need to refine, enhance, develop and augment their physical, emotional, pedagogic and professional values. In the feedback the students expressed their appreciation and requested for more such workshop to enhance their employability quotients.
