
Art & Culture

SPIC MACAY programs, Annual Cultural Festival, Festival celebrations, observing National Education Day and a Freshers’ and Farewell Party are among the regular annual features on campus adding to the vibrancy of the atmosphere.

The Sushant School of Art and Architecture hosts the North Zone programme for the prestigious Annual Awards Program for Excellence in Architectural Thesis organized by the Council of Architecture (COA) and the National Institute of Advanced Studies in Architecture (NIASA). This is an annual event conducted to identify the best thesis projects of undergraduate students of architecture in India. The awards programme showcases the best students’ design works from across the country.

SU patronizes the Society for Promotion of Indian Classical Music and Culture Amongst Youth (SPICMACAY). Several performances by the noted maestros have been hosted in the past as part of SPICMACAY’s Lec-Dem (Lecture-Demonstration) series. The first anniversary of Spic Macay-Gurgaon Chapter was celebrated at our campus in August 2011. The month of October 2011 was celebrated as the Cultural Heritage Month. The students were introduced to our cultural heritage through projection of documentaries and classical movies.

The Annual Cultural Festival gives opportunity for creative and cultural expression to all the students. A host of intra and inter-college events are organized as part of this festival, which is usually held in the month of February/ March every year. Besides the artistic, creative, cultural and fun aspects, the festival serves as a workshop to test and develop the students’ organizing ability, teamwork and personality. The whole exercise is conceptualized, planned and executed from the grassroots level.

The SU community also celebrates festivals like Lohri, Baisakhi and Festival of Lights Deepavali in the true spirit of bonhomie and harmony by organizing get-togethers on the premises.

Students celebrate November 11 as National Education Day to pay tribute to Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad. The Mid-Term Show of work by students and other activities are organized to mark the occasion.

The Freshers’ Party on the campus is usually a very well attended and colourful affair. The occasion gives the best possible opportunities to both freshmen students (the freshers) and seniors to interact. A number of students display their creativity in a colourful cultural event along with performances with a DJ. Among other things, Mr. and Miss Fresher are also chosen from among the competitors from all the programmes.

