“Knowledge is Power” is the famous proverb which means Knowledge has the ability to conquer the world. It not only makes you intelligent but also gives you name, fame, strength, power, money, position, all those things which we would like to possess. Above all, knowledge is the ultimate power. We can also say, Knowledge can change our world drastically. A famous quote by Lilcent King sums it up – ‘Knowledge is Power, Power is Wisdom, Wisdom is understanding.’

Knowledge makes you a humble person, and one should be open to change, to constantly learn new things, and one should be thirsty and willing to observe new perspective of life. Additionally, learning contributes to happiness, creativity, changes your attitude, enhances skills, productivity, increases interest, and makes you super curious.

Knowledge comes from education. Education is the base of everything; it is filled with insightful questions and actively seeks answers. These questions had change the world, the computer, mechanics; the engineering, medical- health science etc. contributes majorly in the world to make it a better place to live. Moreover, it helps with personal growth, good citizenship and builds a stronger society. Without knowledge, nothing is possible and with knowledge every impossible thing is possible.


  • Decision making power
  • Increases confidence and cooperation
  • Knowing about Opportunities and responsibilities
  • Multiplying professional power

At the end, knowledge makes you powerful and gives you confidence to handle each and everything. Power comes from knowledge and knowledge is driven by deep thoughts and study. With knowledge, a person can achieve anything in life. Study more, be realistic and enjoy your life, this should be followed by everyone.


Assistant Professor (Department of Pharmacy)