In order to keep up with the times, the faculty members of the Vatel Hotel and Tourism Business School, Sushant University regularly give to their students assignments concerning the current trends. Now that the hospitality sector appears to have been re-launched into business, there have been a few tweaks in the hotel operations – just to re-assure that the hotels have continued to take all precautions to to safeguard the guests’ security and wellbeing.

The new trends in t hospitality talks about the a few interesting facts  

New Trends in Hospitality Industry

Given the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has presented small restaurant owners and hotels with unprecedented hurdles and had a massive impact on their employees and clients, the industry’s operations and revenues have been seriously affected. COVID-19 has had a tremendous impact on customer behaviour and has sparked various new restaurant industry trends. Entrepreneurs are attempting to innovate in order to provide their clients with a secure dining experience. A few of these new trends are:

1. Increased use of smartphones: Mobile phones are becoming an essential part of hospitality in the changed scenario of COVID-19 world. Mobile devices are becoming an increasingly important component of the guest experience – before, during, and after their visit. Hoteliers have realised that online and offline are merging, and that their systems should always be interlinked. 

2. Contactless Experience: Due to the fact that COVID-19 can spread through a host of infected surfaces, restaurant owners are trying to offering a contactless experience for their in-house diners. They understand how digital technology could assist them in lowering human contact in their service delivery. Some restaurateurs have installed contactless monitoring devices in their establishments, which allow for contactless thermal scanning and the detection of visitors wearing masks on their faces. Although it has added to the cost of operations. Others have replaced physical menus with digital menus, QR-coded menus, or allow customers to view menus on their smart devices and smartphones, enabling them to place orders without touching the physical menu.

3. Digital payments: During the COVID-19 phase, digital payment systems are playing a critical role. Restaurant owners have realised this and are now accepting payments via digital and online channels. For limiting human contact in the present pandemic scenario, digital payments are the preferable payment option and in this situation, restaurant owners are promoting digital payments.

4. Offering Immunity boosting food options: Because of Covid-19, people have become more conscious of their health and are staying away from junk & processed foods. People have become more receptive to healthy options in food and it has led to restaurants developing immunity-boosting food options. 

5. Social Media Presence: Social media presence has become vital for all businesses & specially the hospitality business as they need to reach and influence their end consumers. In the new normal, more innovative and effective techniques to conducting business are essential. 

These are just few of the trends which the students have tried to summarise in this article. We are sure, there are many more innovative measures & trends which the hospitality industry will incorporate, rising to the encounter these hard times.