Rethinking public spaces

The mental status and health of the public of a particular city is determined by the public spaces and quality they serve, in terms of both physical and psychological aspects.

Public spaces have always catered as an interactive and social space for people to engage with each other and in activities. People from different cultures and backgrounds come together at one point and express themselves in different terms like ideas, values and beliefs which explain its main motive.

Every city has its own essence, if planned well they prove to be a healthier city in terms of being popular as financial and economical capitals. Public spaces are the part of the urban landscape and planning process where even the smallest level of interactions also matter.

City authorities also play an important role while planning and designing these public places such as parks, green areas and streets.


Image: Rethinking of Public space

Source- Archleague

To enhance the activities and functionality of the cities a well designed public space plays an important role contributing to the improvement in visual and economic sectors. To regulate the excessive use of fossil fuels and release of carbon emissions in highly crowded neighbourhoods, adequate planning of public spaces, transportation, infrastructure, cycling, pedestrian and eco-friendly mobility and non-motorized ones needs to be executed.

A proper space for sports, cultural and recreational activities, including environmental friendly structures with proper public spaces, pedestrian pathways, and streetscape for crowd to gather should be provided so that different social groups can promote their diversity and culture which will attract more people towards there to reside more and enjoy a good lifestyle.

Fossil fuels are decreasing so the green economy should not be based on it. While planning and designing, the local authorities should work on low emissions as well as the main motive should also be to tackle climate change.

Other factors-

Streets are for people and not for automobiles, this notion should be practised. Places are the memories and people belong to them, so do people belong to places or do places belong to people.

The first step towards this would be to realize that streets are for the people and they need to be designed accordingly.

Depending upon the nature, the behaviour of the people varies, some prefer crowded places and some like cosy and quiet places depending upon their comfort.

Depicting an individual thought open spaces are the best platforms to exhibit arts and performances to express emotions and beliefs. These activities help these developing artists to exhibit art like sculpture, murals, art performances, public arts and memorials for probable outcome. It helps them to gather a large number of audiences to deliver or channelize their positive and desired energy.

Public space and Public life during civid-19

Source- Gehlpeople

Public spaces are something which should be pre planned with shaped and core valuable surroundings. This pandemic tells us that change is inevitable but this has damaged our roots. The requirements and need of people changed from place to place.

Public places are simply for the public to use in the desired and appropriate ways but the current situation is not balanced. We are part of the public and we should be highly responsive and active towards creating a healthy and cohesive public realm.