Basic Life Support- Never Heard About It!

Basic Life Support, or BLS, is the first line of response provided to anyone who is going through cardiac arrest, respiratory distress or an obstruction in the airway by the health care providers or the first responders. It requires knowledge and skills in performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), relieving airway obstruction and using automated external defibrillators …

Why We should Stop Googling Medical Symptoms

Many individuals use ‘Dr Google’ to self-diagnose and seek medical assistance, but researchers warn that internet symptom checkers are only correct about a third of the time. The latest study, which was published in the Medical Journal of Australia, looked at 36 worldwide mobile and web-based symptom checks and found that they got the right …


As we say food, shelter, clothing are three most important aspects of life. In today’s era affordable housing has also become an important aspect of healthy and sustainable communities. Good, inexpensive housing has become the need of the hour in order to confront the challenges of urban segregation. High land and housing prices have created …

VIRTUAL FEEDING – From a hungry eye to a satiated brain

For the majority of food bloggers, industry professionals and, to an extent, the regular diners, food is considered to be merely a fuel for the body or, for that matter, a humble source of nutrients, consumed for the sake of ‘existence’. Chef Saurav a celebrated chef at the Vatel Hotel & Tourism Business School, Sushant …

Clinical trials: Hope or hype

Historic clinical trials are worth and wealth intensive and create momentous strain on patients and commission. There is an imperative urgency to reinforce clinical trial expertise while limiting study cost and intricacy. Electronic Medical Records (EMR) are a capability avenue to improve trial capability and render clinical trials hardheaded. Contemporary approaches such as EMR-based subject …