New innovative strategies for career opportunities with unique work culture & values

Sushant School of Art & Architecture, Sushant University – Gurgaon “New innovative strategies for career opportunities with unique work culture & values” Now is the right time to plan strategically for the career development of students of architecture as there is a felt need to diversify in new innovative endeavors like Entrepreneurship, Cultural Preneurship & …

Community Building Through Urban Planning

Community Building Through Urban Planning Communities are massive structures of different individuals or groups of individuals divided into various specific categories based on their religious beliefs, common identity and many other commonalities. Therefore, participating in the functional purposes of harmony by enrolling them together and putting the best step forward in taking initiatives to learn …

Vatel students study hotel operations in Montenegro for 18 months

“With regard to our industrial training, Gabrielle Thomas, my classmate and I showing a clear preference of visiting a foreign country which is not very crowded and where we could learn hotel operations, we thought Montenegro would be the best choice – a small country with less population, very clean and green and being full …

Women and the making of the Constitution of India

The Indian Constitution is a unique document that singularly reflects the aspirations of the people of this country. ‘We, the people of India’  Preamble, The Constitution of India  is a powerful opening preambular statement with which this document reveals itself. The fact that this country chose to be a ‘sovereign, democratic, republic’ comes as no …