Apart from us humans, no other living species on the earth has brought about any destruction, devastation or damage, neither has contributed towards annihilating or disturbing the peace or the nature’s cycle. The humans being responsible for it; it is they only which need to re-build the distressed state that our planet is currently being …
Role of Health Sciences in COVID-19
COVID-19 is a highly infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. First reported in Wuhan, China, and seems like the virus is on world-tour living the dream of many. With every case being reported we now witness the other variants of the deadly infection; currently has evolved itself to the Delta variant and taking …
Effect Of Ortho-K Lenses On Myopia Correction
Introduction: Myopia is the most widespread refractive condition and one of the primary causes of vision impairment globally. Geographically, the prevalence of myopia varies. High myopia being strongly connected to increased risk of ocular comorbidities. As a result, preventing myopia progression is an important public health concern. Pharmaceutical medications, bifocal lenses, multifocal lenses, aberration control …
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Lockdown blues and woes among university students
Department of medical radiology and imaging technology , School of Health Sciences, Sushant University which is one of the leading universities of Delhi-NCR, organised an expert talk on lockdown blues and woes among university students .Speaker of the lecture was Dr.Apurva Chatterjee. The event was based on the students’ experience during the lockdown and the …
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Immunity Based Dishes
IMMUNITY BASED DISHES “A PASSING PHASE OR A LASTING CHANGE” in 5 STAR HOTELS OF GURUGRAM One of the principal pedagogic activities at the Vatel Hotel & Tourism Business School at the Sushant University is to have its students do independent researches usually on the current topics. The recent one in which the students took …
Sushant University For MBA!
In the current season of MBA admissions, the question may be asked as to ‘Why MBA?’ The answer lies in the context of the Indian economy. India’s GDP is growing at around 9% in its march towards a $5 trillion economy. Exports are buoyant having touched $300 billion in the first 9 months of 2021-22. …
Ten reasons why students should pursue Engineering from Sushant University
Sushant University (earstwhile Ansal University), Gurugram is one of the prominent Universities in North India. It offers more than seventy different courses / specializations in Architecture, Engineering, Business, Health Sciences, Hotel Management, Design, Law and Planning. With a glorious past in AIT (Ansal Institute of Technology under IP University) The School of Engineering & Technology …
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College to Industry – A Smooth Transition
Transition is an on-going process that happens with the individuals at different stages. From College to Industry, it’s a lifelong learning and biggest transformation. This transformation marks the starting of the adulthood. Although, this transition from College to Industry is very exciting for a student because they get to earn money and become independent to …
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Best Private Engineering Colleges in Gurgaon
Gone are the days when we used to spend sleepless nights, thinking of what course to join for making our future great. Looking at the present, analyzing the past and looking into what future holds for us is the answer to all our worries as far as an engineering degree goes. So why waste time …
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Sleep Deprivation: Its Effects On The Cognitive Preformance
It has always been an endeavor of the School of Engineering & Sushant University Gurgaon to explore possibilities of helping the society and creating an atmosphere of corporate-social responsibility. Besides the learned professors who are ever involved in the areas of research, the university encourages students as well. This article has been prepared by one …
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