Top 5 new-age management skills

Do you aspire to be a successful new-age manager ready to take on the challenges of the corporate world? It’s time to remember Peter Drucker’s quote, “The only thing we know about the future is that it is going to be different.” Yes, it’s time to be different! Take charge of your personal development to kickstart and accelerate your career by working on these 5 crucial skills.

Believe in Co-creation: The pandemic has delivered many valuable lessons, co-creation being one of them. It’s about encouraging all stakeholders to work together to address a core problem in a way that all of the harvest value at the end. Management graduates -remember that students and universities act as partners and your engagement will go a long way in spreading positive word of mouth for the University as well as enhancing your personality & interpersonal skills.

Say yes to complexity: The expression “God is in the details” says it all. If one strives for perfection -it’s worth paying attention to minuscule details. Humans are complex beings and hence are organizations, so why fear the complex?  Challenge yourself to embrace complexity, feel excited to experiment with new things and paradigms and keep learning and evolving in the process. Isn’t that simple?

Ethics in decision making: Corporates face ethical dilemmas and hence seek leaders who are able to distinguish between right and wrong while standing on a decision crossroad. These moral values are being weaved into the various management programs and are a must for all young and aspiring minds. It’s a good idea to explore ancient wisdom as it illustrates many relevant examples that could be applied even to business situations. Reading the Bhagwad Gita could be a voyage of self-discovery!

Prepare to unlearn: Change is constant and adaptation is the key. We were able to witness this fantastic yet unprecedented adaptation during the pandemic. The business landscape radically transformed and we all embraced the change and emerged as a better version of ourselves. So be prepared to unlearn not-so-relevant skills, knowledge & attitude and relearn the new age ones to reinvent yourself and mindfully program yourself to succeed. Alvin Tofler wrote: “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.”

Be the Environment champion: It’s high time we realize that the environment and economy are interdependent- the environment takes care of us and we need to take care of it too. Sustainable development is the way forward for businesses. Management graduates must evolve as thought leaders in championing this cause. Environmental considerations must precede production decisions so that we put less pressure on the environment and minimize environmental problems. Remember we can only survive if the environment survives.

These skills would go a long way in shaping the mindset of our future leaders for the unprecedented challenges time will unravel. So be prepared to rediscover yourself and mentor upcoming generations accordingly. Remember, Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity!