The world evolves and upgrades itself in every way possible. For example technology, everything in our lives revolves around technology. It could be a search engine, a media player, games, entertainment, resources etc. Technology is great, it brings people together but the way it can drag you down is beyond belief, it’s like a one …
The elderly people in India, or individuals aged above 60, are increasing in population as a demographic group. This comes with its own set of challenges and issues. This article will contextualise the role of elderly people in society and then analyse some socio-legal issues relating to the same. Traditionally, societies have had an attitude …
Good design is a reward for good intentions and actions Design is a ubiquitous term used to describe a wide range of human activities. Whether it is the creation of a house or the making of microchips to controversial terms like designer babies (playing God literally), the word design seems to be present in all human activities that lead to a new (and better) …
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Architecture of hope: The Spirit of spaces
In this series Aditi Padhi explores the idea and phenomena of HOPE through the lens of Architecture, built- environment, cityscapes, cultural artifact and the individual. 3. Architecture of hope: The Spirit of spaces In my personal journey I have been an architect far longer than a spiritualist. However, as with many of us ebbing into …
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For a better tomorrow, we need to focus on creating better present, then only something is going to be changed. Education is the basic human right for everyone. By education one can see miracles in their life, life is not about just to see things, it is to transform yourself. Or you can also transform …
World Pharmacist Day 25th September 2022 Theme
World Pharmacist Day is celebrated annually on September 25 in order to support initiatives that facilitate and advocate for the pharmacist’s role in enhancing health in all countries. The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Council established World Pharmacist Day at the 2009 World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Istanbul, Turkey. World Pharmacist Day is …
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Architecture of hope: Inclusivity in women designing women’s spaces
In this series Aditi Padhi explores the idea and phenomena of HOPE through the lens of Architecture, built- environment, cityscapes, cultural artifact and the individual. 2. Architecture of hope: Inclusivity in women designing spaces In India we have glorious architecture for women from quarters, gardens to step wells. Always segregated, hidden from public life effectively and efficiently …
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All of us are driven by something inside
With the school students, upon finishing their studies and housing within their hearts, a strong aspiration to get a first-hand feel of the real, college-like, fun atmosphere but regrettably having to come across discontent due to the pandemic, their morale was but to be affected, thereby necessitating for the Vatel Hotel and Tourism Business School, …
The Circle is a flexible co-working space. At its core, a co-working space is a place to work. This means it’s crucial to have areas that are private or simply quiet, where members can focus, On the other hand, a shared office space will always have a wide variety of professionals, so it’s also important …
Yoga is an ancient practice of mind and body that is originated in India. Yoga can be traced back to northern India over 5,000 years ago. It involves movement of body to promote mental and physical well-being. Yoga is commonly understood as a therapy or exercise for health and fitness, the goal of yoga …