New innovative strategies for career opportunities with unique work culture & values

Sushant School of Art & Architecture, Sushant University – Gurgaon
New innovative strategies for career opportunities with unique work culture & values”

Now is the right time to plan strategically for the career development of students of architecture as there is a felt need to diversify in new innovative endeavors like Entrepreneurship, Cultural Preneurship & EcoPreneurship, Social Preneurship, and International Preneurship.

Sushant University, one of the ebay universities in Delhi NCR, takes initiatives to enhance the employability skills of the students, among the many other steps. We are taught a course named “Career Development”, for which we have to prepare a creative one page resume to showcase ourselves in the best possible way. The idea is to create a signature style representation for internship, preneurship or job opportunities. This is to upgrade our unique expressions of our personality and skills with self, group assessments, interviews etc.

This is important to add value to our entire portfolio & professional excellence. As we all know that first impression is the last impression, the students will get an opportunity from this to be as a resource based practice for internship, preneurship & job searches. As a result, they will be able

to build better networks & enhance relationships with numerous worldwide firms. This detailed process will increase leadership skills & reconfigure to build high performance teams for the desired work culture with values & have the preneurship skills at this very stage.

The strategies & education in context to Entrepreneurship, Cultural Preneurship, Ecopreneurship, Social Preneurship and International Preneurship are very important for all architecture students who are intended to establish & run their own professional practice in the futuristic approach. This will help to bridge the vast gap in education & architectural practice. Sushant University takes keen interest in making the students future ready by providing them with the right kind of training and support required by the ever-developing institutions of the corporate world.