Is Social media making us antisocial

I remember back in Nepal I visited a popular café where there was a board saying “WE DON’T HAVE WIFI CONNECTION LETS PRETEND IT IS 90s AND LET’S TALK TO EACH OTHER”

Yes, even I was surprised by this board and thought can I eat here if it does not have a WIFI connection. But this statement hit my mind and made me think this again and again and question myself, is it so hard to talk to people in front of us?

Social media has played a big role in communication and bringing world closer. But don’t you think that the same social media which was supposed to bring the world closer is creating boundaries for us and taking us away from our closed ones and is making us antisocial.

Like every coin has two sides heads and tails same way social media too have both sides. We already know its positive sides. In this difficult period of covid when the world was on pause, we could get update of every minute what’s happening outside by social media like Facebook Instagram WhatsApp. No doubt it helped us overcome the most difficult period. But let’s be honest with ourself and think, did we spend more time with our family or with Netflix and social media? Yes, that’s the harsh truth we are living with. People of our generation should realize the importance of happiness which we get from small things such as conversation with family members and making efforts for them just a simple outing or spending time with them makes us happy.

So, it’s high time that we understand the importance of socializing and use social media in a limit as we know that saying anything in excess is harmful.

Being a teen, we face difficulty to talk to people in front of us. But the same us is comfortable talking to virtual friends. We know back in days children would play outside with friends of their age this helped them socialize but we don’t see the same happen today; from childhood we get a device called mobile phones and laptops with many games which connect us to this amazing virtual world which seems to be difficult to escape. Whether it is a five-year-old child or a ninety-five-year-old granny everyone needs phone 24 -7 with them. Playing with neighbors is a big thing to ask as we hardly know the family staying next to us. This was good for our health also as it kept us healthy but now, we don’t play anymore. We are more into virtual games from our childhood which has affected our life style. Even when we compare ourself from our older generation we see they are far more active than us.

Yes, even I wonder it would be so good if we lived in Gokul Dham Society. Let’s make our society like a Gokul Dham Society. And talk to each other let’s not forget social media was made to bring world closer.


  • Start interacting with students in your class.
  • Open up to people about your feelings.
  • Adapt to surrounding.
  • Set a limited time you spend with devices.
  • Visit places with friends and family.
  • Make new friends.