Impact of Fashion Industry on Environment
*Ashutosh Raj Anand
The fashion industry deeply impinges on the nature of the environment. The salubrious environment which is an important precondition for human health and prosperity go for a toss due to the massive impact engendered by the fashion industry on our environment. The fashion industry is booming and there are various factors that can be attributed to this boom. One factor which is very illustrative is the huge drop in garment prices. This veritably has brought in a drastic change in consumers behaviour. The fast-fashion trends have resulted in consumers purchasing clothes with reckless abandon and without bringing into the equation the impact it brings on the environment. The mass production of cheap and disposable clothing spur the consumer to purchase more and more to satiate the unquenchable desire created by the market! In the name of fashion, countless new collections are produced each year – thus burdening the impact on the environment – courtesy of the unstoppable
egregious trend. The fast-fashion certainly is proving to be the death warrant for mother earth. It must be noted that the fashion industry is a major water consumer. Some of the data, appertaining to the industry are downright appalling. It is stated that it takes almost ten thousand litres of water to produce one kilogram of cotton! What is really worrisome is the wastewater generated by the fashion industry. A considerable proportion of wastewater produced around the world can be ascribed to the fashion industry. Most of the wastewaters from the industry are discharged untreated and as it merges with the river, groundwater or any other water streams; it renders them contaminated and poisonous. This noxious water directly impacts various flora and fauna found in the aquatic ecosystem. As per the data, the textile industry is a major contributor of polluter of rivers around the world. The untreated
toxic wastewater from the industries is dumped directly into the river. These wastewaters, which consist of various poisonous substance such as arsenic, lead, mercury, to name a few, are rampantly used for agricultural purposes; and most of us, unfortunately, consumes foods grown from the contaminated water. It is no surprise that various diseases such as cancer are on the rise as there is the exponential growth of not only cancer but various disease which can be linked directly and indirectly with water contamination. It is therefore very important that in the era of consumerism, we should exercise our discretion and show prudence when it comes to purchasing clothes. What ought to remember is the fact that – more we show indiscretion and tend to flow with the trend as set by the fashion and fashion industry; the more we would be culpable of contributing to the pollution of water and thus our environment.
Our action would precipitate doom and ruination not only to ourselves but to the future generation too. The choice is ours!
Ashutosh Raj Anand