HOW TO COPE UP WITH TIRED  MIND (“Renew energy, revive strength”)

Why am I tired all the time?

Nowadays, people are working under hectic schedules finding it challenging to work actively throughout the day. To effectively re-energize the workforce, organizations need to shift their emphasis from getting more out of people to investing more in them, so they are motivated and able to bring more of themselves to work every day. Albert Einstein one of the most famous scientists, never remembered his ten-digit phone number. He felt that memorizing those digits was a waste of energy for him, he would rather use this energy to memorize more important things. Some of your daily habits unbenounced to you might also be draining your energy levels.

These habits includes: watching television for long hours, overeating and compulsive complaining.

Try these self-help tips to restore your energy level:

1. Control Stress:

    Stress induces emotions, it can lead to anxiety, irritability or lack of motivation.
  • Excessive stress has long-lasting effects on energy levels. Stress is mainly caused due to the hormone adrenaline and cortisol.For reducing stress start taking deep breaths.
  • You can also talk to your friends or family, that will help you drain your stress levels.
  • You can also opt for yoga or mediation therapies.

2.  Control load:

  • Overloading yourself with work may also lead to the condition of fatigue. So list the work according to your priorities and pay less attention towards the less important one.
  • Don’t overwork with your body.

3.  Avoid Smoking:

There is a substance present in tobacco called nicotine that increases the heart rate and blood pressure which interrupts the sleeping cycle and make you feel inactive.

  • A smoker is significantly more fatigued and depressed as compared to nonsmokers. If a person quits smoking the nicotine level in the blood will gradually decrease and your body will feel reenergized due to the normal blood flow.

4.  Caffeine:

It is used as cognitive enhancer, increasing alertness and making your mind active.

  • So taking caffeine in right amount is effective for you or it may cause insomnia if taken in excessive amount.
  • Don’t make your body habitual of caffeine. When taken in right percentage it will show wonderful results on our body.
  • For those individuals who consume caffeine in excessive amount need to first cut off the caffeine consumption.

5.  Drink Water:

We know that our body is made up of 70% of water. Whether you feel tired or try to lose your weight the first thing you probably have been told is to drink water.

  • Now, you might be thinking whether water gives you energy or not? Drinking right amount of water prevents you from dehydration, which leads to tiredness, moody and sluggish.

6.  Expose yourself to sunlight:

Getting the morning sunshine will help you feel energetic throughout day.

7.  Eat often to beat tiredness:

Rather than consuming a large meal try to eat in small proportions throughout the day which will make you feel lighter and livelier.

Don’t stop when you feel tired, stop when you are done with the work

Stay alive, Stay active!!!!!!!