Girl Child vis-à-vis education

Education is a very crucial element that determines the fate of society. The hallmark of progressive society invariably hinges on the importance it attaches to education. For impressionable young people, the ‘right’ education goes a long way in moulding and developing the child’s personality. Education functions in a variety of ways. Imparting values, norms and socialization are some of the few crucial life lessons one learns via education. Having said that, it must be noted that education does not reach equally to members of the society as many cannot access education because of various reasons. Most notably, a major section of women cannot access education due to gendered specific restrictions. The patriarchal societal norms privilege the male child over the female child. As a result, a considerable number of female children does not get the same level of education as compared to male child. Many of them do manage to access education as they discontinue at the later stage because of marriage, childbirth, family responsibilities etc.

Pertinent to point out that a female child who is forced to leave the school adversely affects the overall growth and the development of society. It is really important that this issue must be addressed with sincerity and alacrity. Our reluctance to respond to this issue has already affected generations after generations of women. Their lack of education has militated against the interest of the child whom women mother. An uneducated mother definitely cannot do much for her child in her education.

We must not forget many in India who have led the crusade of child education. Savitribai Phule and Rambai Ranade were very prominent crusaders in recent times. They lead from the front in defining the path of women empowerment. Having said so, in contemporary times certain specific hurdles must be addressed. These hurdles do create quite an encumbrance in the path of women education and empowerment. The most important is tearing the shackles created due to the patriarchal setup in the society. These historically have remained the single most important hurdle. Only full-scale sensitization and behavioural change would beget the desired result. Girl child education is non-negotiable. Sustainable Development Goals unequivocally underscores women empowerment. It is time we heed the urgent need for girl education. Sushant University, one of best universities in Delhi-NCR, encourages this equality and creates an environment for women empowerment.