Augmented Reality (AR) is currently among the top five breakthrough technologies in the world. It is being tested and applied across multiple industries and business verticals. The ability of AR technology to change the visual engagement of customers with products, companies, and brands has made it the next big thing in the consumer experience domain.

Out of the various working applications of AR technology, its role in improving the hotel experience marks an unrestricted potential. AR technology has ample ways to transform the hospitality industry and make the guests feel more connected with their hotel rooms. In India, the hospitality industry is prepping up to welcome the adoption of AR technologies. Students from top hotel management colleges in Delhi, Kolkata, and Mumbai are being actively trained on how AR is set to influence the hotel business.

Hospitality Businesses and the Power of AR Technology

The business of hospitality is all about improving the experience of customers (guests). The success of a hotel depends on how it appeals to guests in both manners – visually and physically. With AR technology, the physical environments of a hotel can be improved. The living experience of a hotel or a resort gets uplifted with the presence of AR devices.

AR is also responsible to provide the right information to customers at the right place and time. Before the customer even asks for something, an AR device enables them with relevant and accurate information.

In addition to these benefits, the hospitality sector wants to leverage the power of AR technology for getting more insights from the customers. An Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) tool or a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) is being integrated with smartphone apps of hotel chains to help their customers share valuable inputs on how their hotel experience can become better.

Top 4 Ways of AR Changing the Future of Hotel Businesses

Hotel management colleges in Gurgaon, Delhi and Mumbai are already adopting new AR technologies and devices to educate their students. Here are some of the most striking examples of how AR technology can transform India’s hospitality industry in the near future.

#1 Augmented Hotels

To make the hotel environment more enjoyable, leading hotel chains in India are upgrading their premises with AR technologies. Hotels such as Holiday Inn are creating an AR experience that enables any customer to virtually yet realistically view the hotel from their smartphones through pictures, videos, and other multimedia.

#2 Gamification

Some hotels are making their AR improvements more interactive by creating games. An AR-based game that immerses the customer into the hotel is becoming a raging trend in the developed markets. These games are improving the brand value of hotels and helping them surpass the competition.

#3 Conversational Hotel Rooms

A peculiar transformation that AR technology has driven is the way the guests can interact with the hotel directly from their hotel rooms. AR devices such as print markers or interactive portraits are enabling the guests to connect with the hotel in an amusing fashion. People can use these devices and ask hotels to improve their hotel rooms during their stay.

#4 Beacon Technology

Beacon technology is the most impactful AR technology for hospitality businesses. With the support of Bluetooth connectivity, it provides information to customers after they arrive at a specific location. If a customer is in the proximity of a hotel, the hotel uses beacon technology to share information through smartphones. Hoteliers are also using beacon technology to develop virtual keys for automatically unlocking hotel rooms when customers arrive at the door.

Such endless opportunities allow hoteliers to make the most of AR technology. From delivering a delightful customer experience to improving a hotel’s back-office operations, AR is opening new ways of increasing revenues and reducing maintenance costs in the hospitality business.