Electronic devices have developed as we live in computer age so this e-device is essential for every one of us. Let us look at certain statistics!

Accordingto the digital eye strain report in 2016 in US females are more affected than man. As many as 90% experience digital eyestrain. Depending upon the light setting, angle posture, distance viewing, glare & infrequent blinking, digital eyestrain is developed in such a way its pathophysiology is multifactorial like dry eye, itching, foreign body sensation, watering, blurring of vision, sensitivity of bright light. Accommodative mechanism may usually cause blur vision, presbyopia, myopia and slowness of focusing. It may also affect vergence like NPC (Near Point of Convergence). American Optometric association, classified digital eye strain a group of ocular & vision-related problems which adds to prolonged use of desktop, laptops, mobile phones, tablets, e-readers.

According to the American Optometric Association the use of digital device for about 2 hours can lead to eyestrain. Diagnosing this eye strain may be with questioning the patient as to how many hours they use the device and also the practitioner should know the physiology of digital eye strain, and depending upon the diagnosis management and follow up should be carried out.

All this and much more is the knowledge and awareness gained as a student of Sushant University, one of the best universities in Delhi-NCR.



There are different kinds of management for digital eye strain (DES):

  • Correction of refractive error, astigmatism and presbyopia included.
  • Lubricating eyedrops.
  • Management of accommodation and vergence anomalies.
  • Blinking exercise.
  • Prescribing blue filter.
  • Correcting vergence anomalies.
  • Following the 20-20-20 rule.
  • Minimizing glare.
  • Reduced working distance and front size.
  • Adjusting the images of the parameters.
  • Awareness of using digital devices should be increased.

Ms Ramchuansangi Bawitlung

Master in Optometry

Sushant University