Creativity and Emotions

“There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns.” —Edward de Bono 


Everyone is born creative, when we are children, we are sent to play school and we play with crayons and draw whatever we imagine without following any set of rules like not to draw outside the line. However, as we grow older that crayon is replaced with dry ink and notebooks where we have to study chemistry, history and so on. During this process of learning we forget that emotional mind and that playful nature of ours is somewhere lost in fulfilling our academic goals. We need to get back to that creative mind.

And any art is pointless without passion. We have to get out of the boring systematic set of rules “to be followed guide” and do what we love and make a living by doing it.

You can’t let other people define the rest of your life and say you will be a joke or a failure, just by following your heart. Can you ? If you follow your heart, you will end up doing something of our own interest. You will end up happy and free, and not like a starving artist. Love your art and contribute to the society. Instead of wasting time letting others tell you, you are worthless and you can’t change the world. Without an open mind one can never be successful.  We just have to believe in what we can do and not on what we cannot do.  The important thing is to find a balance in life.


Just because we’re adults, that doesn’t mean we have to make our life all about work. Learn how play time can benefit your relationships, job and mood. Our innocent child emotion can seem like madness to one but it can be seen as something creative by the other person.

At the end of the day, the ability to broaden attention and the ability to narrow attention are both key contributors to creativity. One madness can be another individuals fuel for creativity. 


Based on a study by Forbes- the researchers from Australia and the Netherlands who partnered to write this study are calling for schools and universities to focus more on teaching creativity. Their study has found that creativity is a core competency across disciplines, which makes it crucial for future career success.

There’s something about living life with passion and intensity, including the full depth of human experience that is conducive to creativity.