College to Industry – A Smooth Transition

Transition is an on-going process that happens with the individuals at different stages. From College to Industry, it’s a lifelong learning and biggest transformation. This transformation marks the starting of the adulthood. Although, this transition from College to Industry is very exciting for a student because they get to earn money and become independent to decide their own expenses. But this, all comes with lots of responsibilities and duties. They have to sacrifice their carefree attitude of the campus and adopt the daily Industry routine. This transition, is very crucial and involves lots of planning.

Sushant School of Engineering and Technology, Sushant University ensures smooth transition from the University campus to the industry sector. We adopt a unique system that can open various opportunities for the students in the Professional sector. The students are put through various Industry Oriented Programs parallel to their Academics to gain the insights of the Corporate World.

Industry Oriented Programs designed by Sushant School of Engineering and Technology includes, various expert talk about the emerging technology, Projects based on current technology, research work, hackathon, Technical Summits, and many more. Students of the University are exposed to all emerging technology which helps them to decide their work domain.

The work culture in the IT Sector is changing drastically. The technology is evolving so fast. With the change in technology, the expectation of the recruiters is also increasing. Recruiters put much emphasis upon the technical skills of the students and competition is very high. Sushant School of Engineering and Technology, designs the curriculum to put emphasis on the emerging technology. The curriculum is revised frequently to meet the expectations of the recruiters. Emphasis on Research and Coding Projects, helps the students to present their research and to code their Projects. This strengthens the technical capability of the students.

Along with this various MOOC courses are given to the students to learn the emerging technology. School of Engineering and Technology, focusses on the technical growth of the student which helps them to crack the Interview and get placed. For the technical growth, we do have coding club, wherein students brainstorm the new project and code it in a team. The team building skill is also acquired by the students.

Another important and ignored factor in the student’s life is the Corporate Communication. For the smooth transition from the College to Industry Sector, requires efficient Corporate Communication, Presentation, Attitude, Team Skills, and Email Writing. We at Sushant School of Engineering and Technology, train the students to have a good corporate personality. This training includes all aspects of soft skill training be it be Email Writing, Presentation skills or Team Skills.

So, transition in a student’s life from College to Professional World, requires lot many sacrifices and planning. Students should learn to embrace the discomfort and step out of their comfort zone. Some of the key points that can make this transition easy are:

  1. Adhere to the work timings and deadlines
  2. Be respectful
  3. Be cautious while speaking
  4. Be presentable
  5. Manage your time and fight with the stress.

Samridhi Singhal

Assistant Professor – SET