
  Yoga is an ancient practice of mind and body that is originated in India. Yoga can be traced back to northern India over 5,000 years ago. It involves movement of body to promote mental and physical well-being. Yoga is commonly understood as a therapy or exercise for health and fitness, the goal of yoga …

Vaastu Shastra

Vaastu is governed by laws, decrees, and ordinances in the same way that every other subject is. Designing spaces that are most perfectly suited to the function and purpose of a location, dwelling, or business is the goal of the ancient Indian philosophy known as vaastu shastra. The first book on this subject is thought …


700 miles in an hour Elon Musk’s ultra-high-speed rail (UHSR), hyperloop. It is the ambitious speed goal of Hyperloop that could result in time-space shrinkage, making distant cities more accessible with significantly reduced travel times. The scoop of the year Mumbai-Pune Project The Pune-Mumbai hyperloop project is a proposed state-of-the-art transportation project that would use …

Architecture of hope: The Introduction

In this series, Associate Professor Aditi Padhi from School of Art and Architecture explores the idea and phenomena of HOPE through the lens of Architecture, built- environment, cityscapes, cultural artifact and the individual.                      Ref: Hope, literally meaning to await some occurrence or outcome,” is …

Faculty Development Programme on Blended learning and its tools for effective teaching

Faculty Development Programme on Blended learning and its tools for effective teaching 25th July, 2022-29th July, 2022 School of Health Sciences has organized a 5 days Faculty Development Program on Blended Learning and its tools for effective teaching which was scheduled between 25th July 2002 to 29th July, 2022 The sessions of FDP focused on …