Building sustainable and livable cities and communities post COVID-19

The COVID-19 epidemic has foisted a huge blow on all global husbandry, and metropolises are at the van of the extremity. A failure to alleviate the grim realities of the epidemic has stressed the deep vulnerabilities and inter liaison between health, social, profitable and environmental systems in metropolises. With further than 100 countries across the …

Trip to Rishikesh

This is to share our experiences on our recent college trip to Rishikesh, ‘The Yoga Capital of the World’, organized by our own School of Engineering & Technology, Sushant University, top college in north India for engineering. This was the perfect trip to bond, destress while also have great fun along with our teachers & …

Industry-Academic Interface – A dynamic collaboration

A closely-knit collaboration between industry and academia supports improvement and helps ensure the industrial relevance of the curriculum. The hospitality sector, especially the hotels, though known to be moving hand-in-hand with the academia, tend to move faster, especially with regard to the adoption of new methods and that of bringing about changes in systems and …