No matter what people say or consider hospitality jobs to be like, the attraction, the charm, the appeal and the charisma attached to it are so great that it transforms you professionally and to a much larger extent, personally.

As to the latest trends, more and more young people have shown interest in joining the hospitality industry. Not only does it offer an element of fascination and glamour, it also  gives immense amount of satisfaction when one sees a smile on a customer’s face. It represents great victory and, as they say so many times in the hospitality industry – it creates for them a Moment of Truth.

Yes, the hospitality trade known for what it is, the working hours can be long, tiring and at times strenuous but it is rare that you’ll find someone with a hospitality job who doesn’t have a passion for it. Another adage that goes for the people engaged in this profession is – Once a Hotelier, Always a Hotelier…

Let us look at some reasons why careers in the hospitality can actually be great!

  1. You make people’s day…

Whether you work in front or behind the scenes, or even if you’re involved in the management of a hospitality business, every time you come into work you’re making someone’s day that little bit better. The hospitality business is all about people and to think of ways to make them happy.


2.  Hospitality business is creative…

Quite different from the regular industrial production units, no two days are ever similar in hotel operations. One is always busy in innovating and in creating new products – be that food, drink or an experience. The scope of creating something new is always a matter of great pride as there is a lot of scope to do that – changes in service design can be brought about overnight, as against product design which has to first put in the drawing board and then deliberated upon.

3. Hospitality throws open doors to the world…

People the world not only meet people from across the societies of the world but also get to over travel for tourism and business, eat, enjoy, and are exposed to new cultures all the time. Not only you as a hotelier get to know about hew ways of life, you also get to learn a lot about their preferences, peculiarities and behavior. Hospitality by its very nature is a key to discovering new countries, regions and the geography of the world.

4. It improves your mobility…

Getting bored with your job profile? Find it to be too routine? No worry at all…!! Hotels offer the freedom and the liberty for you to move into other departments. One can easily adapt himself/herself in new departments as the functionality of all work areas are closely linked to each other. Further on, if you have had enough of hotels, move into the travel trade, airlines, cruises, airports and service establishments all over the world. They are all engaged in the business of making people hapy. 


5. Go up the ladder at a faster pace…

Apart from there being a potential for a horizontal movement, one can make his/her way up the ladder very quickly. If you work hard, acquire your qualifications, get on with customers and colleagues, and show initiative, very soon, you will be noticed and you’ll find yourself in a senior position managing people and managing hotels.

6. It’s not a routine, 9 to 5 job…

in case you are used to the routine jobs that require you to get up at the same time every morning, getting ready in the same attire, catching the chartered bus or driving to work at the same time each day, then you must know that you are not cut for a hotel job. Hospitality jobs involve a great deal of variety, not only in terms of the hours you work, but also in the work you do during those hours.

7. It trains you as a better person to deal with the world…

Being for 8 to 10 hours in the company of guests, where you are required to smile, be courteous, stay alert and attentive all the time, brings about in you a very disciplined person and makes you ready to face the world. Besides, the way the hoteliers turn out as well-groomed people, makes them more acceptable in the society and people at large prefer interacting with them and developing closer ties.

8. Fringe benefits…

The hospitality people are there to make sure that their customers have fun and that they too, in return, get to enjoy some share of it with each other as employee perks. Getting special tariffs, getting to stay in hotels at highly discounted rates, where accommodations are most likely to be upgraded and a few extras are thrown in by the managers as a special gesture of camaraderie are the perks that the people in the other industries hardly get to enjoy. Besides this, you get to meet or to see with your own eyes, heads of states, celebrities, film stars and other famous people, which for some people is a privilege that remains but in a dream.

9. It’s a great atmosphere…

Clean and beautiful environment, well done lobbies, restaurants, conference halls with the best of cuisines, travelling in style make the hospitality establishments as the best places to work in. This also instils in the hoteliers the will to keep their homes neat and tidy, to serve their guests with complete professionalism and to bring about a smile on their face as well.

10. The trade will flourish and survive forever…

Which industry has seen a growth of 400 % in just three decades? Which industry gets for a country the biggest chunk of foreign exchange? Which industry gives employment to the maximum number of people in a country…? It is obvious that it is only hospitality and nothing else. People engaged in this trade have always grown abd have satisfied all their ambitions.