Behind every Woman is… herself

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Women are more fitted than men to make exploration and to take bolder actions” in support to which, the recent saying by Michelle Obama “No country can flourish if it suppresses the potential of women”, fits appropriately and, indeed very befittingly.

At Sushant University, till as recently as last year, all the seven schools were being headed exclusively by lady professors. This couldn’t definitely have been out of choice, neither was it a coincidence; it was by a sheer display of their being pertinent, fitting and suitable, not only for the job but also by virtue of their ability to forecast the best ways to explore and to nurture the potential of the students, the faculty members and, indeed, the expectations of the society and those of the stakeholders.

The menfolk of the University, despite a few of them having invested more number of years at work, (and, in some cases, added a lot of them to their lives) have, without expressing any ray of oppression or subjugation, associated themselves sportingly with the ladies and have stood shoulder-to-shoulder to unitedly realize the vision and the mission of the University.


Mary Curie, the most famous inventor of olden days, in what was understood to be one of the strongest quotes of those times said,” We ladies must believe that we are gifted for something and that thing, at whatever cost, has to be attained.”

Says one of the lady professors of the University with a smirk on her face, “Here, we have every right to prove a point and, at times, also enjoy the privilege to fight it out”. The ‘Privilege to Fight’ can only be present in an atmosphere where equivalence prevails and the righteous opportunity is given to all and that feature is abundantly predominant at the Sushant University. This amply endorses the saying – “Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacity”The Vatel Hotel and Tourism Business School has experienced that in most of the cases, the hotels prefer to offer career opportunities to the girl students over the boys due to their quick adaptability to handle customers and to gain in order to their confidence. “In my mind, the lady executives understand the subtleties of service industry more than the gentlemen do and that is the reason why we see many ladies assuming posts of general managers vice presidents in several national and international chains.” Says the GM of a an international hotel chain.


Ayn Rand, in one of her speeches of the fathomless virtues of ladies said – “The question isn’t who is going to allow me; it’s who is going to stop me…”