Personal Brand building is imperative in today’s world and can make you stand out in your spheres of influence. People around you develop perceptions of you, which gets noticed with time. These can include what you’ve really built around yourself as a brand fortuitously. You can take control of this, to build your personal brand …
Must Read! How B.Tech Cyber Security is key to 3.5 million job opportunities by 2021?
Cybercriminals will make 3.5 million new and unfilled cybersecurity occupations by 2021, compared to a whopping 1 million job openings alone in 2016. These facts depict an enormous expansion of 350 percent in a span of five years. Furthermore, with that expansion comes some genuine cybersecurity income commitment and to serve the requirement, organizations are …
Is It Worth Having MBA Degree For An Engineer?
If you are an engineer, then at the last stage of your graduation there may be hundreds of questions revolving around your head, to keep yourself on the technical side or move to the management field. These two questions are the most pertinent to every potential engineer. It leaves them in dilemma to choose between …
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Why Law is a popular career option? Law is one of the most popular career choices in our country from a very long time especially for those whose families have been into this profession for generations but this ideology is changing and those who do not have a family of lawyers are opting for law …
Current Scenario of Hospitality Management Job Opportunities
Increased Employment Opportunities If the International Labour Organisation’s unemployment figures are to be considered, then a trend of the stable lower unemployment rate in Indian context can be observed in the past decade. This could be attributed to several flourishing industries that have recorded remarkable growth in this country. Not to mention the success of …
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A Comprehensive Overview of the Past, Present & Future of Design
The concept of expressing information through design had been prevalent in global societies since the ancient times. However, it was only in 1836 that design was accepted and approved as an independent academic discipline. Since then, people associated with the field have been known to create visual solutions to communicate ideas and information. Another common …
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Have You Tried These Things at B-School in Your Leisure Time?
The best b schools in India offer much more than a conducive environment to learn all types of strategies for the business. These business strategies are not taught to them in a classroom lecture but a case study mode of operation is employed to teach nuances of the business. The case study mode of teaching …
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Five Reasons Why Law Courses Are Better?
The last decade has seen a whole army of students opting for professional courses over the conventional undergraduate courses. The professional courses are becoming more and more popular with more students opting for it as it’s offering better future options in comparison to the conventional degree courses. The professional degree courses help you learn about …
Huge Demand for Cyber Security Professionals? Why is B.Tech in Cyber Security (CSE) the only answer?
A big question these days is that why there is a talent shortage when it comes to the much needed Information Security? There have been a number of reports being shared by top market research companies and one report conducted by Frost & Sullivan for the (ISC)² Foundation with the support of Booz Allen Hamilton …
Five Important Things To Consider While Pursuing Engineering Courses
Most aspiring students seem to be confident that having a strong knowledge of Mathematics and Science is enough to become an engineer and successfully complete their engineering course. It is a common perception that strong academic foundation will help them gain admission to the best college in Gurgaon, where they will acquire the other …
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