A smile is a curve that sets everything straight

“Mom, I’ve got friends coming over for my birthday. What can we do to look after them?” says excitedly the young, 6-year-old girl. “Let us create something sensational for them, something that they will remember for life.” Says enthusiastically the starry-eyed girl. This 6-year old child, in professional hospitality terms, is performing a business function. …

Bloom’s Taxonomy and Critical Thinking

Education is facilitating learning and acquiring the values, skills, morals and personality development. There are many methods of getting the right education like story-telling, teaching, training, discussion and research. It helps the student to develop its critical thinking towards a search and bringing out new paradigms in it. It motivates the student to ask questions, …

Growing demand of cyber security professionals: perspective for engineering aspirants

Whereas adoption of digital technologies has revolutionized the way businesses, governments and societies function, their usage has given rise to multitude of vulnerabilities and hence exponential increase in impact of cyber-attacks. These attacks have evolved substantially over the years. This evolving nature of attacks poses tremendous threat to ICT based Government services such as e-governance, …