A hotel management course at the Sushant University, by virtue of it being associated with a world renowned French hospitality school, Institute Vatel is renowned to be one of the premium institutes in the Indian subcontinent.

Hospitality management, due to its main characteristic of encompassing all that is directly and indirectly concerned with the daily lives of human beings, stands to be a vast and enormous domain. At a superficial level, it though might just mean making people happy and comfortable, we see that in its modern version, it has undergone a revolutionary innovation, improvement and modernization, thus positioning itself as a sector that generates employment for millions of people and favorably affects the economies of the world. Hospitality has now become the science of art and the art of a science.

The expansion of its realm, with regard to its main divisions, sub-divisions, has acquired a wide domain and the amount of human resources to whom, besides careers, it throws open several avenues of entrepreneurship are indeed phenomenal.

The credentials of resources connected with hospitality range from highly experienced doctors and professors, to semi-literate, semi-skilled or even unskilled people in which age is no bar, neither any limitation. They all add value to tourism in some way or the other and play their own little part which leads towards adding to the exchequer a remarkable amount of foreign exchange.  This shows that it is possible to chart out a career in hospitality not only in any of the vast domains that it offers but also at whatever point in time a person might choose to do so.

Although there is no set rule or a parameter which defines the ability of a person to join the world of hospitality, the main pre-requisite, though, irrespective of whether he or she already possesses these values or gets to acquire them over a certain period of time, stands to be absolutely necessary. One main such quality needed in people connected with hospitality, which, in some people, might also be inherent as a God’s gift, is the love, regard and respect for people, from which spring out the virtues of care, attention and concern, thereby making the customer happy and bringing a smile on his face. “Why would I not come to India again, and, the next time I will do it with all my friends, and show them ways to make people happy and comfortable?  Is an authentic guest comment shared by a reputed travel agent.

The moment people think of travel the following people get connected immediately or in the due course of time:

  1. Travel trade
  2. Airlines
  3. Immigration and customs staff
  4. Cruise lines
  5. Railways
  6. Luxury coaches – like Palace on Wheels, Maharaja Express etc.
  7. People at airport, including security
  8. Banking and foreign exchange
  9. Travel and health insurance agencies
  10. Transporters – cars, coaches and other means
  11. Cellphone connection providers
  12. Hotel staff including receptionists, bell staff, managers, chefs, housekeepers, waiters and servers, and several others which perform their functions behind the scenes
  13. Monument guides and ticket vendors
  14. Translators and simultaneous interpreters
  15. Artisans and manufacturers of handicrafts
  16. Singers and dancers
  17. Entertainers, puppeteers, magicians, snake charmers, fire eaters
  18. Doctors and physicians
  19. Convention center management staff
  20. Safety and security staff
  21. Healthcare and self-rejuvenation professionals

What should one do to be successful in the world of hospitality?

  1. People Pleased to Please People: The hospitality trade boasts of recruiting resources who have the aptitude to nurture good inter-personal skills, are courteous and are always ready to offer their personalized, warm service with a smile.
  2. Personal care and Hygiene: The people you come across in this trade would be conscious of their hygiene, sanitation, health and wellbeing.
  3. Pleasant personality: Hospitality resources present themselves in the best, clean attire and present their courteousness and politeness in order to ensure that their customers patronize them forever.
  4. Good communicator: – Hospitality resources are well behaved, soft spoken people and present themselves to be attentive listeners as well. Hospitality management people are usually proficient in foreign languages.
  5. Quality to pre-empt customer needs: It is a moment of truth to see the requirement of a guest being met even before he/she has asked for it and people engaged in hospitality are renowned for it.
  6. Strong and a resilient personality: Understanding guest behavior and handling irate guests with tact and diplomacy are one of the greatest skills of hotel professionals.
  7. Awareness of the hotel laws and current events: Guests need to be told nothing but the truth and the managers should be, in order to strike a cordial conversation with the guests be aware of what is happening in the world, especially the country to which the guest belongs.