In order to cope with the soaring population, along with hyper-urbanization, globalization, and economic instability, urban planners are now focusing on smart cities. A smart city utilizes the concept of leveraging upon technologies and connected data sensors in order to proliferate in terms of city operations and infrastructure. This process usually includes the management of assets, transportation systems, power plants, civil bodies, and other services. According to a study as per Navigant Research, the global market for smart cities is expected to reach up to $225 billion within the upcoming decade!

What is crucial for the transformation of a city into a smart one? Connected technologies and IoT solutions. This two-fold factor helps enhance the quality, performance, and interactivity of urban services. The components of smart cities and are as follows:

  1. Smart Infrastructure

Post enrolling in an urban planning course, one can delve into the nuances of smart urban infrastructure, which include:

  • Smart Lighting: With the advent of smart lighting, authorities and planners can keep a real-time tab on the same to ensure optimized illumination and deliver demand-based lighting in multifarious zones. Smart lighting can also be utilized in daylight harvesting and saving energy.
  • Connected Streets/Lanes: Connected and smart streets can help in acquiring data and delivering relevant information and services to and from devices, which includes traffic, roadworks, and so on. This way, resources are managed efficiently and the urban landscape improves for the better.
  • Smart Parking Management: This system can be used to find vacant vehicle locations at various public spaces. One can also employ In-Ground Vehicle Detection Sensors in order to revolutionize smart parking management. Wireless sensors are also embedded in parking spaces, which transmit data regarding the timing and duration of the space used.
  • Connected Charging Stations: Smart infrastructure also includes implementing charging stations in parking systems, city fleets, shopping malls and buildings, airports, and bus stations across the city. Electronic vehicle (EV) charging platforms can be integrated with IoT to streamline the operations of EV charging and addresses the impact of the power grid.
  1. Smart Buildings & Properties

Smart buildings utilize different systems to ensure safety and security of buildings, maintenance of assets and overall health of the surrounding.

  • Safety and Security Systems: This includes the implementation of remote monitoring, biometrics, wireless alarms, and IP surveillance cameras. This helps solve the issue of unauthorized access to buildings and thefts. It also includes Perimeter Access Control in order to stop access to restricted areas of a property and detect individuals unauthorized areas.
  • Smart Garden & Sprinkler System: Smart sprinkler systems with connected technologies and cloud can be used to water plants while keeping the appropriate quantity in mind. These kinds of smart garden devices are also capable of performing tasks of the likes of measuring soil moisture and level of fertilizer, helping save on water bills, and maintaining grass growth levels.
  • Smart Heating & Ventilation: These systems help monitor numerous parameters such as temperature, vibration, humidity, and pressure in cinema theatres and historical monuments. These sensors also collect data in order to optimize and improve the efficiency and performance of certain systems.

Hence, when urban planning is armed with a focus on developing smart cities, enormous opportunities can unravel!