Considering health sciences as a career move? It can be challenging to delve into a career that isn’t considered conventional in our country. However, you need not worry, as degrees such as Bachelor Of Optometry are gaining popularity and the requirement of professionals holding these degrees is also rising substantially. Health sciences include a wide variety of verticals, occupations, and specializations within those. In this piece, we’re going to discuss the market value of a professional degree in health science.

What is Health Sciences?

Health science refers to a large group of disciplines related to the delivery of health care to humans and animals through the application of science, engineering, mathematics, and technology. In other words, it is the field in which knowledge is taken from pure science and other related sources and applied to practical and clinical practices to maintain and improve the health of living beings. There is virtually an endless number of branches to Health Sciences which gives options to really explore your calling.

Health Sciences Careers

Working in the Health Sciences professionally will first and foremost require you to obtain a professional degree like Bsc in Cardiovascular Technology or a relevant degree you choose for a specific specialization. Working in Health Sciences could lead you to two types of career moves: patient-oriented and research-oriented.  If you wish to embark upon Health Sciences as a career, one thing is for certain: you should be on top of your communication skills and attention-to-detail.

The importance of Health Science as a career is on the rise, as the life expectancy of the general population is constantly rising. The Health Science department across the world has seen a drastic 12% job growth rate in the past 10 years and this rate is only expected to rise.

The Health Sciences encompass a wide range of jobs to fit practically every personal interest and personality type. To find the best-suited job, it is important for students to have a clear understanding of their professional and lifestyle goals, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. Depending on their preferences and abilities, the market value of their jobs is determined, along with the median salary of each job.

Education requirements for a successful career in the Health Sciences depend heavily on an individual’s ultimate career goals. Those seeking to become physicians, for example, will normally spend four years completing an undergraduate degree, followed by four years of medical school and, depending on the speciality, three to eight years of internship and residency programs. On the other hand, a career as a physician’s assistant will normally require an undergraduate degree followed by two to three years of post-graduate study leading to a master’s degree. Almost all professional careers in the health sciences mandate some level of postsecondary degree or certificate, with many requiring a master’s degree.

The market value of Health Science degrees has been a topic of discussion in the industry and across various verticals that use their services. The meteoric rise in the significance of healthcare is only supposed to rise with the complications in the lifestyle, as well as, the rise in life expectancy. A career with Health Science is the way forward for those who believe in the sanctity of human life and want to help the community grow into a healthier outfit.