An innovation space is defined as a place dedicated to stimulating the creativity of users, where innovation projects take advantage of the availability of adapted environments and resources allowing prototyping and creativity. It takes a significant shift in thinking to switch from day-to-day work to the business of transformation and change, so innovation spaces are often designed to inspire the energetic exchange of ideas and provide the means by which to test and play with the new concept.

To create an innovative space right size of the area is decided for great innovative spaces. Through the right size, we can decide how many people a place should be designed with proper furniture to it. The placement of movable furniture made it easier to make a space more innovative, as we can change their placement which gives innovation to a space. Modular and mobile components and furniture make that possible. Equip the space with such movable components. When we include movablefurniture in an innovation space, a major speed bump in the workflow is removed and makes it easier to concentrate on finding unique solutions and getting things done. Outfitting the innovation space with plenty of technology makes it a modern innovative space.

The technology choice certainly depends on the type of space and the purpose of the space. Minimizing the clutter is important. Clutter is distracting. The sense of disorganization that permeates a cluttered workspace affects people’s happiness and productivity. To minimise cluttering, go wireless, invest in storage solutions, corral and hide the power cords, go paperless, and minimize items on horizontal surfaces. Adding colour for inspiration.

Colour is an essential addition to an innovation space. It communicates the sense of atmosphere that can affect your usersin a variety of ways. If the walls, furniture, and floors are permeated by neutral greys and tans, users can feel uninspired and sluggish for no apparent reason. If dark colours dominate, users can feel tired. To keep users energetic, engaged and productive, punctuate the innovation space with areas of bright colour. The space is decorated with natural materials and textures. Natural accents such as exposed concrete, brick, wood floors, wood beams, and painted steel are simple natural design elements that bring the outside in, boost morale, and inspire users to greatness. Soften Innovation Spaces with plants – both Large and Small. All these elements are required for a space to be more Innovative for the users.


(By Ishika Gupta, M.Des ID)